Requested: Stay With Me

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Requested by Kohnnieloverforever

Sometimes we think people change, but then they remove their masks to reveal that the monster that was behind them before. But the most depressing part about it all, is that we let our guards down. If we kept our guards up, then maybe, just maybe, this wouldn't of happened. We would've protected ourselves from the pain that came with knowing the monster was still there. In this case, it was with my boyfriend of two years, well ex-boyfriend. On top of having to come home to an abusive ex-boyfriend, I decided that today would be the best time to let him know that I'm leaving. With the constant punches he throws both physically and emotionally, it made it hard for me to pick up the pieces afterwards, especially when it's been happening for two years. Hell, he even raped me! But honestly, I was too frightened to know what would happen if I were to break this screwed up connection. Now that the fear of what could happen left, it was either now or never to stop this.

4:52 PM:

Once I got to his house, I stumbled out of the car and managed to get into the house without getting myself locked out. I thought this would be something that'd happen only once, but nope. Upon entering, I noticed broken beer bottles that surrounded the tiled floor and a hole in the wall next to the front door. Well, what a great way to make people feel welcome into a home. Thankfully, his parents were on a business trip. It was hard to move around the broken glass, but I managed to get to his room and saw him asleep on his bed. The black sheets tugged his body well, and he had one of his hands dangling off the bed. Damn, and I thought I fell in love with this guy. Courage came over me, and I yelled his name. He woke up instantly.

"Emily, babe. You were supposed to be here at eight tonight, but if you want to get to it early, we can," Andrew flirted with a wink to try and seal the deal with me, but I wasn't convinced.

"If you want to get it on early, you might as well fuck your pillow," I sneered. Andrew's eyes turned from brown to black in the matter of seconds, and stood right up before me. He must be trying to intimidate me. He started to walk towards me, and pushed me against the wall, and started to kiss my neck.

"If you don't want to explain to your parents why it's hard for you to walk tomorrow, I suggest you keep that sexy mouth shut. I'm not going to let a slut like you tell me what I should do," Andrew threatened. I felt a wave of fear overtake my body, and I wanted to get out before he could do anything to me. I tried pushing out of his grasp, but he managed to put his hand over my mouth and dig his nails into my side. The pain was so horrible that it made me start to grow weak and fall over, but what followed would remain with me for as long as I live.

11:49 PM:

Without an alarm having to wake me up, my eyes opened and there was no light in sight, but what I did hear was slight snores coming from Andrew next to me. That fucking son of a bitch did this to me again. I'm so fucking done with him. I got up and put my clothes back on before getting out of there before he wakes up and realizes I'm gone. I got out of the house and drove back home. Being with my family isn't where I want to be right now, but at this time of night, I guess they're all I have. Fifteen minutes and twelve songs later, I arrived home and noticed that the front porch light isn't on, which means that I'm going to have to go through the back. For some reason at 11:30 PM, they lock the door and force me to walk through the back instead because they're too lazy to get off their asses to open the door. I get through the side gate to the backyard, and my dog came to greet me.

"Hi, Lucy!" I greeted trying to put on a warm smile, while I scratched her head and ears. Lucy is a golden retriever with the biggest heart. She always knew how to calm me down during my hardest points, especially right now with my asshole of an ex-boyfriend. Technically, I did break up with him, but he just wouldn't accept it. After spending a few minutes with Lucy, I went to the back door and let the both of us inside. Within the first second of being in the kitchen, the cold air hit my skin instantly and sent shivers down my spin, despite the green jacket I'm wearing to cover my arms. All the lights are off downstairs, so I decide to go upstairs to lay down and reflect on what just happened. It's such a habit for me to do so. I get into my room and collapse on my bed, letting the warm comforter underneath me when I fall. I put in my headphones and let A Day To Remember's "Here's To The Past," echo through my ears to help relax me. By the time the song ended, I heard heavy footsteps come down the hall and a knock at my door. Damn, it's my mom. Instead of going to open it, I'll just let her barge in. At this point, I'm too lazy to do anything. I just want this day to be done. Three knocks later, my mom enters the room with her veins popping out of her forehead and redness taking over her tan skin. 

"Where the hell were you?" My mom asked aggressively to the point where it made me think she's ready to swing a punch at any minute. I felt a knot tie up in my throat, and my throat ran dry. I can't tell her what actually happened - she has no sensitivity. She wouldn't care. She'd just call me a slut and walk off.

"I was at a friend's house," I stated with fear evident in my eyes. I was making myself look weak in front of my own mother. I could tell from a hint in her eyes that I was lying. 

"You might as well get off your own ass, and try and convince yourself," my mom furiously barked at me. I knew that was coming, but this has gone too far. First, the thing with Andrew, and now my mom won't get off me about this; I'm done. I walk out of the room with my mom trying to barricade me from going anywhere, but she doesn't do much else. She just threatens with the usual words, but nothing can change my mind of my goal: Getting out of this hell hole. I shoved my mom's arms and sprinted downstairs and out the door before she could catch me. Moments later when I was in the car, my mom peered out the blinds of the window and watched me leave. She obviously didn't care enough to come after me. I got out of the neighborhood, and I went downtown to try and find some peace and quiet. I arrived downtown and parked outside of the coffee shop, but all that was open were a bunch of bars that I wasn't allowed to be in. I walked around the area just listening to the live music in the bars and taking in the wind that flew my hair around. I felt alone, but I can't think of a time I wasn't alone. I dated Andrew because I was desperate and look where that got me. If I could afford my own place, I would've moved out of my house long ago. But now here I am, just alone as ever. 

"Hey, are you alright?" A gentle voice asked. Since the voice was gentle, I was taken aback and I looked towards the silhouette. It was hard to see the person in the dark, and the man came towards me with his hands in his pocket. The streetlights helped me notice what he looked like: floppy blonde hair, brown eyes, tall, pale, a Neck Deep T-Shirt and black skinny jeans. He's cute. 

"Oh, um, yeah. I'm fine," I mumbled. He nodded, but didn't seem to believe me.

"You sure? You look upset." 

"Seriously, I'm fine." 

Silence overtook us for a minute. 

"Why don't I take you home? It's getting cold." Kyle offered. 

"I'd rather not be home. I'm fine here."

"Well, then come back to my place. Maybe we can talk about this?" 

I thought about it for a minute, and I politely said yes, earning a smile from the boy. 

"My name's Kyle, by the way." 

We drove to his house, and I found out so much about him. After talking about my problems, he offered for me to sleep on his bed and he'll take the couch, but the outcome was the opposite of what he offered. He kissed my head before going to his room and falling asleep. This is gonna be the start of a beautiful friendship. 

Six Months Later

Since the encounter we had downtown, we started to hang out every day. We always met up at our cafe whenever we had the chance, and we would stroll the mall to spend our paychecks from work. He truly knew how to make me feel better in the worse of times. He became my escape from a broken home, and not to mention my broken heart. And now I realize that I might be in love with Kyle. Might? More like definitely. Since I realized this, our interaction was minimal because I wasn't sure if I was going to blurt anything out. But Kyle managed to get me to hang out with him. One evening, Kyle and I were watching Psych and eating pizza from Domino's for dinner, and although the interaction was minimal, we both could tell we enjoyed each other's presence - we always do. My heart fluttered at the sight of Kyle, and I couldn't take it anymore. I just want to kiss him without him saying a word, kinda like the movies. 

"You okay?" Kyle asked and waved a hand in front of my face. 

"Yeah. I'm fine." I responded and spun back into reality - the last place I want to be. His looks were killing me, and not to mention his adorable personality. Ugh, I know I have to tell him, so I guess it's now or never, "Um, I want to tell you something." With those words, Kyle tuned down the volume on the television set and focused his eyes on me. 

"I like you, a lot." I managed to choke out. Although the words were short and simple that cut to the chase, Kyle embraced me with his hands cupping my cheeks and brushing my skin. We kissed for a minute before he cut it off and said, "I've been waiting for you to say that." We went back to the kiss, which was more powerful than the first.

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