Requested: Signs

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Requested by elizabeth9595

There are people out there that want to be deaf to avoid the ignorant humans, but I can assert that statement. Being born deaf and having to be separated from others is the worst thing imaginable, because adults treat us like we're dependent on others to get through the day. When we're kids, of course we're going to be dependent; what kid isn't? But when we get old enough to comprehend the world around us, we can manage to get around it without aid. We don't need people to carry us through every obstacle. While ruminating in my thoughts, I pick up my laptop from the bottom right corner of my bed and search through photos on google images to pass the time and to distract myself from my thoughts. Thoughts are both powerful and misleading, because it often conjures up anxiety if we think about them for too long. That's why when I feel them coming on, I try to find something else to do to distract myself. 

I open up google docs on my internet browser and open up a new document, and I start writing whatever comes to mind. Sometimes it's not always optimistic stuff, because the world and mind can be a dark place. People say that we can think about what's gotten better within the past twenty years, but the media likes to alter our state of mind by explaining to us the deadly situations in our areas. I began writing and I kept going until I couldn't put my thoughts into words anymore, and then I scanned through the text to notice that I'm back on the thoughts about people with disabilities. I wish there was a way for me to publish this in the school newspaper or even online, but if I did, there will be people to oppose my thoughts. It happens every time. I heard a sturdy knock at my door and I closed my laptop out of instinct. 

"Sarah, come downstairs for a minute," my dad signed to me and I shrugged, before I plopped down off my bed and followed him downstairs. When I arrived in the kitchen, I noticed my mom was decorating a cake and also had the dining room dressed up nicely. I didn't know what was going on, so I cocked up an eyebrow out of curiosity and my dad noticed my confusion. 

"We're having the new neighbors over," my dad signed and I freaked out. I don't want anyone coming over to the house, especially when I'm wearing sweatpants and a T-Shirt with a messed up bun. I looked at my dad as if he was insane and he shrugged off my shocked expression. My mom went to get more frosting out of the cupboard and noticed that dad and I were in the room, and she put the frosting down on the table to sign to me.

"Go get changed. They'll be here in twenty minutes," my mom signed and I put a thumbs-up in the air to let her know that I understood. I went back into my room and scrambled to find something cute to wear. I mean, what if the new neighbors had a son and he was cute? I wanna look good and make a good first impression on him. After ten minutes of scrambling for an outfit, I decided to wear my high-waisted denim blue jeans and my Hard Rock Cafe shirt from Chicago along with a few bracelets to complete the outfit. I put on a bit more makeup and went downstairs to notice that the neighbors arrived a few minutes early. Everyone's eyes burned into me as if there was a spotlight on me casting my every move. I tried to avoid their stares by going into the kitchen, and my parents directed their attention back on the coffee they made for them. Entering the kitchen, I put my headphones in and started listening to music to pass the time until everyone came in here. I sat at the island and played with the salt and pepper shakers to pass the time until my little brother came into the kitchen to steal a cookie from the cookie jar. He motioned at me to stay quiet and I ignored him. He went back into the living room and I went back to silently wishing I could talk. Then, someone's presence showed up next to me and I freaked out. I fell over the stool and the guy helped me up and signing to me that he was sorry. We laughed for a minute at how clumsy I am, and then we both sat down trying to make conversation through signing. 

They're signing the entire conversation:

"I'm Jordan." 

"I'm Sarah."

"How are you?"

"I'm alright. How are you liking the neighborhood?"

"So far, so great." 

I smiled at him, and he smiled back at me. He must know how enthusiastic I am to have someone to talk to for once. 

"Do you like video games by any chance?"

"Yeah. I like some."

"Which ones?"

"Pokemon, Super Smash Bros, Kid Icarus, Luigi's Mansion. Stuff like that."

"Impressive. Someone who likes Nintendo is a friend for life by me." 

"Be honest, do you really wanna be here?"

"Not at first, but now that I've met you, I'm glad I came." 

I smiled at the fact that he said that in front of me. I feel like I'm annoying to most people because they have to put in extra time to learn how to sign, but Jordan made me feel great about myself. I think I found a new best friend. 

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