Socs and greasers

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Johnny and I continued to walk through the town. Johnny had a purpose in his walk as he was leading me somewhere. "Where are we going?" I asked.

He looked at me from the sides of his eyes and smiled. "To the DX"

I saw in the distance a sign with the words "DX" on it and knew that's where we were heading. I glanced behind me to see a nice Mustang trailing us. I thought it was nothing until they pulled up in front of us and got out forcing us to stop. There were four of them. They stumbled out of the car that was now parked next to a No Parking sign. The wind brushed past them, sending the smell of alcohol our way. "It's noon and they've already been drinking?" I whispered to Johnny. 

They were standing in front of us, causing us to stop. "Looks like we got ourselves a greasy romance!" One of the guys said. 

I glared at Johnny who was looking at the ground and rubbing his shoes in the dirt. "We're not a couple," I said trying to nicely walk around them. 

"Where do you think you're going, sweetheart?" Another one asked.

Two of them grabbed me and held onto me tight. "Hey! Get your hands off her!"

"What are you gonna do about it small fry?" They pushed me and coraled Johnny into the nearby alley.

I squirmed under their tight grip. One grabbed him as the other started punching him in the stomach. I went crazy yelling, screaming, fighting. I then broke loose from the two guy's hold and ran over the one beating Johnny. I jumped on his back causing him to stumble. The two boys then got their hold back on me. One holding each arm the guy I tackled walked over to me. 

"You sure shouldn't have done that little lady." He growled.

"Stop!" Johnny yelled still trying to break away from the guy's stronghold. "No! Don't hurt her!"

Then the guy slapped me across the face as hard as he could making me wince in agony. I didn't scream, though I wanted to. I didn't want to give them the satisfaction of hurting me. My vision went blurry and I could feel myself fading in and out of consciousness. Damn, he had a great slap. All I could hear was Johnny hollering as loud as he could. Then the guys let me go and I fell to the ground. I heard footsteps all around me and a car driving off. I didn't want to pass out so I tried shaking my head to keep me conscious. I laid on the ground a few more moments with my eyes closed to make sure I was fine. I felt okay except for the stinging on my cheek.

I felt someone shaking me which caused me to open my eyes. "Amber." It was Johnny. I sat up and rubbed my cheek. "Are you okay?" He asked

"Yeah, I'm fine, my cheek stings a little though. But I'll live." Johnny chuckled. "But what made them run?" I asked still facing the ground.

"We did." I turned behind me to see two boys looking down at me.

I studied them both up and down. One had dark brown hair and a tattoo. He was smiling down at me and to be honest it was a little creepy. The other was drop dead gorgeous. He had nice hair, deep blue eyes, and a set of teeth so perfect it would put a model to shame. He wore a concerned face but sit managed to look happy in a sense. I immediately felt self-conscious in the presence of him, but my head hurt too much to think about it. 

I stood up with the help of Johnny and stood there a little awkwardly. Johnny saw the awkwardness and introduced me. "Guys, this is Amber Peterson, her parents died so she came here for a fresh start." I winced a little at the frankness of the statement, but then when I remembered my parents were in fact, not dead, I waved and smiled at them both. "Amber, this is Sodapop Curtis. His parents died too and he lives with his two brothers." Johnny pointed to the very handsome boy who has been staring at me the whole time (which I don't find too weird considering I'm the subject of the conversation)." And this is-"

"Steve Randle at your acquaintance my lady." He stepped forward and took my hand kissing it. I chuckled and smiled at him. I could see him blushing.

"We both work at the DX" Soda started. "That's how we heard you two hollering." I nodded while looking at the ground not wanting to make eye contact with the cutest boy I've ever seen.

"So...." Johnny started, "Amber doesn't have anywhere to stay, and I thought she could stay with you guys."

I looked at Johnny in shock for inviting me into someone else's home without my consent. "Don't see why not, we have an extra bedroom." Soda's face instantly went into a smile. His smile made me want to melt. "I've always wanted a kid sister!" I felt glad I finally had something close to a sibling. Right now I need a family more than a boyfriend.

"Then it's settled," Johnny said. "The gang's got a new member!" 

"Speaking of the gang, they will surely be happy to meet you!" Steve said. I smiled unsurely of what waited for me in this small town of Tulsa, Oklahoma.

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