Dancing, Working, Thinking, and Loving

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I laid in Pony's arms trying to get him to not get out of bed, but it was too late. He climbed out of bed, into the sunlight that leaked in from the window. "Don't leave Pony." I whined.

He looked at me judgingly as he pulled on a shirt. "I would much rather stay in that bed with you, but I've got a job to get to and so do you!" He said as he buttoned his pants. "What time you gotta be there?" He asked.

"Nine." I answered also rolling out of bed.

I looked at him anticipatively and he sighed. "Are you gonna keep making me do this?" He asked turning around so I could change. "I let you watch me change." 

"And I thank you for that, but until I've gotta ring on my hand, you're gonna keep turnin'." I said.

I finished and he turned around. He came up to me and got on one knee jokingly. "Marry me!" He yelled with a big smile and messy hair.

"In your dreams Ponyboy." I said giggling.

He laughed and stood up, lifting me up into the air then throwing me back down on top of the bed. He fell with me onto the bed. He was propped up over me with his hands on each side of me holding him up. "I love you." He said leaning down and kissing me on the nose.

"I love you too." I said pecking him on the cheek.

He got up and walked towards the door. I sat on the bed for a few minutes then got up to lace up my shoes. I walked down the staircase into the living room. I heard a car horn as Pony ran out of the kitchen biting into a piece of toast. He quickly and swiftly kissed me on the cheek and said: "Don't wait up, me and Two are spending the night in that town, we will be back tomorrow around lunch time." and continued to run out the door to Two-Bit's car. Darry and Soda were already at work and I was once again left in the house alone. I went into the kitchen and poured myself some cereal, then went and sat down in the living room to eat. I looked around and something in the corner caught my eye. I glanced at the clock. 7:40. I had time to be interested. I walked over and got a better look.

An beat up radio sat in the corner collecting dust. I picked it up and brushed it off. On the side of it in permanent marker wrote:


Written in sloppy handwriting. He probably wrote it when he was like eight. I placed it on the kitchen table and tried turning it on. It flipped the on switch but nothing happened.  I looked at the battery box and pried off the top. Inside were old, crusty batteries. I scrapped them out and replaced them with some store in the counter drawer. I cleaned out the box and stuck the new batteries in. I once again flipped the on switch and out came the beautiful sound of sixties music. I smiled content and smitten of my doings.   The song "Diana" blast thru the speakers and filled the Curtis house with joyful music.

I got up from my seat and picked up the radio. I danced up the stairs and into the bathroom. I danced and sang into the mirror and laughed at how stupid I looked. I looked at my long curly hair that was everywhere. I pulled it back into a ponytail and looked down at the vanity counter. In the corner leaned up next to the mirror was a tube of lipstick. I reached for it and opened it up. It was a bright cherry red. Even though it wasn't mine, all the girls in this time wore bright lipstick, so I'm sure whoever is was wouldn't mind me borrowing it. I applied the lipstick then popped my lips as the chorus of the song played. I smiled and giggle then walked back down the stairs with the radio under my arm. 

I set it down on the living room coffee table and danced to the song foolishly. I would always dance back in my time, just in my room, and never in front of anyone. The song ended and another came on. It was catchy and a good song to dance to, so I did. I closed my eyes and moved my feet, probably looking like a psychopath, but it was fun. I twirled and skipped and did my best impression of a ballerina spin. Then as I did a twirl, I felt hands around my waist as another song came on. I opened my eyes. It was Dally. He spun me and took my hand in his and put his other hand on my waist like you would when slow dancing. But instead of slow dancing, me and him galloped together around the living room laughing and spinning and occasionally stepping on each other's feet. Then right before the song ended, Dallas dipped me. I laughed out loud while I was being held back, throwing my head back with joy. He lifted me back up and the song ended. I ran over and turned off the radio.

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