The light at the end of the tunnel.

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I was freaking out and so was Pony I could hear his breathing get heavy and him start to mumble. Suddenly moment before Ponyboy punched the doctor, I felt like I was having a panic attack. But it was incredibly painful. I heard the beeping machine speed up and the two of them stop arguing. I saw a light. Like what some people describe as "the light at the end of the tunnel". Out of all my days of darkness, I saw a light.


I was about to pounce on the doctor when Amber's heart machine started going crazy. We both stood there in shock for a second and then the doctor sprung into action and rushed over to her. He was checking charts and machines and using his stethoscope. I was frozen. I couldn't move, just like when she collapsed at Kimberly's house. No! Not again. I broke out of my trance and ran to her side and held her hand. "Move and shut up kid!" The doctor yelled.

I stayed next to Amber ignoring him. "Nurse!" He called. "Nurse!"

Tears clouded my vision for a few seconds before they fell out of my eyes. Suddenly the machine sounded one long beep. Just like in my dream. 

"No!" I yelled "Amber wake up!" I yelled.

The doctor started doing CPR on her. It looked like he was hurting her and out of instinct it punched him. "Move!" I yelled. Tears fell out of my eyes and I sobbed. All I could hear was the long beep. "No! No! No! No! You are not dying, you are going to stay with me Amber Peterson so help me god I love you!"


The light got brighter as I felt more at peace. There was peaceful silence until a voice that I vaguely recognized boomed into my head. "I love you! Don't die you can't leave me!" The voice pleaded. I know I heard that voice before, I just couldn't remember when...

"Amber please don't leave me here alone! Please don't make me bury another person I love don't make me do it!" The voice yelled. Even though I didn't recognize the voice, I felt like I wanted to help him. I wanted to remember who it was. I couldn't remember anything. All I knew is that someone didn't want me to go to that light ahead. For some reason I felt an urging reason to stay away from the light, to live. The voice continued to plead. "Amber, please we love you, I love you! If you can't find the will to stay for me, stay for Sodapop, your loving brother, or Darry, your overprotective friend, or Two-Bit, the guy who introduced me to you, or Steve, the guy who has had a crush on you since day one! Or goddamn it do it for Johnny! Do it for me Amber! Wake up for me!"

Then it all rushed back to me like a wave. The gang, Tulsa, Sodapop, Two-Bit, Steve, Darry, Johnny, Dallas and Pony. They were my reason to live. So I fought. I fought to stay alive, to stay with Pony and Soda, and Steve and Two-Bit and Johnny and Darry and Dallas. Soda had told me that so many people loved me in so many ways, and in that moment I decided I loved them too, and I was gonna fight like hell to stay with them. I saw the light get smaller and I fought harder, I was fading and getting tired. I just wanted it to be over. But I could feel Pony laying on my stomach crying, and I loved him, I couldn't leave him, not like that. I just had to move something. If I moved something, then I let him know I was there. But I could hear my surroundings, and to my surprise, I heard a flat line.

I was dead. I was legally dead. I wanted to give up so badly, but I wouldn't. And ya know why? Because over these past few weeks, people have told me that I'm one hell-of-a person. Apparently I'm a smart, kind, sweet, perty, caring, beautiful, tuff, kick-ass greaser, and I was gonna stay that way if I had to walk through hell and back! 

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