At the Broadway

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A young couple who was driving by a notorious area in our country's capital suddenly found their car broken. The guy gets out and tries to fix it but to no avail. He mentions something about a gasoline station a mile back. Before leaving to ask for help, he warns his girlfriend to always keep the car doors locked. After an hour, a man approaches the car and encircles it, scaring the girl. The girl honks the car horns as soon as the man started banging on the windshield. The man leaves, only to return twenty minutes later. He goes by the window and raises something in his right hand. Much to the girl's shock, it was her boyfriend's decapitated head. Then she was even more horrified by what he raises in his left hand: her boyfriend's car keys.

The next day, the police found her inside her car alone, screaming and laughing wildly, driven insane by some unknown terror.

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