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A while ago I was out camping, and we spent the week in a cabin. On the last day, I found a floorboard that wasn't nailed in. I pulled it up, and there was a notebook under it. It's taken a while to copy down everything in it, but here's the entire contents of it.

Jun 3, 2014 I figured since I'm going to be staying here all summer, I might as well keep a journal of some sort so I can show Bill, Allen, and John what I did every day. It's really the only way, since there's no reception here, wherever here is. Since today was the first day, we pretty much just set everything up out front, since there weren't enough bunks. Honestly, who would rather sleep out in a tent than on the floor?

Jun 4, 2014 Tyler and I decided to take a walk in the woods today. Somehow he managed to get lost, even though he was right behind me. We looked for about three hours, before he walked up behind me and complained that I had walked ahead. I asked him where he had been for the past three hours, and he said that he was literally right behind me a minute ago, and then he stopped to tie his shoe which had come undone. When he looked back, I was a little farther ahead and he had to run to catch up. The weirdest thing is, his watch was three hours behind mine.

Jun 5, 2014 Lucas says something was outside the tent last night. However, this apparently occurred while Tyler was gone to use the bathroom. That idiot thinks he can scare us by setting his watch back and making spooky noises at night. Other than that, he hasn't done anything like that today. In fact, he went out to the lake and we've spent the morning playing cards. When he comes back, we're gonna try to get him to stop.

Jun 6, 2014 Tyler came back from the lake when it was almost dark. His clothes were wet, even though he brought a pair of trunks. Must've been too lazy to walk five minutes to the camp and back. Today, nothing eventful happened. If we've already run out of things to do by day 4, Mark and Dean better take a trip out pretty soon to get some stuff or else we'll spend the whole summer mapping out the woods behind the campgrounds.

(There are a few pages that are ripped out)

Jun 12, 2014 Tyler is out in the woods again. He's been gone since this morning. Dean is out getting flashlights for everyone. It's getting dark, and we only have one. Mark's out looking for him with the only one we have right now. I swear to god if he's pulling this crap again and his watch is set back to when he went out, he's staying in the cabin for the rest of the month.

Jun 13, 2014 We couldn't find him, we searched all night. Lucas says he heard him, but he wasn't there. Mark and Dean think he just got tired of camping and walked back home. I feel really bad for Lucas, though. He's more upset about it than he wants them to know. He and Tyler have been really good friends since 1st grade, and the rest of us only joined this group a couple years ago.

Jun 15, 2014 Something's definitely going on. Yesterday I went out to look for him on my own at 1:00 pm. I actually found him around 1:30. He asked if we could buy more toilet paper, because the outhouse ran out, so I shouldn't use it. I told him he'd been gone for three days, and he said it'd only been 10 minutes. His watch was also three entire days behind. I didn't care what shit he'd been up to, he was back and he was safe. So I got back to camp and everyone was relieved that he was back, even if they were still mad at him. Then I heard something weird. "I can't believe you went out to look for him for a whole day." "What? I've only been gone for like, half an hour." But he was right. I've been gone for almost 24 hours. No one's going back into the fucking woods. Now that it's happened to me, I know Tyler hasn't been trying to scare us, at least not since after the tent thing.

Jun 16, 2014 Last night something was tapping on the cabin. Lucas and Tyler both say they stayed in the tent all night. It could've been both of them, but after the time skip shit, I'm ready to believe it was a monster or something. Dean and Mark don't want to leave, so we're pretty much stuck since they're the only ones who can drive. Tyler and Lucas want to move into the cabin for the rest of the trip, but the others won't let them. Hopefully things'll get back to normal tomorrow.

Jun 17, 2014 It was windy today, which is odd. There are rarely storms of any kind out here. Dean said the wind sounded like someone talking. He's decided to leave at the end of the month, and Mark agrees with him. Looks like the trip's cut short, which is a relief for Tyler and me especially since we actually had to deal with missing days. Might take a break from updating since all the "exciting" stuff seems to have passed. It's nice that I'll see you guys sooner than planned.

Jun 20, 2014 The wind hasn't stopped. It's quiet, but it's there. It's clearest by the lake. It almost sounds like talking down there. Good thing we're only spending like 10 more days here. The tapping on the cabin is back.

Jun 21, 2014 Last night Dean went out to use the bathroom and hasn't returned. This time shit is harmless, you don't even move from the spot you were in when you get teleported into the future or whatever. I just hope it doesn't last longer than Tyler's four day record, or who knows how long he could be gone. We aren't leaving without him, so I really hope he doesn't make us stay longer than we want to.

Jun 22, 2014 The air here suddenly feels wrong, somehow. I don't really know how to describe it. The wind stopped, but it still sounds windy. The tapping was random before, now it's spaced out intentionally, and it sounds like some sort of lullaby. It still only happens at night. I can't wait to get out of this place. If Dean gets back before the day we agreed on, we're just leaving anyway.

Jun 23, 2014 We heard him last night. Dean was outside, saying things. We went out of the cabin. No one was there. He kept talking. Lucas said something was wrong, and we should all get back inside. We did, and I noticed something. The tapping seemed impatient. Dean's voice swore outside. Something started walking towards the door. I locked it, and when the thing reached it, it couldn't open the door. Whatever it was walked away. Two taps followed, and then a bang. I don't know what this thing is, but it's mad at us.

Jun 25, 2014 Yesterday I went down to the lake and lost 6 hours. Nothing else happened until it got dark. I was on my way to the outhouse, and then Dean suddenly appeared in front of me. I told him he'd been gone for 3 days, he seemed a bit scared. He still had to go, so I let him first. While I waited, I heard the tapping sound again. The sound of wind came back. I waited 10 minutes before I knocked on the door. No one answered. I opened the door, and it was a fucking mess. Dean was dead. Something had ripped a hole straight through him. He was covered in claw marks. There were large chunks of flesh removed from his arms, like something had been eating him. There were boards carefully removed from the back of the outhouse. Whatever did this was close.

I turned around to run, but I saw it, or I saw something. Farther down the path, something was looking at me. I only saw a shape, a place where the darkness was darker than what was around it. I heard a voice that sounded like the wind, almost like a whisper. It told me to come closer. Then Dean's voice told me to come closer. Then Tyler's, then my own. Suddenly it was morning. Another fucking time skip, but this one might have saved me.

Jun 26, 2014 Dean's body is gone. The boards from the outhouse are still removed, and there is blood in and outside it. We're leaving as soon as we finish packing everything up. I'm not bringing this back home with me. I want to forget that this ever happened. If you find this, leave immediately. Nothing good can come of this place. There's a reason this campsite is so far away from the others, and no one ever comes out here. There's a fucking creature living in those woods, and this whole place belongs to it. I don't know what the hell the time skips are, but even if they aren't dangerous, they're creepy as fuck.

And that's where it ends. While I was out in the woods on that trip, I did see some things. Claw marks on trees, and an outhouse that had clearly been repaired sometime since then. While out in the woods, I thought I heard someone. I also heard wind even though there was none. And every night, I heard something tapping on the cabin.

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