Daddy loves me

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Daddy loves me very much.

Daddy made me my own pair of braces for my fifth birthday. Daddy told me not to show it to anyone, not even at school. Daddy said if I did, the bad man would come out and hurt me.

Daddy's braces were really cool. I saw them before they went in my mouth. It was all grey and hard and my mouth felt really cold when they went in.

Daddy told me if I opened my mouth it would hurt real bad. He was right. Daddy's right about everything.

Daddy made my braces have cool little pointy spikes on it. I really like them, but it makes my mouth bleed. Daddy told me if I opened my mouth, they would tear holes through my cheeks. I never opened my mouth. Daddy told me I was a good boy, and good boys don't open their mouths. Daddy wanted me to be a good boy, so he used a safety clip inside my mouth so it would be hard to open. He rubbed salt on the metal bit, too. It hurts, but I'm a good boy.

At school my teachers were really worried about me. I liked Mrs Johnson, but I think she was scared of me. She was scared because I didn't talk like other kids. I wanted Mrs Johnson to like me, so I asked Daddy after he took the clip off after I went home if I could take the braces off and talk to the other kids. The bad man came out. Daddy told me the bad man made my head hurt, after I woke up. Daddy told me I was a bad boy.

The braces made me bleed a lot. I couldn't open my mouth at school, so I had to swallow. When I came home and used the toilet it would be red. It smelled like metal, too. Daddy said the bad man would come out if I didn't clean the bowl. He did.

One day when I came home there were policemen outside my house. I wanted to go inside but a policeman grabbed me. The policeman was very nice. He asked me who I was, but I didn't open my mouth. Daddy told me not to open my mouth to policemen. The policeman told me to go home, and I tried to go inside again.

The policeman took me away in his car. I cried. I wanted my Daddy, but I didn't open my mouth. I was really happy when they took me to Daddy. He was sitting behind some glass. I ran to hug him, but another policeman stopped me. He asked me if this was my Daddy. Of course he was, so I nodded. Then he took me away from Daddy. I cried again.

The policeman said that he wanted to ask something and then I could see Daddy again. He asked me a lot of questions, but I couldn't answer. He told me that Daddy couldn't hurt me here. I was confused. Daddy didn't hurt me. The bad man did. I thought the policeman got mixed up. I pointed to my mouth to tell the nice policeman that I was a good boy, and that good boys don't open their mouths.

The policeman tried to open my mouth. I screamed, and blood went everywhere. He screamed too. I didn't see him again. A police lady took me to a doctor. I was confused because I wasn't sick. When I woke up, my mouth didn't feel cold. I could open my mouth. I cried because I was a bad boy now. The bad man would hurt me.

This time two policemen asked me questions. I told them about the bad man who would hurt me if I opened my mouth and how my Daddy would save me. I told them that Daddy wanted to make me a good boy and that good boys shouldn't open their mouths. I told them that I was a bad boy.

One policeman asked me why Daddy gave me the braces. That was an easy question. Questions at school are much harder.

I told the policeman that my Daddy didn't want me talking about the kids he kept in the basement, the kids that he talked with every night. I told them I was sad because I never got to play with the kids. Mrs Johnson told me that sharing is caring.

The policeman lied. I never got to see Daddy again. But I know he still loves me.

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