Reborn: Isolation

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My life sucked. I still feel guilty even thinking that. I had food and a place to live. I was healthy and lived in a non-war torn side of the world. I should have been grateful and happy. Instead I whined and complained about the mess my life had turned out. I wasn't happy. And worse I wasn't living, I just got by.

I had a dead end job that I hated, living paycheck to paycheck. I had no family really or friends. A few failed relationships but nothing of note. I didn't even really have any hobbies. I went to work and came home, either turning on the tv or reading crap on the internet to fill my time.

I just felt stuck and at the time I didn't know the way out. I was desperate though, I remember that clearly. That probably is what got me into this mess.

It was a while back so I can't remember clearly what the flier said but it caught my attention. It was left on my door which wasn't too out of the ordinary. People left fliers and menus all the time in my apartment complex. I remember it said it was a chance to be reborn anew, have a new chance at life. It had this beautiful picture of a phoenix being born from flames. It listed off pretty much everything I hated about my life and promised a free package to help me manage and change my life for the better. How could I turn down free? I assumed there was a catch and probably one of those sign up for free and then pay only $99.99! But why not atleast see what it was all about. I filled out my information and mailed it in.

I had actually had forgotten all about it the few weeks later when I got the small brown package. I noticed that it had no postage...someone had dropped it off themselves. Silly me, I just shrugged it off that ofcourse it was a local company since I had gotten a flier. I was a bit worried it meant I might have sales people showing up at my door step but I wasn't concerned. No gut feelings or alarms going off. Foolish me.

The package only had a few slips of paper; I think just thanking me for signing up and making promises about my better life. What I really remember was the package of chocolates that were a thank you gift. They were dark chocolate hazelnut, my favorite!

When I woke up I was in total darkness. My head felt dizzy and groggy. My body felt sore. As my head began to clear the realization that I was naked hit me. I began to panic. Was I dreaming? I couldn't remember what happened at all. Where was I? Where were my clothes?

I struggled to focus my eyes in this darkness, to see something anything. It was the most darkness I had ever experienced. But I could just barely make out the walls. I stood up shakily and felt around.

The room was so small, maybe only 6 feet high. It wasn't very wide; I would not be able to lay down straight. The floor and walls all seemed to be made of stone. It was cold but not freezing. It didn't seem to have a door or any type of entrance or exit. It had a small hole in the middle of the floor about the size of my fist. It was completely empty except in one corner it had a small spigot jutting from the wall. I slowly turned it and a small stream of water begun to fall. As soon as it did it suddenly seemed to hit me that my mouth was dry. I hastily cupped my hands and drank the cold water.

I thought about screaming out for help but I was afraid that whoever brought me here would hear and come and I was too afraid. I am not sure how much time had passed. I paced in tight circles trying to think, to remember something. It must have been the chocolates, drugged I guess. Someone was watching me? Stalking me, maybe? Why? Why me?

I grew bored quickly. I tried listening to see if I could make out some sounds, like it would give me an idea of where I was and as if that would make a difference. I thought maybe I could hear faint noises but nothing I could make out.

I curled up on the floor and tried sleeping. My mind raced with horrific thoughts of what was going to happen to me. After the longest time sleep finally took hold and I fell into a restless dream.

A loud grating noise awoke me. It was coming from above me and sounded like metal against metal. Followed was a loud bang.

I swallowed hard, fear rising in my throat. I crawled back against the wall staring up not sure what to expect. My entire body was shaking.

A circular hole in the ceiling began to move and slide out of the way. A very soft light filled the space. It seemed faint like a far off candle light but my eyes still struggled to adjust. After a moment a shadowy figure filled the space. He must have been wearing all black and a mask perhaps. It was hard to tell in the dark but I couldn't make anything out about him.

We stared at one another in silence for the longest time before he threw down a bundle that landed near my feet. He began to close the door and it hit me, perhaps fight or flight or what I don't know. But I screamed out "Please". I begged and pleaded, not even sure of all I was saying.

I scrambled to my feet and in that moment he stopped, which froze me in my place. 'Welcome to will be reborn".

Then the door closed.

At first I fantasied about some hero rescuing me, or a swat team tearing through the wall, after a while though I just gave up. I surrendered to the darkness and quiet and gave up on ever getting out. This was just what it all was for me. I am not sure how long I had been there, days or weeks, hell maybe it had even been months. Time didn't mean anything.

I mostly slept. I paced every now and then when I could summon the energy or when I was just trying to ward of the insanity that seemed to haunt me. I sang songs and made up little stories. It was soul crushingly boring. I drank water and every now and then tried to wash myself up the best I could. It was cold though being wet and not able to dry off. Strangely sometimes the water would be turned off. I couldn't tell the reason behind it. Every so often the shadowed man would come back. The first few times I cried and pleaded with him again. Once I tried to reach out to him. That was a mistake. He had some type of weapon; it was like a stick but shocked me when he touched me with it. The pain was hot and severe. He didn't say a thing but I knew it was a warning. After that I stopped. I would just stare up at him but not move or say a word. What was the point anyways?

He would always drop down a small bundle wrapped in paper. It was always just bread. Not even a lot. I wasn't sure how often he would come but it had to be more than daily or even every other day. I was always hungry. I tried keeping the bread for longer, taking small bites and trying to make it last. I felt like I was slowly wasting away.

Mostly I just thought about why I was here. Why would he bring me here just to keep me in a hole? He was feeding me even though it wasn't much. And he provided me with water. But he wasn't attacking me or anything. Was this just some sick game? I wondered if I was the only one? Did he have more people in more holes? Was I his first? Were there others before me? What happened to them? How long would I be here? I wondered if anyone missed me. When I hadn't shown up at work did anyone wonder or fear for me? Or were they just irritated and went on with their lives forgetting all about me?

How did I end up here? It was all my fault. I practically begged them to do this to me. I asked them to change my life, and boy was this not a change. Was I supposed to appreciate what I had because of this? Because I did now!

Being alone with nothing to do all the time was painful torture all in itself. I tried to hold on to something. But I felt myself slipping more and more. I'd hear voices and sounds that I knew were not real but in the moment felt very much real. I'd sleep and have such vivid dreams that felt so real, and when I would awake it would hit me with confusion on where I was. I actually prayed for death. I just wanted, no needed this to end. I couldn't do this anymore. I felt my mind slipping away.

The next time my shadow man returned I knew what I had to do. I knelt on my knees under the hole, the light bathing across my nude body as the hole opened.

I didn't beg or plead this time. I apologized. I told him how sorry I was and asked to be forgiven. I knew that I had been wrong and that I had learned my lesson.

He just stood watching me for the longest moment. Was he contemplating my words? Did he believe me? Finally he lowered his arm, reaching his hand out for me to take. A part of me flinched, afraid. Was it a trick? But even a chance at escaping this hole...this hell... I had to take it. I stood up taking his hand and he pulled me free...............

"Welcome to the next phase...punishment".

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