37| Balter

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3 7 

B a l t e r

(v.) to dance artlessly, without particular grace or skill but usually with enjoyment.


Thank you. 


N o t e 

Hey loves! I am sorry if you thought this was a chapter, but I did want to stay with the formatting I did - with the word and nice meaning and things, which of course has relevance to what I have to say here. 

Hers has officially ended on the 27th of August, 2016.

I started this story on the 16th of January, 2015, so it has almost been a year and seven months of constant updating and tons of writer blocks, and absolute fun of writing. 

And I honestly have no one else to thank but you guys. 

You guys who read my work even if I update at like three in the morning because I am a moron with time zones, and you guys who correct me when my lazy ass was too blind to edit words, and you guys who have stuck with me from the very beginning. 

I never expected Hers to get the recognition it did, nonetheless the amazing comments and support I get from you guys, and it honestly just blows my mind on how in the world can some people be so dedicated to a story that has it's own flaws and imperfections, and its fair shares of rusty edges and chipped corners. 

Seriously, I am so grateful for each and every single one of you guys, and it makes me so emotional on how much love I get for this story, and it baffles me every single time. 

Now that Hers is over (I still can't believe it and it's been more than twenty four hours dkjsakf.) I will definitely be editing the whole thing, and thinking the plot more thoroughly. I mean some of you guys have already re-read this book more than five times (Which I have absolutely no idea how you did it, but I apologise for the horror you had to read in the beginning.) and it might be a whole different thing when I edit it - but for sure the main plot line will stay the same, it will just be removing/replacing some characters and adding minor details that make sense at the end and all that good stuff. 

As for publishing, which is a question I get a lot, I am actually looking into it, and I am seriously hoping I can get this published in the coming year, and it would be absolutely amazing if I do, and it would be a serious dream come true. 

I honestly didn't expect the feedback I got in the Epilogue, like you guys, I reached 500+ comments, and I am so sorry if I didn't reply back, there were just too many and it kinda freaked me out because everyone was crying. But thank you for getting Hers #76 in Teen Fiction, like that shit was awesome.

And fun fact: I was actually planning on writing an Aaron/Rose death scene when they are old and stuff, but I didn't want to kill anybody - and also because I didn't want to kill me. 

So yeah. 

This is the part where I get to thank you guys for all the love and encouragement, and here is a list of the people that have a place in my heart - if by some human error (by that I mean me being a fucking moron.) if I don't mention your name, it doesn't mean I am not grateful for you, these are just the names of people that I have noticed always commenting and being absolute sweethearts. 

Hers | ✔ | (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now