Chapter One

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Walking the streets of London, Rose Anderson couldn't help but love the fresh air breeze that blew in her face. She has lived here for six years and moved out here at the age of nineteen. Her parents went ballistic thinking that this was just some fantasy that she was just a girl who didn't know any better. But she truly felt like she had nothing going for her in Connecticut.

She didn't know what she wanted to major in let alone what college she wanted to go to. So after she graduated high school she waited one year later before she made the decision to move out here. Now, she works as a Bridal Stylist at Vera Wang at Brown's Fashion in London and she loved every bit of it.

Her co-workers and boss loved her and how patient she was with all of her clients. It could be a demanding work, especially if she has a bridezilla, but she's always shown them kindness and patience. Something that is very important in the industry.

Even though she's the only American, none of her co-workers mind. In fact, they love that she's American. They all try to get her to fake a British accent and have great laughs because she can never quite get it.

Rose was never good at school and felt that going to college for her would only result in failure. Her parents tried persuading her, they really did. But once they soon found that they wouldn't change the young girl's mind, they bowed out and let her make her own decisions. Same with moving to London. They knew that it would be hard, especially because she didn't know anyone who lived here. But they also knew that she's loved London ever since she was a little girl and they went on vacation here. That one moment changed everything and how Rose saw the world.

From that point on she loved to travel. There is a saying that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and everywhere that Rose has been able to travel since living in London, she has found some sort of beauty in it that others may not have seen. Whenever Rose had off from work she always made it a point to travel to a new country.

When Rose had applied to Vera Wang at the age of nineteen, she was anxious. Who in their right mind would hire a nineteen year old straight out of high school with no prior work experience? Somehow fate was on her side because that following week she got a call from Linda Simmons, her boss telling her about an interview that following day. Rose couldn't believe that this was all happening to her and so soon.

"Hey Rose, a lot of us are going out clubbing tonight. Do you want to join us?" Ava, one of Rose's co-workers asked her.

"No thanks. Thank you though."

Rose was never one to go clubbing often. She went every so often but she only went if she really felt like it. It wasn't that she didn't like it, but she just liked spending time with her boyfriend more. It was something she rarely got to do.

"Got plans tonight for a date or something?" Ava asked curiously.

Whenever the subject about Rose's love life was brought up it was always a tense topic. The girls knew that she was seeing someone but she was so secretive that they didn't know how to break the ice on this. Everyone tried to get Rose to open up to them, but eventually they figured out it was useless.

She would never break.

"Just staying in. I might catch up on Downton Abbey."

"Oh I love that show! Whose your favorite character?"

"My favorite character is Lady Sybil but Anna as well. Those two have always been my favorites. What about you?"

"Lady Mary, hands down. She might be a bitch to some people but I love that she tells people how it is."

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