Chapter Fifteen

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News articles broke out all across the world. It was becoming the number one topic that everyone seemed interested in. They all wanted to know two things: who was this mystery girl and is it real?

Once the article came out, Rose called Harry immediately with shaky hands. He rushed to be by her side, no matter what. He had public engagements that he had to attend to, but he knew that Rose needed the support at this time. 

Hearing a knock on her door she opened it up trying to calm her frantic heart beat.  Opening it up, revealed her ginger boyfriend and he instantly scooped her small frame in his arms bridal style closing the door on his way in. 

He peppered kisses all over her face trying to do anything that will take her mind off of the news. 

Setting them both down on her bed as she lay on top of him, he ran his fingers through her soft blonde hair. 

"I didn't think they would find out so soon," she breathes out. 

"I know, I'm sorry."  He coos at her. 

She snuggles closer to him, hearing his beating heart. 

"What happens now?"  She asks after a while of silence.  She lifts her head up to look him in the eyes.  Those blue eyes that she loves so much.

"Now, we make an announcement, if that's alright with you?"  He asks. 


"What happened at work?  Why were you sent home early?"  He asked her. 

He was utterly confused.  He knew that she wouldn't be sent home if it wasn't for a good reason.  Harry just hoped her co-workers wouldn't turn on her.  She didn't deserve that.  They hadn't meant to hurt people while keeping their relationship a secret.  He just wanted to keep her as safe as possible. 

In the end though they realized that someone always gets hurt. 

While living in the spotlight, Harry has learned at a very young age that you can't make everyone happy and that you can only make yourself and those you love around you happy.  Rose had learned this too from her parents and being bullied in school.  

When she thought her world was filled with darkness, her family gave her laughter and hope that she would some day get out of it.  

After her principal wouldn't do anything to stop the bullying, her mother pulled her out of school.  They had tried everything beforehand as this was a last resort.  Her parents had called the girls parents and tried sorting through everything but the other family felt as though their daughter was perfect in their eyes and could never do any wrong.  Her older brothers had even threatened to get the police involved to the girl if she didn't stop.  Eventually, that seemed to work and the girl had came up to Rose and apologized.  

But the damage had been done.  

She lost of all her friends as a result of her bully getting them involved too.  They were all so fake to her and it was heart breaking to see their daughter and sister getting bullied when she had never done anything wrong to them.  

Rose didn't want to go to school anymore and had lost quite a bit of weight as it all took a toll on her.  She was a little chubby in school but she wasn't over weight.  

When she became home schooled, she focused on herself, which her family felt was the best thing for her at that time.  She started eating healthy and would go on walks around her neighborhood with her mom.  When she started seeing results, she was happy and excited.  She maintained a healthy weight from their on out.  


"Yeah, I know mom.  He's with me over at my place."  Rose spoke to her computer screen.  

Since the news had come out, her family called her on Skype to see how she was holding up with everything.  They didn't want her to get down at all because they knew that there would probably be some people who didn't like that she was an American dating a Prince who was British.  

There were some people out there that felt as though the Royal family should just be British.  

Harry had just walked back in her bedroom after making them dinner.  He knew that her family was nervous for their daughter as this would no longer be having a secret relationship anymore.  They weren't sure how they felt about that but they knew it wasn't up to them.  

"Can we speak to Harry?"  Her dad asked her with a serious face.  

Rose looked up at Harry as if she were asking him his permission.  She didn't want to bring him in a situation if he didn't want to.  Harry nodded his head and lay down on the bed.

"Hello, Mr. Anderson."  Harry greeted her father.  

"I think you've known me for a long time now to be able to call me by first name, Harry."  His snug Army grey shirt showed as his American flag tattoo was showing on his left arm with dog tags next to it.  

He was a proud American soldier and would do anything for his country.  

"Right," Harry chuckled nervously, "John."

"Much better.  Now, lets get down to business."

John wanted to make his daughter was safe and protected.  He didn't want this to affect her health and well-being the same way it did when she was being bullied at a younger age.  

"I want you to take care of my princess, understood?  I want her her to feel safe.  If at any time she says she isn't, you listen to her alright?"

"Always, John."

"Good, now that's what I like to hear."

For the next couple of hours they talked about what they were up to, how Rose and Harry's vacation went to St. Tropez.  John couldn't help but gawk when he saw pictures of the luxury yacht that Harry took Rose on to celebrate their anniversary.  He thought it was so beautiful and Harry promised to take him on one next time they all went on a vacation together.  

The rest of the day, Harry was there by Rose's side.  Comforting her and talking to her.  Informing her of what might happen and all of the rumors that she might here of former girlfriends or girls he slept with.  She needed to be prepared.  Although, Rose already knew his past he wanted to make sure that nothing was left out and that she was able to face whatever was to come her way.  

He didn't want their to be any words left unsaid.  



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