Chapter Eight

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Waking up on his bed with his arm draped across a body, Harry rubbed the sleep from his eyes as his vision was a little blurry. Staring down his eyes grew wide as he saw that he was fully naked. Panic started seeping through his body. His hand trailed at the side as his fingers danced along a body. Lifting his head carefully because it felt like it was pounding, he sighed in relief as he saw it was his Rose next to him.

He laid back down for a few seconds until he had the sudden urge to throw up. Rushing to the bathroom he threw up all of the alcohol that was in his body. He always felt awful after a hang over. The pounding in his head wasn't helping either.

After he was done he went and got two Advil to drink with some water. Looking around for his boxers he finally found them and changed into the rest of his clothes as well. He looked back at the bed he was sleeping on with Rose and saw that she began to stir. As she slowly opened up her eyes, he moved to walk closer to her and went to sit down at the edge of the bed and put a piece of loose blonde hair behind her hair.

"Hi," she murmured.


She wrapped her arms around his neck bringing him closer to her. Wrapping his arms around her small frame, he truly felt bad that they didn't get to spend one on one time together but he knew he wanted to make it up to her somehow.

"How are you feeling?" She asked with genuine concern.

"Not too good," he said shaking his head.

She hugged him closer to her body and he nuzzled his head into her neck peppering kisses down making her sigh.

"Harry, aren't your friends here?"

He groaned and pulled away. He actually couldn't remember what happened last night as he was very drunk.

"I didn't do anything stupid did I?"

Rose bit her lip. Would he really like hearing what he did?

"Well. . ." So Rose decided that it would be better to tell him truthfully what all happened last night and watched Harry for his reaction. After she finished telling him the story he groaned.

"Were you not as drunk as us?" Rose shakes her head.

"I don't like hang overs remember?"

"I didn't," he gulps, "take advantage of you last night did I?"


Rose meets Harry half way as their lips collide. Pulling him down further on her their kiss grew more feverish and passionate running their hands through each other's hair.

After their make out session, Harry led Rose to the door and led her out careful not to wake his friends. Leaning against the doorway he put a hand on her waist.

"See you back home?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, see you back home."

Rose stood up on her tip toes and planted a lingering kiss to his lips and left.


Arriving back in London, Rose set her luggage down in her apartment and lay down on her bed. She was so tired and all she wanted was a good night's rest. Before she did that though, she decided to go onto Safari on her iPhone and type in her boyfriend's name. She always thought it was fun to do this after he went somewhere on vacation.

As his name pulled up something caught her eye and she felt like her breath got caught in her throat. Her heart was pounding and she clicked on it with shaky fingers.


This past weekend Prince Harry of Wales went on a holiday to Las Vegas. You know that saying what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas? That would be true but not if your a Prince. Onlookers were saying that they spotted Prince Harry with two of his friends and a random girl partying all afternoon.

"He looked like he was just very relaxed and care free," replied an onlooker.

It was said that the CEO of Wynn hotels, Steve Wynn, invited Prince Harry and his three friends out to dinner at SW Steakhouse. 

After saying goodbye to Mr. Wynn, Prince Harry, who is third in line for throne, and his three friends went to a night club called SX nightclub.  

It is more than likely that Prince Harry had to pay for nothing.  Mr. Wynn would treat any A-list celebrity the same. 

Shots, jäger bombs, and other drinks were served to the Royal party.  People saw that they had left with quite a few girls and noticeably quite drunk.

The Royal family has yet to speak out about the naked photos concerning Prince Harry.  We wonder what the Queen will have to say about this. 

We here at the Daily Mail are shocked to see these pictures and hope that everything gets cleared up right away.


"Well what do you have to say for yourself this time Harry?"  The Queen looked at her grandson. 

When news got back to the Queen, she couldn't believe this.  She was sure that being with Rose calmed his partying ways and even had hoped had gone away completely. 

When Harry saw the naked photos of himself and Rose trying to cover himself up from his granny, he knew there was no way out of it this time.

"I didn't know anyone had taken pictures, let alone bring a camera in.  I'm sincerely sorry, granny."  Harry apologized to his granny. 

"Did you cheat on Rose?"  She asked him.

She didn't want to believe that.  She only wanted to make sure that he had not been unfaithful.  The girl in the picture that was covering Harry up looked to be Rose, but it was still hard to tell as she couldn't really see her face. 

"What?  No," Harry shakes his head, "I would never cheat on Rose.  I love her."  Harry replies, hurt etched on his face that his grandmother would ask such a question.

The Queen nods her head.

"It's time to grow up, Harry.  I'm really disappointed in you."  The Queen said shaking her head. 

This was not the kind of news and headlines that the Royal family needed right now. 

They had already been through so much with Harry's past drug problems and him having to go to rehab for it, then there was the cheating behind Prince Charles and Camilla while he was still married to Princess Diana.

This was all a mess. A one big gigantic mess.


What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. . . Unless your a Prince 🙅🏼😳

What do you think of the Queen's reaction?  Was she right? 


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