Chapter Forty-Seven

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It was a week before the wedding and later tonight would be the Royal Wedding Dinner Gala that would be hosted by the Queen.  Rose had to admit that she was a bit nervous as there would be other Royals there at the dinner along with dignitaries.  

She had her dress planned out weeks in advance before this big night and she hoped that Harry liked it.  

Tonight would also be her last night staying with Harry as she would be staying with her family in a nearby hotel with her family for the next three days leading up to the wedding.  They were a very close knit family and she wanted to be able to spend time with just them.  

After these week, her life would be very different.  

She felt her fiancé shift in their bed as he pulled her closer to him.  Resting her head on his chest she let them have a few moments of silence.  She felt him run his fingers through her hair almost making her go to asleep again.  


Rose was getting a facial done right now and she felt like she was in heaven.  The movements of their hands was very relaxing and even the hot towels that would be applied after each product.  Harry had it all set up that she would get the Royal treatment.  

When her hour facial was done she felt like she was floating on clouds.  She had her nails done soon after that, which were a nice nude every day color, and then her hair.  Her makeup was done in a smokey eye with a light pink lip.  

Rose's stylist brought out the beautiful emerald green satin dress and to go with it a pair of diamond earrings that dangled.  The only other jewelry that Rose had on was her small gold star necklace that Harry had gotten her and her engagement ring.  They were longer than what Rose was used to, but they went perfectly with her emerald green satin dress.  She then slipped on her nude Jimmy Choo heels and walked out of the room to be met with her Prince.    

"You look beautiful," Harry told his fiancé.

"Thank you.  You look handsome."

And he did.  He was in a black tuxedo with a bow tie, really quite dashing.  His blue eyes sparkled with excitement as they went into the black Bentley that would take them to the destination.  

They were on their way to the  hotel and Rose could feel her stomach twisting and turning into knots.  

"I don't feel so good.  Do you think it's too late to back out now?" Rose asked in a shaky voice to Harry as she put a hand to her stomach.  Harry looked at his fiancé with concern.  

Rose had done Royal engagements before.  But this.  This was entirely different to her.  She would be meeting other Royal's and dignitaries.  It was nerve wrecking to her.  

"Hey, it's going to be okay.  Alright?  Just stay by my side and you'll do fine."

"How do you know?" Rose asked him.  

"Remember what I said, we can wither any storm that comes our way as long as were together?" Rose nodded her head.  "Just think of me as a light house.  Light houses bring you to safety."

"Okay, I can do that."

"Good," he kissed her nose as he didn't want to mess up her lipstick.  

They had finally arrived at the Corinthia hotel in London where the pre-wedding dinner gala was taking place as the other guests had already arrived.  Rose had calmed down just as Harry opened the door and got out.  He held his hand out for her to take and when she grabbed it she got out of the car gracefully, remembering all of her etiquette lessons.  He gave her a reassuring smile as they walked arm in arm hearing paparazzi shout at them.  

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