Chapter Nineteen

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It was the following week after Harry had announced that he was being deployed to Afghanistan. And in exactly three days time, he would be leaving.

Sure, he was nervous as hell.  But he always felt like he was doing something worth while protecting everyone back home.  With him being with the other troops, he was just one of the guys.  It was something that both him and Will liked.

Rose decided that it would be nice to have a party thrown for Harry, but she wasn't sure where so she decided to get together with Kate and discuss the details of it.  She decided to bring her mother and sister along as well wanting to include them in on this.  Candace and Kate had gotten along so well during Christmas at Sandringham.

Rose got in her car with her mother and sister and drove to Kensington.  


Arriving at the gates of Kensington, she was let in right away.  She had become a regular face that everyone who had worked here in the past three years knew her and greeted her with a friendly smile.  She wanted to do something nice for Harry and thought he deserved this before his deployment.  

On the way to Kensington, Rose had seen quite a few people out taking pictures in front of it.

She wasn't sure what the next four months would bring, she just wanted her soldier and prince safe back in her arms at the end of it all.  

With the news of Harry's deployment coming up, she couldn't help but reminisce about the four times that her father had to be deployed.  She knew how hard it was on her mother when her father would sometimes have to spend two years away from them, but at least she had her children to distract her.  Rose wondered how hard it would be on her, especially because it was just her.  Of course, her family was here and she had Harry's family, but it wasn't the same.  Her family would only be here for a months time.  She never felt more alone and could only wonder if she felt this bad in the beginning how much worse it would get as time went on.  

She had to remember to be thankful though that it was only four months and not two years like her father had to endure.  

She wanted to spend these last three days with Harry, but afterwards she knew that her mother wanted to go to Germany again.  Her mother was German and had a thick German accent.  Her parents had met there when her father was stationed there for a year and ended up getting so serious that he brought her back with him to the States so that they could be together.  After they got married, her father got stationed there again a year later after Matthew was born and that was where Rose was born.  She was born in Bad Kreuznach, which was a military base there in Germany.  

She has had dual citizenship for as long as she could remember and because her mothers native language is German, her parents taught all of their children how to speak.  Her father, John, had learned while he was stationed there and they could all speak German together.  

Knocking on the door she was greeted with a familiar face with a wide smile.  

"Hello," Kate greeted the three women in front of her.  

"Hi Kate.  Thanks for agreeing to meet with me," Rose said after hugging her.  

"Oh I'd love to help so its no problem.  William's distracted Harry by taking him out for a run and then they were going to go talk with the Queen."  She said after she let the three of them in.

"Does she know what were planning?" 

"You mean what your planning.  This is all your idea, Rose, and I will not take credit for it."  Kate said with a straight face.  

Kate knew that Rose was always like this.  She never liked the attention to be on her and always tried to be a show off.  Kate thought she was one the most humble people she ever knew or met and sweet.

Sitting down on the nice velvet sofas, Rose got out a paper and pen and started writing down notes that they had discussed during their meeting.  

"How difficult can it be?"  Rose questioned as Kate gave her a look.  

She knew Rose had more in store for her than she realized.  This was a lot.  But she thought the idea was so sweet for Harry that she had to agree with everything that Rose came up with.  She knew Rose wanted to make this a nice going away party and make Harry feel loved and she was happy to help in any way that she could.  Besides, she loved Rose's family and was glad that Harry had flown them out so that she could finally meet them.


Harry panted deeply with a shaky breath.  Him and Will had just gotten done running three miles and he was exhausted.  He had to stop and rested his hands on his knees as his older brother took a big sip of water.  

"What the hell brought that on?"  Harry asked his older brother with wide eyes wiping the sweat off his forehead.  

"Come on, Harry, your leaving in three days you can't be out of shape."  

"Yeah, well when you said running I thought you meant a mile not three!"  

"Oh come off it.  We have had to do a lot more than three and you know it."  

He did know it.  But still, this was his last three days here in London and he wanted to enjoy his time.  Although he knew his brother was right that he couldn't get sloppy and out of shape.  He would never admit it to him though.  

"How have you and Kate been?  With the rumors, I mean," Harry asked Will.  

"Were good.  I mean were handling it.  Were actually considering it though.  We have stayed up the past week just talking about what it would be like.  And were wondering if it's time."

"No way.  Are you serious?"  Harry asked with a big grin.  

"Yeah," Will replied with a cheeky grin.  

He was actually quite excited that they both had agreed to this decision.  

"What about you?  Have you thought about asking Rose to marry a party animal like you?"  Will teased his younger brother as Harry shoved him playfully.

"Not the right time.  You know with my deployment and everything.  I just want to focus on that for right now.  Afterwards though, I'll see."  

"That's understandable.  Well, if you do just know you have mine and Kate's blessing.  We love her and I know Kate already looks at her as another sister even if you guys are just dating."

"Thanks.  Although I'm not sure I have Camilla's."  

"Who cares?  All you really need is the Queen and dad's approval.  Well, and her parents.  But it's Camilla's loss if she doesn't want to get along with her."

Harry knew that was true.  With all of the drama that happened with his parents marriage though, he didn't need anymore in his life.  He already got it with the press.  He wished that Camilla would just accept her.  He didn't know why he cared so much but he did.  Maybe it was because that was still his father's wife.  And despite everything that had happened in the past, they all just tried to get along with each other.  

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