Chapter Eleven

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It was now December 10th.  Rose and Harry's third year anniversary.  They had come a long way since when they first met.  Rose can't help but chuckle lightly at the memory. 


It was the weekend and Rose was happy to get the weekend off after having a week full of brides-to-be at Vera Wang trying on wedding dresses.  Rose, her work friend Ava, and best friend Nicole decided to have a girls night and go out to dinner. 

They all had a long week at work and felt as if they deserved this.  She just hoped that they could have a nice night out tonight. The three of them decided on Bunga Bunga.

Harry was laughing with his close circle of friends including his cousins Beatrice and Eugenie when something, or someone, caught his eye as the door opened. Right in front of him was a blonde woman with the most gorgeous eyes he had ever seen. One look at her and she just had this light about her. A light that he wanted in his world. He needed to know her name.

Rose ordered the margarita pizza as that was her favorite food along with a Caesar salad.  She wasn't a fan of garden salads.  Her friends had ordered different types of food.

The waiter came back with drinks. 

"For you ma'am," the waiter said to the young blonde.

Rose looked confused as her eyebrows furrowed.  It was a strawberry margarita.

"I didn't order anything though," she says shaking her head.

"Ahh, but that gentleman did." He replies nodding his head in the young Prince's direction.

Rose tried not to make it so obvious that she was looking for the man, but she so desperately failed.

Rose tipped the glass in his direction as a thank you.  She didn't want to be rude and send it back.  He seemed trustworthy enough.

It was nice catching up with her two friends.  Dinner was filled with laughter and easy going conversation.

After dinner and paying, her friends had already left to go outside she felt someone put a large hand on her shoulder and she turned around to come face-to-face with a ginger who had beautiful blue eyes that she could easily get lost in. 

Blue eyes were her weakness.

"You probably don't remember me." He trailed off.

"Your the guy that bought me a drink?  Thanks for it." 

"Can I get your number?" Harry blurted out.  He knew he was probably coming off a little strong but he wasn't sure if or when he would see her again. 

His friends were just looking at the scene unfolding. Wondering if she would cave in like any other girl out there.

"How about this?" The blonde questioned. "Next time I see you, you can."

Rose saw the look on the Prince's face and couldn't help the giggle that escaped her lips.

"Well what if I don't see you again?" He retorted back.

The blonde shrugged. "If it's meant to be then it will be."

A smile played on her lips as she waved goodbye at the young Prince. Walking away she couldn't resist looking back at him. And so she did. Looking at his face was one of mischief, confused, and wonder.

"My names Rose," she replies and then walks away.

She only hoped that he would meet her again.

What she didn't realize was that girls night just turned into the best night of her life.

As her boyfriend of three years walked out of his apartment with his luggage a smile formed it's way on her lips.  He walked over to her and she threw her arms around his neck as he pulled her closer.  Her giggles filled the air as they both looked at each other with pure love in their eyes. 

Putting his lips onto hers in a sweet, loving kiss, he couldn't help but think how lucky he was to be able to call someone like Rose, his. 

"Where are we going?"  Rose asked with a twinkle in her eye after they pulled away. 

"That's a surprise."

Rose unhooked her arms from his neck and they got in the black Range Rover together. 

Rose loved surprises and she knew Harry knew this about her. 

Wrapping his arm around her, she put her small hand on his thigh gently caressing it.  She couldn't wait to spend this alone time with him.  It was the first time where they were actually able to and not worry about anyone finding out.  They both had a content blissful look on their faces, like nothing could tear them down. 

It wasn't like the Las Vegas holiday.  Where they had to make sure they were alone and wouldn't get caught. 

They were even going to be in his private plane. 


The plane ride was filled with laughter, jokes, kisses, and sleep. Finally the plane made a jolt as they came close to the ground signaling that they had touched down. Harry had made sure the small windows were closed and even went as far as to blindfold her. He also made sure to have the Captain not announce where they had landed.

He knew he was probably taking it a bit too far, but he didn't want anything to ruin the surprise.

They were both so relaxed and at peace. They both needed this time together and knew that they would enjoy it no matter what.

Rose had to admit that she was quite excited for this trip. Not just for the fact they were going to some other place, but because she could finally be with Harry, her boyfriend of three years.


Hope you like it! What do you think will happen on this trip?

Any guesses on where Harry took her?

So you also got to see how they first met! I said in an earlier chapter that they met at a restaurant but I wanted to save what happened for later.  I thought it was fitting to have it be on their anniversary 💜✨


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