Chapter Two

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Waking up next to her boyfriend, Rose runs her hand along his naked chest with a smile. The moments that they do get with each other are so precious that she wished she could take this moment and freeze it. She wished it didn't have to be this way but she understood why. Feeling her boyfriend stir she stops and cuddles closer to him feeling him wrap his arm around her more.

Rose closed her eyes and felt sleep pull her in. Only to groan a few seconds later when she felt kisses being placed all over her face. Slowly opening her eyes and squinting them she looks up at the man before her. The man she gets to call hers. She can't help but feel like the luckiest girl in the world and if this all were a dream she never wanted to be woken up.

"Good morning," he says huskily in his morning voice.

"Morning," Rose says back.

She hooks her arms around him bringing him down to connect their lips together again. Rolling them over so that his back is on the sheets of the mattress as she straddles him he puts his hands on her bare hips as she starts kissing down his neck.


After a morning of making love and taking a shower Rose and Harry get dressed. She had put on some of her comfortable yoga pants and oversized knit grey sweater. As she starts applying her makeup she feels warm arms wrap around her making her bite her lip in the process.

"You know you look beautiful with or without makeup."

"Your suppose to say that your my boyfriend," she retorts back with a playful eye roll.

It wasn't that she thought she had to wear makeup just because she was dating Harry. Or that she was insecure. Over the years of bullying she endured while in middle school for her looks she was able to gain that self-confidence back. That's why moving to London was such a blessing in disguise to her for so many reasons. Not only because she met the love of her life but also because it helped her gain a new found respect on what being beautiful truly meant. She wouldn't consider herself ugly but she didn't think she was as glamorous as a model with the good looks either.

It took some old buildings in London, visiting other countries, and Harry to tell her that those girls were probably just jealous of her because everyone saw something different in her. Harry knew she was special from the moment he saw her in that restaurant and he knew he couldn't let her walk away without knowing her name. He, along with his granny and everyone who loved Rose, saw that she just had this light about her.

He wanted that light. That light that brightened his dark past of his parents unfortunate end to a marriage and all of the secrets that hid behind the gates. They both saw something different in each other. For Harry it was the way she lit up a room just by being there and for Rose it was that he wasn't just a Prince. He was a real person with real feelings. They helped each other overcome so much in their lives.

When they first started dating, Rose was a little troubled at the fact that Harry liked to party. They were complete opposites in that matter. She didn't want to hold him back but she helped calm him down in a good way. The Queen had a lot to be grateful to Rose for. It was clear to anyone in the Royal family how much these two truly love each other and they just hoped that it wouldn't cause too much trouble for when they came out in public.

Making their way to the dining hall hand in hand, Rose stayed close to Harry and hooked her arm through his leaning her head on his shoulder as they walked. Pulling a seat out for her the staff come out with breakfast for them.

Once their breakfast was served to them the staff left until they were called upon.

"What do you have to do today?" Rose asked Harry.

"I have a meeting with granny and then I might go visit William and Kate at their place. Do you have to work today?"

"Yeah, and I have to close up tonight."

"Please be careful," he replies back with a pout.  Rose leans over to kiss his pouty lips.

"I will," she murmurs.


After leaving the apartment next to Nottingham Cottage, Rose gets in the car that they have for her as her driver drives her to her place. 

Leaning back with a sigh, Rose couldn't help but wish that she were with Harry all the time.  She missed him every time she left, not knowing when she would see him again. 



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