Chapter Nine

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Prince Harry knew he had to make an apology for the tasteless naked photos posted everywhere online.  He didn't know why he kept messing everything up.  People kept comparing him to his older William and it would just make feel uneasy.  They were two completely different people.  Even though they were brothers, he wished people would stop comparing them and realize that they were their own person. 

He knew that William saw the pictures and was disappointed in him.  

Sometimes he wished that he could just be normal without feeling all of this weight on his shoulders of what the world thinks of him and how he has to impress everyone.  

That's why he loves being with Rose so much.  She treats him like he's a normal person.  Because he is.  He may have a normal title but that's just a title.  He loves that Rose loves him unconditionally and doesn't care about his title.  He never realized how much he craved for that normalcy until he met her.  When he met her everything changed.  

Sure, he still made mistakes from time to time like the incident in Las Vegas but he's only human.  

Rose was able to still love him flaws and all.  He wasn't sure how he got so lucky to be with someone as innocent, pure, and full of life as her. 

He wondered if her family had found found out about what what happened.  Harry didn't think that someone would take a picture of him naked and then sell it to make money on the internet.  He hoped that this wasn't something that would make Rose break up with him or have her family not approve of him anymore.  

Everyone in the Royal family and quite a lot of people around the world were all shocked to hear that his security allowed this to happen.  The Queen always wanted them around her family in case something like this were to happen or if they were endangered in any way.  But the fact that the security team was not taking this trip seriously was very hard to comprehend.  They needed a tight security who would not allow any slip ups in the near future.  



Prince Harry, 27, who is third in line for the throne, has issued an apology for this weekend party antics at Las Vegas where pictures surfaced on the internet of him naked.  

People who were there said it wasn't as serious as it was made out to be.  They were playing strip billiard.  

Nevertheless, it has been reported that he has gotten a stern-telling off from his grandmother, The Queen, and his father Prince Charles.

"I am sincerely sorry for all of the embarrassment I have caused.  I realize that I should not have done that and it wrong of me."

The Royal family hopes that Prince Harry can learn from this and make better decisions in the near future.  

What do you think about naughty Prince Harry?

The Daily Mail would love to hear your thoughts.  


Rose had just gotten off from a long day at work and was heading home now.  She couldn't imagine what all Harry was going through right now and wished she could talk to him.  But they had both been so busy.  

Rose's phone had been ringing off the hook ever since the photos surfaced on the internet.  They were all calls from her family demanding answers.  She knew it was wrong of her but she just didn't feel like speaking to them right now about this.  Not until she had heard from Harry.  She just hoped that he was alright.  

Entering her apartment she saw the most beautiful flowers of Gerbera daisies and baby's breath.  Baby's breath were some of her favorite flowers.  She thought they went great with so many different types of flowers and really completed the look.  Rose saw a note in the flowers and picked it up.  

I hope you have your schedule free for later on tonight.  Love you! x -Harry

Rose couldn't hide the smile that spread it's way on her lips.  She always loved when he sent her flowers.  She thought it was a sweet gesture and one of favorite things.  

Hearing her phone ring she finally decided to answer it.  She didn't even bother looking at who was calling, as she knew it was probably one of her family members.  

"Hello?"  She asked through her phone.

"What the hell is going on Rose?  What are all of these pictures I am seeing of Harry and with some girl?"  Her mother screeched through the phone.  

Rose had to pull her phone away from her ear as her mom's high pitched angry voice boomed through the speaker of her cell phone.  This was why she had been ignoring her families calls.  

"Mom," Rose whined, "those were never suppose to happen.  They weren't ever meant to be on the internet.  And that girl in the photo is me.  I was trying to cover him up so that the other people wouldn't see him."

By other people she meant the other girls that his two other friends invited up in the hotel suite.  She wished that they hadn't suggested strip billiard.  She wondered if the girls only suggested it for this reason.  She wasn't sure which one it was but she felt as though it was the one hitting on Harry all night.  It would make the most sense.  Even though Harry was flat out drunk the only girl he paid attention to that night was Rose.  It made her feel good about their relationship and he had never given her a reason to doubt her trust not even that night.  

After a long argument with her mother she finally hung up the phone with a huff.  She couldn't believe her mother was being this way.  He made a mistake.  Surely her mother had made mistakes that she wasn't so proud of before.  

Harry already had a lot of making up to do.  He didn't need more added on from her family.


What do you think of her mom's reaction?  & Harry's apology?

If your wondering how Harry was able to get those flowers into Rose's apartment she gave him a key to her place while they had been dating for one year.  


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