Chapter Twelve

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Harry stood behind his girlfriend and slowly took the blindfold off.  The anticipation was killing her.  Taking off her blindfold, Rose couldn't believe it.  It looked beautiful and she could see the ocean from where they were.  She turned around and jumped in Harry's arms wrapping her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck as he held her securely making sure she didn't fall.  

"This is beautiful," Rose said to Harry.

"You like it?"  He was still skeptical about how she thought of this.  

He knew that she loved to travel and hadn't been here before.  He thought it was the perfect place for them to relax.  He wanted them both to enjoy this holiday.  

"I love it," Rose replied having the biggest smile on her face.  

Harry would do anything to keep that smile on her face.  With that smile showed her cute dimples that he always loved and made her blue grey eyes sparkle with excitement.  Harry brought his lips to hers in a sweet, loving kiss.  

They were on a private beach that led up to the place they were going to be staying at for the next week.  Rose was glad that she was able to take time off from work in order to make this happen.  


Entering the private villa at La Villa Mauresque.  She couldn't believe how beautiful it all was.  It was a white building with designs on the top and open windows everywhere she looked.  There were a total of eight rooms and although they only needed one, the rooms were huge.   

Walking out back with Harry, she noticed that there was a lap pool.  She knew this vacation was exactly what they both needed and she couldn't wait to explore St. Tropez with Harry.  But first they both decided to take a nap as they were both still tired from the flight.  They picked out their room and decided on the one that had the view of the ocean.  Laying down on the King sized bed, Rose cuddled into her boyfriend as she let sleep overtake her as she felt her boyfriend wrap his arms around him.  

She could definitely get use to this.

Waking up, Rose rubbed the sleep from her eyes

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Waking up, Rose rubbed the sleep from her eyes.  She ran her hand on the other side of the bed only to find it empty and cold.  Rose still felt so tired, but she got out of bed anyways.  Walking downstairs, she heard a clatter and a few cuss words leave her boyfriends lips.  Rose couldn't help but giggle.  

As she entered the kitchen, his back was to her as it looked like he was putting containers of food into a basket.  She walked up behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist making him jump slightly.  He turned around wrapping his own arms around her.  

"Hey, your up."

"Yeah.  What's all of this?"  She asked tilting her head to the side in confusion.

"I was thinking that we could maybe go on a yacht today and I was going to bring some food with us."

"That sounds nice."

"Alright lets go put our swim suits on."

Rose nodded her head and they both headed upstairs hand in hand to change into her bikini and his swim trunks.  


As they reached the dock with the basket of food in hand.  Rose's jaw dropped as she saw the yacht that Harry was planning on taking her on.  She didn't think it would be this big.  

"So what do you think?"  Harry asked biting his lip.  Nervous as to what his girlfriend of three years thought.  

"It's beautiful."  Rose exclaimed.

She still couldn't get use to the fact that this was Harry's lifestyle.  Having all of these nice things at the palm of his hand.  As they walked onto the large luxury yacht, Rose felt as though she was in a dream.  A really good dream.  He showed her all the six bedrooms that this yacht had, a master suite, an on-deck jacuzzi, gym, swimming platform, and helipad.  

Harry knew that he didn't have to impress her with lavish gifts though, just his love was enough to her.  She had brought her present with her that she was going to give to him.  She had a hard time figuring out what to give to a man that had everything, until the perfect idea came to her head.  Rose couldn't believe she hadn't thought of it sooner.

When Rose was younger, she would spend days helping her mother on these kind of projects and could only hope that he would like her gift.  She knew it was nothing compared to this luxury yacht, but she hoped it was enough to him.  

Unlike him and his family, she couldn't afford these extravagant things and always felt a bit uneasy about them.  Harry knew this but he really just wanted her to have a nice time.  He couldn't help himself.  

Taking off their shirts and her shorts they applied some sunscreen to each other's bodies as they are both pale skin and it helps protect their skin against the harmful rays of the sun.  Neither one of them wanted to look like a lobster for the rest of the trip.  Although, Rose was still sure that they would at least get somewhat burnt still.  That was one thing she didn't like very much about having pale skin.  Having a sun burn as red as a lobster once was bad enough.  But having it on your back?  Was painful.  She couldn't sleep on her back for two weeks and was miserable the whole trip.  Just her luck for forgetting to put on sunscreen after being out in the sun for over two hours.  

After that incident she vowed to never forget to put on sunscreen.  

Rose loved these times when they could forget about the real world and just be on vacation time.  Her and Harry didn't get too many of these and they liked to take advantage of them while they still could.  

After a while of tanning and laying on their towels sharing a few kisses here and there she felt as though it was the perfect time to give Harry his present.  She went into her beach bag and grabbed it giving it to him.  

He wasn't expecting Rose to give her anything, just her being here was enough to him.  As he unwrapped her present he noticed it was a book.  Looking at page after page, it was pictures of them from the very beginning from when they first started dating.  Inside of it, he noticed there was a note in her neat handwriting.

Dear Harry,

Happy Third Anniversary!  Words can't describe how much you mean to me.  You are the best thing to ever happen to me and I cherish each memory we get to spend together.       

I will forever be grateful for on the day that you came up to me in that restaurant and on the day that we saw each other again. 

I hope we have many more happy years together. 

I love you, blue eyes.   

With love,


Harry couldn't believe that she had put this much thought into a gift for him and it meant more to him than anything.  

"I love you and this gift,"  Harry told her sincerely.

"I love you."

She responded back as he collided his mouth onto hers in a searing kiss lowering her onto her towel.  


Were you guys expecting it to be St. Tropez?  Have any of you been there?!  

What do you think of the luxury yacht & Rose's gift?


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