Chapter Five

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It's the next day with the sun seeping through the drapes of the curtains as Rose rubbed the sleep from her eyes.  She had a major jet lag and all she felt like doing for the rest of the day was sleep.  Groaning she grudgingly got out of bed and walked slowly, still half asleep, to the shower. 

But before she could get farther, she heard a knock on the door.  She wasn't sure who could be up this early and want to see her.  All she wanted to do was get in the nice hot shower and enjoy the rest of the day. 

Opening the door, she completely forgot that she was only in one of Harry's shirts that he wore when he didn't have engagements to attend.  But it was too late to change. 

"Harry what are you doing here," she whispered at him as she spotted her boyfriend of two years at the door. 

Relief flooded through her as it was only him and not one of the hotel staff but as soon as it came, it vanished replaced by fear. 

"I came to see you," he replied cheekily with furrowed eyebrows.  He always loved when she wore his shirts to bed and nothing else besides her panties. 

She opened the door wider sneaking a glance at the left and right side making sure no one else was around.  When she saw that it was all clear she let him in.  She wasn't sure what they would do if one of the hotel guests or staff members saw them together.  Would they keep quiet?  Hopefully they wouldn't have to find out.

Leading him inside her hotel room by the hand and walking into the shower after discarding of their clothes. 


After their shower session they both dried off and changed into their clothes that they would wear for the day. They ordered room service to eat breakfast together.

When room service came by, Harry made a quick dash to hide in the bathroom.  Rose sighed allowing the staff to come in with the food. 

With the maid entering she took one look at Rose and found it suspicious that someone like her could be staying in a place like this.  She didn't say anything but she felt as though the blonde didn't belong there.  She couldn't help but wonder how someone like her was able to get a room this expensive.  But the girl didn't dare utter her a word, instead she gave her a glare to the young blonde. 

The girl always had a problem with rich people who just took without anything in return.  She was grateful for her job at such a place like the Wynn, but she couldn't stand snobby rich people and looked at all rich people the same.  She felt as though they never had any problems and always made their problems as dramatic as the price of money they made.

Rose thanked the lady as she set her food down on the table that was near her bed. 

After the room service lady left, Harry came back out and frowned at the look on Rose's face.  Her bottom lip protruding out in a pout.  She could tell that the room service lady didn't care for and she hadn't done anything wrong. 

Harry snaked his arms around her waist drawing her closer. 

"Hey what's wrong?"  He asked tilting her head to the side. 

"She didn't like me."

Rose knew she was probably overreacting.  After all, why should it matter if people who don't know her don't like her?  But after all the years of bullying she endured in middle school and some in high school, it had a lasting affect on her to be self-conscious. 

"Did she say something to you?"

"No, but she gave me a death glare.  I even tipped her."

"Just ignore them alright?  Let's have fun and enjoy this weekend.  She doesn't know you and the amazing person that you are.  Alright?"


Harry then proceeded to pepper her face with kisses making her giggle.  He always loved her giggle and thought it was the cutest.  He knew how much she wanted people to like her.  They had both been in similar situations with both of them being bullied at a young age.  But Harry was use to this lifestyle.  He was use to the spotlight, he was use to people saying negative things about him, and he was use to people waiting for him to make a mistake just so that they could watch him fall. 

That's why he wanted to ease Rose into this life.  After all, she had no part in this lifestyle prior to being with Harry.  Her family wasn't poor though either, her family was upper-middle class.  Her father was in the military and had made it to the rank of General, which is the highest rank and after being in the military for thirty years and making four deployments to Afghanistan and Iraq he retired in 2008. 

Her dad, John, and brothers were some of the most humble people she knew.  Even though her dad could easily be arrogant because of his ranking, he knew that all it would do was destroy him.  And anytime he did get tempted to be arrogant his wife, Rose's mom, helped bring him back to earth along with his children.  Her mom, Allison, worked at an elementary school on a military base in the front office as a secretary and she loved her job.  Rose's youngest sister, Candace, is a makeup artist and loves her job.  Her dad still treats their mom, Allison, with the utmost respect and love just as if they were on their first date.

They grew up in the military and had been use to that lifestyle.  Her youngest brother, Nathan, joined the Air Force right out of high school and her oldest brother Matthew, joined right out of college.  He had done ROTC all through out high school and college earning him the rank of 2 LT when he graduated.  Now, he is ranked 1 LT as he just had a promotion. 

Because of this, she was use to Harry being in the military.  That didn't mean that she feared for him and prayed for his safety.  Not just his, but along with the others who risk their life protecting their nation. 

Harry has a great relationship with her family, especially her parents and brothers.  They always seem to talk about the military and their jobs when they are together.  Talking about the differences between the British military and the American military.

Pulling Rose to the chair she sat down and ate her pancakes adding butter and syrup to them and opened up the fruit she had ordered.  Harry had gotten an egg omelet and added some salsa onto it. 

Harry wasn't quite sure how they would plan being able to meet up together and sight see, let alone seeing each other outside without drawing speculation.  He didn't want Rose to be brought into the spotlight like that and would do anything to keep that from happening. 


Sooo you got to see some of her home life here in this chapter.  What her parents did and how many other siblings she has. 

Yes, she has three other siblings. Her brother Matthew, is the oldest. Rose is the second oldest, then there's Candace, and Nathan is the baby in the family. Just wanted to clarify that.

Exciting things are about to happen!! 👀🙈

I had so much fun writing this chapter because I had a skin care appointment with my dermatologist this morning and we had to wait like an hour before getting called back because they didn't tell us that my dermatologist had moved places.


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