Chapter Six

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Later that day after Harry and Rose slept for a few hours they got dressed in their swim suit and swim trunks and went by the pool area with Harry's two friends. They didn't know who Rose was they just assumed that she was some American girl who Harry met on this trip. He didn't answer any questions and they didn't ask. Although they couldn't hold hands or be affectionate towards each other in public, they both thought anything was better than nothing at all.

Walking towards the pool area they could see how crowded it was. People everywhere and music blaring in the background. It was hot day in Las Vegas around one hundred and ten degrees. With jean shorts on, a tank top, underneath a swim suit, sandals, her beach bag, and a towel draped across her shoulder she was walking through the crowd of people trying to find an empty place to put her things. She hoped that it wouldn't be like this all weekend with people pushing and shoving her.

She couldn't stand how these people were treating her because they acted like she wasn't even there. 

Finally finding a place sit, she placed her beach bag, towel, sandals, and took off her clothes.  Walking over to the bar area she got herself a virgin pina colada, which sounded refreshing to her.  She never liked getting pina colada's with alcohol as they never tasted quite right to her.  Paying for her drink she thanked guy and left. 

Going back to her spot she could see girls she didn't know with two of Harry's friends and flirting relentlessly with Harry.  She knew she couldn't do anything and that was always the hard part.

Sometimes, she wished that they hadn't come up with this secret relationship.  They had to find time to see each other, they couldn't be like how a regular couple was in public, and she had to watch random girls come up to her boyfriend and openly flirt with him. 

Her family had worried about that from the beginning and making it a point to voice their concerns.  But she knew they didn't mean any harm to them or even tried to break them up. 

Rose could still remember the day that she brought home Prince Harry to meet her family and they were in for quite a surprise. 

Walking up to her house on Madison Drive with her boyfriend of a year hand in hand, he began swinging their hands, which made her smile.  Before they rang the doorbell she stopped him to look at him.  She knew he was nervous.  Even she was nervous.

She had only had one boyfriend after all that she had brought home and that was when she was in high school.

"Hey, it's going to be okay.  They're going to love you.  I promise."

He looked at her with a raised eyebrow, her words not really comforting him. 

"You can't promise something you don't know already," he muttered.

Harry honestly didn't know why he was feeling so nervous.  But because he was out of comfort zone he felt as though he didn't know what to expect.  Wrapping her arms around his neck, he immediately rested his hands on her hips almost as if it were second nature to do that now. 

"I know that my mom already likes the way you treat me." 

Truth was, Rose was trying to reassure her herself.  She had never been one to draw attention to herself to guys.  She never threw herself at them unlike her friend, Becca. 

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