Royal Wedding Media Coverage 2014

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LeeAnn: "We are back and on this happy day of the Royal Wedding 2014 of Prince Harry and Rose Anderson."

Michael: "This is a couple that shocked the world by dating for two years in secrecy and then going public their third year."

Stacy: "You know I'm glad that you mentioned that because I would like to take a moment to talk about that.  In Prince Harry and Rose's engagement interview they talked about the reason behind that decision to hide Rose from the rest of the world.  This was Harry's response.  'You know every aspect of my life is out there for the rest of the world to see.  I wanted to be able to protect Rose and I felt this was the best way.'"

Pamela: "I can see why Prince Harry would want to keep his relationship with Rose a secret.  I think a lot of that had to do with his mother and her relationship with the press.  Then with his ex-girlfriend, Chelsy Davy, who had said her relationship with the young Prince had ended because she couldn't deal with the press.  I think he was wanting to be extra cautious this time around."

LeeAnn: "Yes, you are absolutely right.  I think it paid off as well because here we are on this joyous occasion.  Just two years ago Kate and Will had gotten married and now have an adorable little boy Prince George."

Stacy: "This couple is very different from Kate and William.  They're much more private about their relationship but they show just as much PDA as Kate and Prince William do."

Michael: "Rose's first Royal engagement that she had actually was when she attended Christmas at Sandringham that the Royals attend every year.  This was also a total shock to everyone because typically girlfriends aren't invited."

LeeAnn: "That's very true.  Prince Harry actually had to get special permission from the Queen herself to have Rose there.  It's very different because not even Kate Middleton was able to go when she dated Prince William."

Stacy: "You know this day is also so historic.  Rose is probably feeling a lot of different emotions as England hasn't had an American Duchess since the year .  I would say she's probably feeling even more pressure for this reason.  It was said that she has been staying at the Corinthia hotel in London with her family and her older brother Matthew's girlfriend, Melanie.  They are a very close-knit family and she wanted to spend her last week before the wedding with them."

Michael: "As we all know Prince Harry was deployed to Afghanistan in 2012.  With Rose's father and both of her brother's being in the military, she really became that pillar of strength that he needed.  We know that her family is very patriotic.  Her father retired as a General in the United States Army and was deployed to Afghanistan four times and to Iraq once.  Whereas her older brother, Matthew, has been deployed to Iraq once."

Stacy:  "She has and with her being as strong as she has been, I think it helped Harry more to know how strong she was.  I'm sure she still had her moments where she missed him, but it takes a strong woman to be able to handle their significant other going off to war.  She probably still had those fears creep in from time to time but it helps them to know that they're going to be okay."

LeeAnn: "And you know I just love Rose's close relationship relationship that she has with her soon to be brother-in-law William and sister-in-law, Kate.  Prince William had released a rare statement about Rose and I thought it was really sweet."

Michael: "It looks like guests are now arriving at Westminster Abbey.  Here we see Steve Wynn.  It came out that he was the first to know besides the Royal's and Rose's family that they were an item.  When the articles came out of their vacation in St. Tropez, it was actually in Las Vegas that they were first photographed with each other."

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