Chapter Thirty-Three

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It was now the next day of their South African holiday. Rose and Harry were both better well-rested than yesterday as after their massage they just spent the day eating, walking around the Lodge they were staying in to investigate it, and slept.

Rose was in the bathroom straightening her light blonde hair and then applying some deodorant. She changed into a white buttoned down shirt that had rolled up sleeves, a pair of leggings that were a tan color, and some brown riding boots. She decided only to put on eyeliner and mascara on her eyes as they were going on a Safari today. She was so excited when Harry told her that she was practically jumping up and down. Rose had always wanted to go on a safari and see the animals in their natural habitat.

They had already eaten a nice breakfast that had African food. Rose and Harry both thought it was delicious. While she was here she didn't want to eat any American food that she would normally get in the States or even in London. Harry was impressed.

Harry and Rose were done getting ready and she grabbed her Aviators and camera and they walked out of their room hand-in-hand. Harry was also excited to do all of these adventures with Rose. He couldn't imagine anyone better to do them with.

As they reached their tour guide, Rose started to get a nervous stomach ache. She noticed that the car was open. Suddenly she started to freak out wondering if it was safe. Rose pulled on Harry's hand to have him stop walking.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked her. He had noticed a change in her behavior and hoped that everything was alright.

"The car is open. Is it safe? I mean the animals could jump on us and eat us alive," Rose's breathing started to pick up and Harry could tell she was freaking out.

"Rose you need to calm down," Harry began as he put his hands on her shoulders

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"Rose you need to calm down," Harry began as he put his hands on her shoulders. "I'm sure these people know what they're doing. They wouldn't put anyone in harm. If they do though I'll protect you. It's all going to be okay, I promise. I'll be right there with you." He brought her closer to him and wrapped his arms around her as she buried her head in his chest.

After a few moments Rose looked up at him and knew that he was right. He placed a kiss on her forehead, making her close her eyes. That would always calm her down.

"Are you okay now? We don't have to do this if you don't want to," Harry told his girlfriend.

"No, I'm okay now."

"You sure?" Harry asked looking into her blue grey eyes to see if there was any hesitation at all.

"Yeah, I'm sure."

Rose kissed his lips and they began walking again. Harry's body guard had come as well for extra protection in case people tried coming up to talk to the young Prince.

"Hello, I am your tour guide for today. My name is Dzingai. You may get in the car now and on the Safari you will be able to take pictures of the animals. We ask that you don't try to get their attention or feed them."

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