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Today is the day. I'm finally graduating from high school, thankfully I'm graduating a year early because I did online classes for a whole summer. I grabbed my white cap and gown and walked out of my bedroom door, I checked myself out in the hallway mirror before walking down the stairs and joining my mom at the dinner table.

"Are you excited?" She asked as she sat down a bowl of cereal in front of me.

"Cereal for lunch?" I asked, ignoring her question completely. She nodded with a smile on her face. I tried to avoid eye contact with her but I failed, every few seconds my eyes would meet hers and we would look away silently. My mother and I have never gotten along, it's not that I had a traumatic childhood or anything, we just don't click. She doesn't get me and I certainly do not get her.

"Well I'm gonna go, if you don't make it today it's fine." I said as I sat my bowl in the sink, grabbed my keys and walked out the door. I hopped in my hummer, well before I sound too rich let me explain. My brother is in a band that is very successful, the hummer is his but thankfully he's on tour right now so I'm driving it. I backed out of the driveway and made my way to the school.

Before I get too far into my life, let me tell you a bit about myself. I'm sixteen, I have brown hair and bright blue eyes. I'm a decent height which is 5'5 and my dream in life is to be a director for a movie.

My phone began ringing and I answered it.

"Ariana oh my gosh guess what!?" My best friend, Mia, yelled through the phone.

"What?!" I asked, yelling back at her as I made a left turn and parked near the front of the school.

"Hayes Grier is starting a tv show and is looking for a director!!" I rolled my eyes, she's been trying to, I guess you could say, hook Hayes and I up for the past three years. We've both been obsessed with him for the longest time. Neither of us have met him, but I have been three hundred feet away from him at EDC once, my heart has never pounded so hard.

"As if I would ever direct a show Hayes Grier is in." I told her with a small laugh escaping my mouth.

"You gotta try!" She told me happily and I grabbed my backpack from the back seat and entered the school.

"Lockers?" I asked and I heard her hum in response, I hung up and made my way to my locker, which is conveniently right next to Mia's. Since I was at school late, everyone was already in class, leaving the hallway to Mia and I.

"How was Calculus?" I asked her with a laugh, any type of math is not a friend of Mia's.

"It was hell." She rolled her eyes and then handed me her phone which was conveniently on Hayes Griers Instagram.

"Really?" I scoffed and handed her phone back to her, I grabbed my Spanish books and made my way down the hall and to room 112.

I sat in the back of the class and went on my phone. After unlocking it, I went to Hayes' Instagram. His most recent post was a picture with text on it, it read; Guys I'm so sorry to say this but the director of my show has quit. Until we can find a new director the show will not be aired.
I was a bit disappointed as I was excited to see the first episode. I then scrolled down to the comments and saw that Mia was repeatedly tagging me saying the same thing She's an amazing director and has the best editing skills! Check out her account!

I laughed a little, knowing that he would never see her comments. I locked my phone and focused on the board where the teacher was hounding us about spelling Spanish words correctly.

~After school. One hour til graduation~

Mia was over at my house and we were both getting ready.

"Black shoes?" She asked and I looked over at her before I started my eyeliner.

"Definitely." I told her and she slipped on her black pumps. My body turned back towards the mirror and I did my winged liner. Since I've been doing it since eight grade I was a pro, it was always a perfectly straight line and I loved it. I then recurled any curls in my hair that had come loose. I grabbed a piece of brown hair and wrapped it around the wand, held it for a second and then let go, it gave the perfect wave effect.

"Ready?" I asked her, not wanting to be late to graduate. She shook her head and threw her charger in her purse before grabbing her cap and gown and leading the way downstairs. After grabbing my cap and gown I followed her. We were both wearing matching black dresses that were a few inches above our knees, matching shoes too. The difference between us is that she has brown eyes while I have bright blue. We don't look much alike, she has a flatter nose, smaller boobs, a little bit of a bigger butt, and she's taller than me. I stand at 5'5 and she's 5'7.

She decided to drive us so I threw my stuff in the back seat of her white chevy pick up. Mia put the truck in reverse and pulled out of the drive way, then began driving us to the school.

~ At School, half way through graduation ~

I sat on the stage next to Sarah, a girl I never talked to but she was sweet so we made small talk. Mia was five seats away from me in the same row, I waved to her and she waved back.
The most popular girl in school, Hailey, was giving her valedictorian speech when she abruptly stopped.

"Is that Hayes Grier?" She asked and everyone's head turned towards the entrance of the gym.
There stood Hayes Grier, wearing a black shirt that fit him perfectly, black jeans, and some black vans. Such a typical Hayes outfit, especially during his photo shoots. My heart began to pound so hard I thought it would rip through my chest and fall onto the floor. Mia called my name a million times but I couldn't hear anything. I was in my own world.

Hayes walked up to the stage and Hailey gladly gave him the mic. He grabbed it in his right hand and began to speak.

"Is there an Ariana Lockheart that goes here?"
That's chapter one!! Let me know what you think in the comments!

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