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four months pregnant

It's been nearly a month without my mom, I'm not really sure how I do it. Her funeral was a week ago and I made sure everything was just as perfect as her.

"Ariana? You good enough to film?" Hayes asked sweetly.

I've had a replacement director ever since my mom died, plus Liz has been on my case about taking vitamins and eating plenty of healthy food.

"Uh, Yeah, I think I am." I smiled at him weakly and stood up, showing off my belly, when you saw me on the street there was no doubting I was pregnant these days. It just keeps getting bigger.

Hayes helped me put my shoes on and then helped me up and down the stairs, he thinks I'm the most fragile thing in the world.

"Hey bestie" Mia said and gave me a hug, she then walked over to the couch and sat next to Nash.

Quick update on them, they went out on a date and they're trying again. Of course Mia wants to go through his phone every ten minutes but soon enough she'll be able to trust him again. As much as I'm glad they're trying again I hate seeing my best friend hurt, and it's going to break my heart if something else happens.

"Bye guys." Nash said and waved to me and Hayes.

"Where are you guys going?" Mia asked as she flipped through the channels before Nash took the remote out of her hand and began looking for himself.

"There's a competition at the track, race day my boy." Hayes said and I smiled. I put my camera bag on my shoulder and carried it to the truck. My baby bump really comes in handy when I need somewhere to rest my hand, soon enough I'll be able to balance stuff on there like a shelf.

"Ready?" My lovely and favorite Grier asked and I shook my head. Tez was already in the back seat hyping Hayes up.

"There will probably be some fans and or paparazzi there just so you know baby." Hayes said to me and I nodded my head.

"I know." I sighed. I'm craving cheese real bad right now.

"Oh, here, Hayes said I needed to pack some food." Tez said and handed me a lunch box with a bunch of goodies in it.

"No cheese?" I pouted and felt a tear form in my eye.

"Aww, babe, I'm sorry I didn't know you'd want cheese." Hayes said and rested a hand on my cheek.

"Store!" I yelled and pointed out the window as we were coming into town.

Hayes stopped and ran in, he quickly returned with some Colby jack and I dug in.

~awhile later at the track~

Hayes parked the truck and got the tent type thing up, basically you put it up for shade. I sat up my chair and then got some of Hayes' stuff out before resting my feet.

Soon enough the unfortunate event of Hayes getting recognized began happening.

"Hey man, it's good to finally get to ride with you! Care if we get a pic?" One guy and his buddy asked, they were cool. They were two blonde boys that were definitely a bit younger than Hayes, but it's cool that he has people looking up to him.

Eventually they called Hayes' class and he lined up at the gates. I gave him a quick kiss and he slid his helmet on, he rested his hand on my tummy for a quick second as if it was his good luck charm and then got ready. I scurried over to the stands with my camera equipment and made sure I was ready to get good footage.

"Want me to get that for you?" A guy asked when he realized one of my bags slipped through the bleachers and onto the ground.

"Oh, um, sure, thanks." I said to him and messed with my camera a bit more.

He handed me my bag and I thanked him.

"No problem, I'm Blake, nice to meet you." He checked me out with his green eyes and I instantly felt uncomfortable.

"Well, Blake, thank you for getting my bag, but I need to focus, my boyfriend is about to race." I informed him and he put his hands up in a bit of a sarcastic way and stepped a few feet away from me.

"Go for it, I'll enjoy the view." He smirked and I rolled my eyes and huffed.

Thanks god I already had the camera recording it else I would have missed Hayes take off.

~after the race~

"And in first place! Hayes Grier!" The announcement guy said and I cheered as Hayes rode his bike over to the stands and gave me a kiss.

"Congrats baby." I smiled at him and Tez ran over to me and helped me pack all my camera stuff up.

"Go on lil momma I got this." Tez said and I giggled, he helped me on the back of the dirt bike and Hayes gave me a ride to the truck while Tez decided to be a gentleman and carry all my stuff for me.

Once we were at the truck I decided to grab my camera and watch some of the footage I captured today.

After a minute or two a girl came up behind me and shoved my shoulder, which sent my camera falling to its demise on the dirt path.

"What the hell?" I turned towards a decently attractive brunette who was wearing riding gear.

"Hey, I'm Hailey." She smiled at Hayes and completely ignore my remark.

"Babe, you okay?" Hayes asked and quickly helped me stand up straight after I picked my camera up off the ground. If it wasn't for this belly I wouldn't have any trouble bending down.

"Yeah, who's this bimbo?" I asked my boyfriend and gave her the stink eye.

"I'm Hailey, I'm a pro rider." She smiled, her attempt at flirting with Hayes wasn't going to work, I just hope she knows that. She tried batting her eyelashes and even rested a hand on Hayes' dirt bike seat and leaned over a bit, it was her sad attempt at flirting.

"Yeah, cool, but as you can see I'm busy with my best friend and girlfriend so if you're so good at riding then go ride." Hayes told her and I smiled.

She pouted and rolled her eyes.

"Wanna join me on the track." She bit her bottom lip and tried to be attractive but once again Hayes and this time Tez saw right through it.

"Wanna buy my girl a new camera?" Tez asked her, it came out very demanding and I was happy. Bitch broke a $600 camera and didn't even say sorry.

"I'll buy you a new camera, better even, if Hayes gives me a ride, and I'm not talking on his dirt bike." She winked at him and I rolled my eyes.

"Alright listen bitch, I don't know if you noticed but this-" I drew a circle around my belly in the air and over exaggerated a ton.

"-belongs to this-" I pointed to Hayes and then squished his cheeks.

"-So you can go, and if I see your ass again me and my hormonal ass is gonna punch you so hard the only thing you're going to be asking for is mercy. Clear?" I yelled at her and she walked away.

"You're 'fans' suck." I said to Hayes once the crazed brunette was out of heat shot.

"I just want to go home and sleep." I yawned and the guys agreed.

We packed everything up and headed home.

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