||Today is the day||

748 12 3

Wednesday, 4:30 am

Mia and I woke up early enough to pack.

"Quiet when you go downstairs, my moms on the couch." I warned her and she nodded as she groggily exited my room and walked down the white carpeted stairs.

I began folding and putting clothes into my black suitcase. I'm planning for the whole summer even though my mom said she'd give me a week then check up on me. I know I'll pass all my classes so I should be able to stay for the whole three months.

I folded all my shirts that were in the closet and then folded ten pairs of shorts. I have so much clothes it hurts to sort through them.

I then moved on to sweaters, long sleeves, jeans, and underwear.

"I got you some cereal." Mia said as she entered the dimly lit room, the only light that was on was on my night stand. It was so relaxing, being up at four in the morning packing clothes in almost complete silence.

After my suitcase was completely stuffed, I ate my cereal. I then grabbed my makeup bag and began sorting through my makeup and organizing it. I then grabbed my Pink backpack and threw in my laptop, ipad, chargers, and headphones.

Once Mia and I were both finished packing we went downstairs and turned on Cake Boss.

5:35 am.

"We gotta get going." I told her and I walked to my mother's room to wake her up so she could drop us off. There's no point in me driving.

"Mom we gotta go." I said as I opened her door, I turned her light on so I knew she'd get up and went to get my stuff.

I had a large suitcase with my summer clothes, a medium suitcase with my warmer clothes and extra stuff. Then I had my makeup bag with the girly essentials in it and last but not least, my backpack with all of my electronics and like 17 packs of gum.

"You girls ready?" My mom asked as she zipped up her sweater and slipped on some shoes.

"Yup." I said and Mia grabbed her things and I filled her out the front door with mine.

We lived about ten minutes away from the airport so neither of us planned on sleeping until we got on the plane.

"I'm going to miss you two." My mom said as she dropped us off at the doors.

"I'll call every night, okay?" I said and hugged her.

"Be careful, I love you both." My mom said and gave us both a hug.

"Bye!" I waved as we walked away and towards gate 6.

Since we got there right on time, the lady was already taking the tickets.
After we went through the whole lugged ordeal we got on the plane and shoved our backpacks where the carry ons go.

"Ladies and gentleman this is your captain speaking, we will be reaching our destination of Charlotte, North Carolina in approximately one hour and thirteen minutes." Since I've been on many flights before I put in headphones and listened to Shawn Mendes the whole way there.

~ Landing ~

Once the plane landed we gathered our things and headed straight to luggage pick up.

We hurried and got our things before we started looking for our 'Ariana & Mia' sign.
After looking for a few minutes we saw Nash and Hayes holding the sign.

"Hey!" I said as I struggled with all my bags.

"I can take that if you need help." Hayes offered and I let him take my backpack since it was giving me the most trouble.

"Thanks." I said and saw Mia wiggle her eyebrows at me, I just scrunched my face up and softly laughed.

They led us to the car and after we put our luggage in the car Nash began driving away.

"You girls can probably sleep a bit, it's about a fourty five minute drive, with traffic." Nash said but I decided to stay awake. Mia on the other hand was out like a light.

I took out my iPhone 6 and took a picture of the airport as we were leaving and posted it on Instagram with the caption 'Hello NC'.
I didn't have millions of followers, but I did have quite a few, around 76 thousand and that's only because of my editing skills and the people I've worked with.
I began getting comments and people tagging their friends.

'Hayes lives in NC, are you directing his show?!'

'mooresville by any chance? ;)'

After reading a few comments I locked my phone.

"Are you excited to shoot the first episode?" Hayes asked as he turned around to look at me, I was sitting diagonal from him.

"I'm actually really nervous." I admitted and he smiled.

"Don't be, it'll be fun." He turned around and I looked out the window.

Today is the day, the beginning of my career.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'll be posting again soon :)

Yes! I realize that I messed up and said her mom was sleeping in the couch and then went to her room to wake her up. Oops! Sorry

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