||Day Two||

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I woke up to a soft knock on the bedroom door, Mia must be downstairs eating because her bed is empty.

"Crap." I said to myself after realizing I only edited half of episode one. We have three hours worth of footage that needs to be cut down to fifteen minutes, it's a little bit difficult.

"Hayes, hey." I said as I opened the white door. Hayes handed me a plate of food and invited himself in, it was technically his house after all.

"Did you sleep at the desk last night?" He questioned as he noticed I still had all the editing software open.

"Yeah, I fell asleep around 4:30 this morning. So I got about," I looked at the clock and saw it was 8 am.

"Three and a half hours of sleep." I finished and he chuckled a bit.

"Good thing you only need to film every other day then." He said and I nodded as I ate a piece of bacon.

"Finish your breakfast, get some more sleep and then join us outside, okay?" I'm kind of excited to see what's going on, I don't need anymore sleep, I'm fine.

"It's fine, I'll be down in fifteen." I told him and he exited the room.

"Send Mia up!" I yelled to him.

Moments later I heard quick footsteps coming up the stairs and down the hall.

"What are the guys up to?" I asked her right as she entered the room. She closed the door and plopped down on the bed.

"Nash is coming back and he rented a boat. Me, you, Nash, Hayes, and Tez are all going out on the water today." She explained and I got excited.

"This is gonna be so much fun! What bikini are you wearing?!" I asked loudly.

"My navy blue one." She said as she pulled it out of her bag.

"I'm wearing my black one with the straps." I told her as I searched through my bag for it.

"Good, you look hot in that one." She complimented as she walked down the hall and to the bathroom. I quickly change in the room while no one was in there and slipped on some denim shorts, I'm not even going to bother with a shirt.

"Let's go!" I clapped happily to myself and we exited the room. Tez and Hayes were sitting at the kitchen table in their swim trunks.

When I saw Hayes my jaw threatened to drop, he has such a nice body. Not to brag but Mia and I look pretty good too, we work out almost every day. Toned stomachs, nice butts, but since she's against waist training mine is a little tinier but that doesn't even matter.

"Woah." I heard Hayes say under his breath and I knew he was staring at me. Since I'm a tease I decided to reach over the counter and grab my phone, it's down here because Mia was on it.
When I turned around I saw Hayes shift in his seat and knew my job was done.
I put my hand behind my back and quietly high fived Mia.

"Ready?" Tez asked and we all shook our heads, ready to go.

"Nash has been waiting twenty minutes for you guys! Hurry up!" Liz yelled as she entered the kitchen with Skylynn following close behind.

We all booked it out of the house and I grabbed my waterproof phone case out of my purse before we left. I slipped it onto my phone as we ran to the docks.

"Nash!" Hayes yelled and they did some weird brother hand shake they made up when they were like five.

"Let's go have some fun!" Nash yelled and we all got into the boat.

Once we got far enough out, Hayes and Tez got out the boards.

"Ever been wakeboarding?" Hayes asked me and I shook my head no. I slipped off my denim shorts after deciding that I don't really want to get those wet and sat them on the seat.

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