||Monday Blues||

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Since the guys were out and about I have a duty to fulfill. I walked into Hayes and Ariana's suit and threw a pillow at her.

"How ya feelin'?" I asked her, seeing if I should still take her to the clinic.

"Fine." She said quietly. Not even a second later she rolled over and threw up on the floor.

"Oh that's nasty." I said,

"I'm not cleaning that." I added and went into the bathroom and got a washcloth, I drenched it with water and then walked over to Ariana, careful to avoid the throw up on the floor.

I wiped her mouth and then checked her head, she didn't feel warm. With my left hand on Aris forehead I used my right hand to call room service and told them we needed a maid to come clean up some puke and they said a woman would be right up.

"Come on, were going to the clinic." I said to my best friend, she groaned but didn't put up a fight as she got up herself and slid on her Burkes.

I left a twenty dollar bill under the lamp and a note saying thank you, because I know that everyone hates cleaning up vomit, especially when the person was just inches away from a trash can.

Ariana's tiny body slid into the rental car and I looked up directions to the nearest clinic and then called Nash.

"Hey baby." His voice echoed through the phone, I smiled and then regained focus.

"Hey, tell Hayes I'm taking Ariana to the clinic, she's definitely coming down with something." I heard some static and then the other Grier's voice.

"We're playing pool, call me when you figure out what's wrong." Hayes said and then we said our goodbyes and hung up the phone.


"Bro, why aren't you the one taking your girl to the clinic? For all you know you could have a little Hayes Jr. on the way." My annoying older brother said as I lined up my shot, I rolled my eyes.

"She's just sick Nash, she ate some bad food, no babies yet." Keyword yet. I mean it's not that I don't want to have a baby, I do, and even if she was pregnant I'd be estatic, because I know she's the one. I just don't think I'd be a good dad.

"Let's just wait for Mia to call." He stated and we continued our game of pool.


I've been sitting in this extremely uncomfortable chair for an hour. No updates, no texts from the boys, nothing.

Finally, the double doors open and Ariana comes walking out, a strange look on her face that I've never seen before.

"Ready?" I asked her and she nodded her head.



im pregnant.

a little tiny human in literally growing inside my uterus. no one else thinks that's weird?

"Mia, I'm not gonna sit here and hide it or do some crazy reveal about it 'cause frankly I'm not excited. But I'm pregnant." Mia's eyes widened and a huge grin appeared on her face.

"Oh my gosh! How could you not be excited!?" She asked as if I was crazy.

"Mia I'm eighteen! I have my whole life to live, a whole world to travel!" I exclaimed and dramatically threw my hands in the air.

"You can still do that! A baby is not stopping you from seeing the world." She told me and I laid back in my seat and waited to get back to the ship.

~later that evening~

"I don't think having a baby is ruining our life plans, I think we just have to do things in a different order now." Hayes explained to me, he was calm when I told him, even slightly excited. Why is everyone excited except me? Shouldn't I be excited to be a mom?

"Hayes, what about Top Grier? Going to Paris and Italy and going to parties?!" I yelled, I didn't want this to be an argument but I just need him to get my point.

"All of that can still happen!" He said back, raising his voice just a bit but nothing to make me angry.

I sighed and sat down on the bed, putting my elbows on my knees and my head in my hands.

"Ari, we can do this, no matter what anyone in the entire universe says." I felt his soft lips kiss my forehead and then he pulled out his vlog camera, which I wasn't mad about. The meaning of Top Grier was to capture Hayes' whole life and this was part of it.

"We're having a baby." I said to the camera and found myself smiling like crazy. Five minutes ago I didn't want to be pregnant, but now it's all I want, it's real, it's happening, and I'm going to be the best mother I can.

OMG I KNOW the girl gets pregnant in EVERY Hayes Grier story but I'm not going to rush it or make it cringe or cheesy, I'm not going to make everyone psycho over a baby. I'm going to treat it how normal people do, announcements and baby showers but I PROMISE! The little baby will not become the whole entire focus of the story, the point of the story is still Ariana and Hayes and I will do my best to focus on that and make everything as balance as I can.

And if you don't like that she's pregnant I'm sorry but you guys have no idea what ideas I have in store.

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