||I'm not going anywhere||

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* Ariana *

"Mom please don't freak out, just know I left because it was an emergency." I told her, my hands shaking.

"Where are you Ariana?" She asked, getting more serious by the second.

"Hayes was in a dirt bike crash, I'm in North Carolina. Don't even think of asking me to come home, I'm staying here until he is one hundred percent healed." I explained to her, my voice getting even bitchier than it already was when she called.

"What happened?" She asked and I told her what happened and all the injuries that Hayes had encountered.

"Baby girl that could take up to 6 months to heal completely, I don't want you gone that long." Her voice softened and I began crying.

"Mom please, I don't wanna leave his side, I'm supposed to be there for him." I sniffled and Nash came out of the room and took the phone.

"Mrs. Lockheart, any amount of time you give Ariana and Mia to stay would be greatly appreciated." As he was talking I heard wheels behind me and turned around to see the doctor wheeling Hayes back into the room, he was asleep of course.

Once they got him situated and the doctors left I went in and sat down on a chair next to his bed.

"I'm not going anywhere, Hayes." I whispered and grabbed his hand, I rested my head on the bed and felt myself falling asleep.

"Your mom said you two can stay for the rest of the summer, she also said that she would work it out with someone you guys call Momma Bear?" I smiled and Mia hugged me.

"Thank god, Nash you saved the day." I hugged Nash and Mia joined in, followed by Cameron and Shawn.

After that we all sat down and talked for about an hour and a half. I heard Hayes' low voice behind me and we all stood up and surrounded the bed.

"Hey man." Nash said as Hayes looked around.

"My tongue." Hayes said and used his fingers to pull his tongue out of his mouth.

"Is very dry." He said sleepily and I laughed a little while grabbing a cup of water and putting a straw in it.

"Here ya go." I said to him and he took it from me.

"How are you feeling?" Elizabeth asked and he gave her a thumbs up.

"Lots of pain but I'll be fine." Hayes looked up at me and a small smirk appeared on his side.

"So I noticed I never officially asked you to be my girlfriend so..." Hayes started and everyone gave their "oohs" and "awwws".

"Ariana, I know this isn't the perfect time to ask but today scared the hell out of me, I'm lucky I'm alive, I'm not wasting another second without you. Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked and I started laughing, I was nervous. My face turned red and I shook my head yes.

"That's a lot to say from someone that just got out of surgery but yes!" I said happily and kissed him, it was a quick peck because his mom was in the room.

"You need some sleep." Cameron said to Hayes and Hayes nodded his head in agreement.

"You guys can go back to the house." Nash said to Cameron, Shawn, Mia and I. I agreed that it would be a good idea to go change and get some sleep, we'll come back later tonight.

"Immediate family will stay." Nash continued and I grabbed my phone from him and walked out of the room, giving Hayes one final smiling. Mia and I got our things from the front desk and we walked out of the hospital.

Hayes.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu