||You're kidding, right?||

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The dress Ariana and Mia are wearing is attached :) I'm not sure where it would be!


I was shocked, my body wouldn't move. Mia shoved me towards Hayes and I almost tripped because of my heels.

"I'm Ariana Lockheart." I told him shakily and he smiled. Everyone in the audience was silent. Hailey, obviously, was giving me the death stare from her seat next to the podium.

"Can I talk to you in private?" Hayes asked and I nodded. I followed him off the stage and into the hallway. Behind Hayes stood two large men in tight black shirts; bodyguards.

"I was looking through my comments on Instagram and saw that you were tagged over a thousand times, when I looked at your profile I saw how sick your videos were!" He exclaimed and pulled up a video I filmed and edited. My friends were all skateboarding and I added a bunch of cool effects and music to it.

"You have some real talent, talent I want on Top Grier. You seem like you're the best of the best." I smiled but it soon faded as I saw my mother walking down the hallway as I looked over Hayes' shoulder. With my heels on I was the same height as him, I'd say he was about 5'9.

"I'd love to direct your show! But the problem is my mom, who's actually speed walking our way as we speak." I told him and he turned around. My mother then walked by the large men and stood next to me. Next thing I know, Mia is running this way.

"Here's your diploma!" She cheered and we hip bumped. While my mom was talking to Hayes, Mia and I made a boomerang video of us throwing our hats in the air. I caught Hayes staring at me and I looked at him, he quickly looked away. I decided to take off my gown and it revealed my little black dress, Mia took hers off too.
We both rejoined the conversation with Hayes and my mom.

"Sounds good, we'll be over at 7." Hayes said and began walking away.

"Mom, what did you do?!" I asked her as the boys turned the corner.

"I invited them to dinner where we can properly talk about this." She said and I was relieved. I told my mother that Mia was coming over and we would meet her at home.

The great yet sad thing about Mia is that she is in foster care. It's sad because she doesn't have a permanent home but it's good because she never has to ask permission to go anywhere, she goes wherever she wants when she wants.

"I can't believe Hayes is coming to your house!" Mia yelled as she buckled her seat belt and folded her gown onto her lap.

"I'm hella nervous, what do I wear?!" I asked her as I pulled out of the lot and headed home.

"You keep that on and I'll change into a different dress." She said and I mentally thanked her, I really didn't feel like changing.


There was a knock at the door and I watched as my mother opened it. My house is set up sort of weird, in my room the wall has a window type thing in it so I can look out and see the whole kitchen, the front door and some of the living room. But it doesn't have glass like a window, it's just open.

"Come on in." I heard my mother say and Mia and I ran down the spiral stairs and jumped on the couch. My mother told Hayes that he could make himself comfortable and he took a seat on the couch.

"Dinner is almost ready." My mom said as she finished making chicken alfredo, it's my all time favorite food.

Mia and I began setting the table and sat down to wait, she sat to my left. Once the food was ready my mother and Hayes joined us. Hayes sat across from me and my mother to my right.

"So, you saw Ari's videos?" My mother asked Hayes, using my gross childhood nickname.

"Mom, no nicknames." I told her and she ignored me, she waved her hand which meant to shut up.

"Yeah they're amazing, I'm not sure how she does it but I would love to have her direct my show." Hayes said and eyed me down with a subtle smirk on his face. I smiled and took another bite of my food.

"Pinch me." I whispered to Mia and she furrowed her brows at me.

"Is this real life?" I asked her and she lightly pinched my shoulder.

"Guess so." She shot me a wink and we straighten ourselves up at the table.

"So how would this work? Ariana would have to keep up with school." My mother commented and Hayes nodded his head.

"Well my mother is my school teacher, she does a lesson for three hours a day and it counts for credit." Hayes explained to her and my mom nodded, her brown hair moving with every motion she made.

"Where will she stay?" My mother asked and Hayes finished a bite of his food before speaking.

"We have a guest bedroom or she can stay in the garage that I'm redecorating, her choice." Hayes smiled at me and I felt like I was going to pass out. This is actually happening. Hayes fricken Grier is sitting at my dining table eating my food.

"How about this. Ariana can come stay for one week, I'll see if she keeps up with school and if she does then she can stay for the summer?" I can't believe the words that are coming out of my moms mouth.

"That would be amazing!" I cheered and my mother smiled at me.

"You're very talented, why hide it?" She commented and Hayes piped up.

"That's great! The flight leaves on Wednesday at 6 a.m." He said happily and we all finished our food.

Once we were all finished and Hayes so nicely helped wash the dishes we said our goodbyes.

"Well I'll see you Wednesday!" I cheered as Hayes stepped onto the porch.

I went in for a hand shake and Hayes opened his arms for a hug.

"Oh." I said quietly and went to hug him but he switched and held his hand out. I laughed and he opened his arms up and I hugged him.

"Bye!" He yelled once he was at the passenger door of the car.
I waved to him and closed the front door.

"I'm directing Hayes Grier's show!!" I yelled and skipped upstairs to my room which Mia was already in.

We switched into more comfortable clothes and binge watched Greys Anatomy while eating popcorn.

Right now, in this moment. My life couldn't get any better.
So I just realized that it didn't post last night when it should have, sorry about that!! Also, sorry for any spelling errors! If you find one just comment the correction and I'll gladly fix it!

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