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The next morning I woke up with Hayes' arms wrapped tight around me. I got up and took a quick shower to wake me up a bit before I found myself in the kitchen making breakfast for the Grier family.

I made pancakes with and without chocolate chips, bacon and eggs, cut up strawberries because I know Skylynn loves them, got the cereal down for Nash because he's stubborn and never eats the food I make and lastly I walked through the house and knocked on everyone's bedroom door so they would wake up.

"Breakfast!" My small voice echoed through the hallway and within minutes everyone was at the table cherishing the breakfast I had made.

"How are you feeling?" Mia asked in a little disbelief because usually I'm the last person awake.

"Good! I feel like I could run a marathon!" I cheered with the most energy I've had since I found out I was pregnant.

"Well since Ariana has so much energy today why don't you stop by your moms and see if she wants to go do something today?" Hayes suggested, which sounded like an amazing idea.

After eating breakfast I dialed my mothers number and waited for her to pick up, when she didn't I figured I would just get dressed and surprise her.

"Mia do you wanna come?" I asked her, she was sitting in the rocking chair staring at Nash, who was watching the daily news.

"No, you go, I think I'm going to make my move." She told me and I smiled, I really think they could work things out if they tried.

"Okay." I smiled and told everyone goodbye as I went out to the driveway and jumped in my Jeep. I clicked my seatbelt on over my tiny baby bump, which is finally starting to show at three and a half months, and then I was off to my moms.

She lived about eight miles away so it was close to a ten minute drive.

When I got there I parked outside of the closed garage doors and walked down the stone path to her front door, which was conveniently unlocked.

"Mom?" I called, no answer. I saw open chips on the coffee table and decided to take care of them so my mother didn't have to. After clipping the bag closed I wandered down the hall.

"Mom?!" I called again, this time a little louder. I knocked on the bathroom door but there was no response, she must be in her room.

"Mom." I said quietly when I opened her bedroom door, it smelled a bit musty in here. She was in her bed sleeping. I decided to open her window so get the musty smell out and also open the curtain to produce some natural lighting.

"Mom, come on its time to get up, we're going out today." I shook her shoulder but she didn't move, I became concerned.

"Mom!" I said louder, fear taking over my body and I began to shake.

"Mom!." I shook her body but she didn't wake up, I put my finger under her nose and didn't feel any breathing. Tears rimmed my eyes and I threw myself onto the floor and leaned against the wall.

"9-1-1 what's your emergency?"

"My mom won't wake up!" I quickly gave the lady my mother's address and they were here in minutes. The EMT team took me to the couch and then ran back into my mothers room to join their crew in helping my mom.

A police man came and sat next to me to ask me some questions.

"So what happened?" He asked me and my tear stained face turned towards him.

"Will you call my boyfriend? And my best friend too?" I asked him and handed him my phone and he handed it off to another police man and instructed him to call my people.

"I came over to get her out of the house for a couple hours, she was just laying there, at first I thought she was asleep but I kept shaking her and there was nothing." I explained, I began sobbing and I placed my elbows on my knees and then placed my head in my hands.

"This can't be happening." I whispered to myself.

My mom has to see her grandchild grow up, and see me go further in life, she has so much left to do. Her time here can't just be over.

A man with a red jacket came over to me and kneeled down on one knee and began talking softly.

"I'm sorry, ma'am, but we still don't have a response from your mother, they're putting her on a gurney right now, are you riding in the ambulance?" He asked and I nodded my head.

I quickly texted Hayes and told him to go to the hospital.

I followed the team and my unresponsive mother to the back of the ambulance and jumped in when they told me to.

~awhile later at the hospital~

Hayes was holding my hand in a death grip as I stared blankly at a wall in a very uncomfortable hospital lobby chair.

"Here someone comes." Mia said and quickly straightened up in her seat as did I.

"Ariana?" The doctor said quietly and I looked up at him. He pulled up a chair in front of me and sat his clipboard in his lap.

"After trying every possibility to get your mother to breath again I'm afraid it was unsuccessful, I'm sorry but your mother is gone." His voice repeated in my head.

Your mother is gone.

Mother is gone.


"There has to be something!" I yelled and stood up.

"Do something else! You have to try!"

"Ari, baby settle down." Hayes cooed and tried to hug me but I just looked at him.

"That's my mom! She can't be dead!" I screamed and my legs became weak, I fell to the floor and just sat there, I was angry. I slammed my fist into the ground but nothing relieved the pain and anger I felt. Hayes grabbed my and hugged me as tight at he could.

My chest was heavy and it wouldn't go away. I just cried, that's all I knew how to do at this very moment.

Soon enough I felt more arms around me, it was Mia and the rest of the Grier family. They were all crying as well, but none of them could even feel anything close to what I was feeling in this moment.

I felt a sharp pain in my chest and pushed everyone away from me. Out of habit I placed a hand on my belly. The chest pain came again and it became hard to breath. Then, darkness.


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