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four and a half months pregnant

As soon as we landed in LA we went to the house that the Grier boys rented for us so we have time to actually buy a house.

"I think Mia and I are gonna go look at the city. Yeah?" I told Hayes and then asked, it was both a statement and a question.

"Just be careful, there's way more people here than home." Hayes Gave me a kiss and rubbed my belly and then we were off. Just me and my best friend wondering around this huge city.

"Still not sure how I feel about this place." Mia said and I nodded in agreement.

"All the noises, no room for an actual yard, not where I picture living and definitely not where I pictures raising my daughter." I told her and sighed.

"But if it's what makes life better at the moment then so be it." I finished and she nodded.

We got ice cream and checked out some of the shops, we also took many breaks in between for my sore feet and swollen ankles, ah the life of a pregnant teen.

"I miss my mom." I said blandly and Mia looked up at me, we were sitting in the sun on a bench in the park. Things randomly just made me think of her.

"She never even got to meet her granddaughter." I wiped a stray tear and quickly pulled myself together.

"Hey, she's watching over you every day and you know that. She'll be with you and her forever." Mia said, motioning to me and my belly.

"Let's head back and make some dinner." She said and that quickly made my mouth water.

~ arriving at home ~

Mia and I walked into the rented house and saw the boys playing Mario Kart in the living room, I smelled something delicious and smiled. I followed the smell to the kitchen where I found chicken Alfredo already made and still hot. Without a second thought I grabbed myself a plate and filled it up.

"Beep beep, belly coming through." I said as I walked in front of the tv quickly and plopped myself next to Hayes. He let out a deep chuckle and smiled at me.

"Nash and I made dinner." I smiled and rubbed his back before digging in to the food. Which was amazing might I add.

"Sooooo, I have some news." Nash said and paused the game. Mia looked up at him with food shoved in her cheeks like a chipmunk.

"Mhm." She said and I giggled while chewing my food.

"Well, I got a call today from Johnnie and he set up an interview with a TV show." He's being bland.

"What show?" I asked.

"Well, I guess, ya know it's more like a movie, it's a role in a movie." I laughed and so did everyone else.

"And?" Mia pushed on.

"It's called You Get Me." I heard that they were looking for an actor in this movie, word says it's gonna be good.

"Babe that's amazing!" Mia smiled and gave him a hug and a kiss.

"I've been waiting to tell you because there's been so much going on but I'm glad you're excited!" He said and I told him I was proud of him.

Mia and I finished up our food and rinsed our dishes, then we all found our way to our rooms and got ready for bed.

"Nash didn't tell Mia everything." I furrowed my brows while folding clothes and organizing them into the dresser.

"What did he leave out?" I questioned.

"He has multiple kissing scenes with Bella Thorne." He told me and I didn't know how to react. I know Mia wouldn't be too mad because we've met Bella before and she's an absolute sweetheart but with the way they've been lately she might flip.

"He needs to tell her before I do." I told him and closed the dresser and made my way to the bed, which was extremely comfortable.

"I told him the same, baby." I slipped on some comfy shorts and a baggy t shirt before snuggling into the covers, Hayes did the same.

"Speaking of babies, I've been thinking of names all day." He told me and I smiled.

"What names are you thinkin'?" I asked and he got excited. He pulled out his phone and rattled off a few.

"Dakota, Brooklyn, Kamryn, Oakley, and Elena." I thought for a second before replying.

"I like Dakota 'cause her nickname is bound to be Kota and I like that a lot. Brooklyn and Kamryn are cute, Oakley is adorable, and I'm not sure how I feel about Elena, but we're half way there baby, we've got time." He gave me a quick kiss on the forehead and I turned away from him. Hayes set his phone down on the night stand and began rubbing my back, which put me asleep instantly.

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