||Sorry Mia||

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*five months pregnant *

Today is the first day of Nash's filming, since it's his first day we decided to tag along, with permission from the director and staff of course.

None of us have told Mia about Bella Thorne yet, none of us have the guts to.

We arrived at the studio and Hayes grabbed my hand, out of reflex I rested my hand on my belly as we entered the gigantic building.

"This place is huge!" Mia said with a smile on her face.

"Hello hello!" The director said and shook all of our hands. He quickly introduced himself and then took us to the giant room we'd all be sharing for a couple days. Since Nash will be in set all the time we decided to stay for a couple days while he settles in.

"So this is Ariana and Hayes' room, and this over here is Mia's, which you will be sharing with Nash whenever he has the chance." The man said and pointed to the white rooms, they were really nice actually. I expected them to be thrown together last minute, sloppily, but they weren't.

"I'm gonna sit down for a minute, I'm out of breath." I giggled and went to sit in the living room while Hayes and Mia finished the mini apartment tour.

"You're kickin my ass baby Grier." I talked to my tummy and laughed to myself.


Soon enough it was time for Nash on set, the crew got us chairs to sit in so we could watch for a bit before we went a explored LA some more and let Nash do his work.

But one thing we forget to tell Mia was Bella...

"Wait a second.." Mia said and sarcastically laughed for a split second. It was like she was almost in disbelief.

"Is that..Is that Bella Thorne?" Mia stormed out of the building, thankfully Nash didn't noticed.

"Mia stop, okay?" I yelled to her, she knew I couldn't run after her. I mean, I could, but I'd have to stop two second later because I'd be out of breath.

"What!? What do you want!? I hate her and you know that." She was angry, it was understandable.

"Mia just listen, okay, we couldn't tell you-"

She cut me off.

"So you knew!? And you just decided not to tell me?" I could see the hurt in her eyes, she's been my best friend since preschool and I betrayed her.

Mia turned on her heels and began walking away.

"Mia-" Hayes' hand on my shoulder stopped me from going after her.

"Hey, let her go, let her think, she'll come back. You have to think about peanut, it's way too hot out here." For some reason he started calling the unborn baby peanut, I hated it, but in the moment I didn't care. I just wanted my best friend back.

"Okay." I agreed and we walked back inside.

"Hey!" Nash said happily through the crown of people.

"Where's Mia? I wanted her to be as excited about this as me." He continued. 

"She's pissed..probably at all of us..but she'll come back! Hopefully." I said, still hopeful that Mia wouldn't completely leave us hanging in LA.


I know this is short but I wanted to get something out!❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2019 ⏰

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