Chapter 1

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Luke's POV

I was pretty angry when Mom said that we would be moving again but I wasn't surprised. We've been here for almost six months already and Mom seemed to get transferred frequently. I was annoyed that I would have to deal with a new ice hockey team and more questions about my last name. Just because my last name was Crosby and I played hockey doesn't mean that I am related to Sidney Crosby.

I finished my last day at this school and headed back to our small apartment. Mom was still working so I started to pack up our apartment. I started in my room. Every time that we moved I got rid of things so I never had much to pack.

I packed the last of my stuff into boxes and carried it into the hallway. I received a message from Mom telling me that she was going to be late home and I didn't really mind. With my Mom being a single Mom and often working I spent a lot of time by myself. Most of that time was spent at the rink though.

I had got of the way through the kitchen and dining room before Mom came home with Chinese takeout. She handed me my container of Chinese and I settled on the couch as I ate. We were moving in a couple of days so we didn't have long to pack.

Mom talked a little bit about her day and I said a little bit about mine. I didn't really have any really good friends at this school so I didn't mind moving again. I headed to bed earlier than normal and my room is completely bare except the bed.

I seemed to sleep well and woke earlier than I normal do and seemed to have the motivation to go for a run. I managed to find something to wear in an opened box. Mom wasn't awake yet so I made sure to be quiet possible.

I made sure to keep in shape for hockey and the streets were quiet as well. I had headphones in and I started to run. It wasn't a very long run but I was sweating when I got back. Mom still wasn't up but she liked to sleep in longer when she could.

I showered, changed and had breakfast before continuing to pack up. It was much faster with Mom helping me and it meant that we were all packed up by the end of the day. Neither of us were particularly sentimental about the house but it looked weird with no furniture.

The moving guys came the next morning and we wouldn't see them again until we got to our new place in Pittsburgh. I knew that I was going to get more questions about my last name.

Mom shut the door for the last time and we headed down to the car. I put my bag down at my feet and put my headphones in as Mom started to drive. The whole drive was extremely boring and we only stopped for the bathroom and lunch.

The movers arrived at the new apartment moments after we did and Mom had unlocked the house. I stepped inside first and started to explore the apartment. It was simple like many of the other apartments that we have lived in.

There were two bedrooms with small lounge, kitchen and bathroom. I had the bedroom deeper into the apartment. The movers helped us move the furniture into the apartment. Mom ordered takeout as I made sure all the boxes were in the right room.

I started to unpack my stuff but I didn't really feel like it. Unfortunately I knew from experience that if I didn't do it soon I would never do it. I wasn't far into unpacking when the takeout arrived and I joined Mom in the lounge. It was mostly boxes, the unplugged TV and a bunch of boxes.

We didn't spend long in the lounge and I returned to my unpacking. I had pretty much finished unpacking before I gave up and headed to bed instead. I had a list of things to do the next day, including find a hockey league and get any school stuff I need.

I drifted off to sleep in the new city and in a new apartment. My new bedroom was very simple and quite small but it was big enough for me. I didn't need a lot of space. The apartment wasn't bad and it was a similar size to some of the other ones that we had lived in.

I wasn't looking forward to starting the school the day after next because it is a new school with new people and a new ice hockey team. I had already got in contact with the Coach and the team trials are going to be my first day and he was fine with me being there.

I headed down to the local rink the next evening after the apartment was pretty much unpacked. I wasn't sure how the rink worked but I thought that I would head inside and hope to find someone to talk to about joining a recreational team.

I stood on the edge of the rink and watched the game that was on the ice. The two teams looked quite good and followed the players and plays on the ice.

"What are you doing here? I haven't seen you before," someone said from before me.

I turned around and noticed an older man standing behind me.

"I'm Luke Crosby, I just moved here," I said.

He then introduced himself as Paul and the owner of the rink and I inquired on a position on the team.

"One of the teams here could have another centre. I see that you have your gear so do you want to meet them," he said.

I nodded and I followed him around the rink and towards one of the benches. I looked the players up and down and noticed that most of them looked a couple of years older than me. One of the guys came over and I noticed the C on his jersey. He must be the captain.

"I'm Jamie, Paul said that you are new and looking for a team," he said.

I noticed his eyes looking me up and down and I knew that he was worrying about my age and size.

"I'm Luke. I play centre," I told him.

He nodded and told me that they would get me on the ice after the game. I pulled my skates on and sat on the benched and watched the game. They looked good but I wanted to be out on the ice.

The team won the game and Jamie joined me out on the ice. I skated around the rink a couple of times to warm up before joining Jamie in the centre. He had a pile of pucks and he watched me as I worked.

He didn't say much as we worked so I didn't know what he thought of me but I thought that I skated well. The time passed quickly as we moved around the ice and it was already nine when we finished.

"You look like you are a good skater and player and we need a new player so we'll take you," he said.

I had a bright smile on my face as I nodded. He grabbed the forms that I needed to return and told me to come to play next week before he disappeared. I worked on the ice for another hour before leaving.

I was glad to have a new team but no I was being to worry about starting a new school tomorrow.


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