Chapter 8

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Luke's POV

We had rec training in the evening and I wasn't the first one for once. Jamie was already there and putting his pads in the locker room. He offered me a smile as I sat down. As we changed we talked about the team and hockey as more players came in.

Jamie was a really good captain and he made sure to talk to everyone as they came in. He was the last person onto the ice because he was talking to everyone else.

I talked a little bit to Conner as we warmed up. He was a forward as well and we were playing on a line together with Jamie. He was only a little bit older than me, at college, and we got on well together.

I felt myself relax more as practice continued. It was more causal and fun than the school teams' practice and it made it easier to relax and feel more comfortable on the ice. People were joking a lot during practice as well.

We all had a good laugh when someone tripped Alex and he went flying. The best thing was that when he hit the ice he kept sliding until he crashed into the boards. He slowly picked himself up and glared at all of us for laughing.

"You guys are all so mean to me," he huffs

It made us laugh more and it took a couple of minutes before Jamie could calm us down enough to continue to skate.

We finished with a shootout which was hilarious. There were a few defensemen that never taken shots in a shootout and they would just take ridiculous shots. Jamie ended up winning but most of us were too busy laughing to pay attention.

"Crosby, we are all going out food. Do you want to come?" Alex shouted.

I nodded and listened to Alex invited everyone else out. He had mastered the art of convincing people to agree with him. Jamie sat down beside me and just laughed.

"There is no point in saying no to Alex. He is just going to convince you to come," he said.

I had to laugh at that because it looked to be true. I changed into jeans and hoodie, stuffed my stuff into my bag and waited for everyone else to be finished changing. True to what Jamie had said, Alex had rounded everyone up to go out for food.

I still felt a little out of place with the guys but they made sure to include me. We headed to a diner sort of thing and there were these massive booths. I was pushed in first so I was right up against the window.

I got included in a conversation about the other teams that we play and how they are going and improved or not. I didn't really have much to say because I didn't know the players but it was nice to learn a bit about the other teams.

Our food arrived and it slowed conversation for a couple of minutes as people ate. Then the conversation turned to me. I wasn't particularly surprised because most of this team has been the same for a few years and I was new.

I was asked about where I was from and what I did outside of hockey, which isn't much. I got a little bit of teasing about being similar to Sidney Crosby.

"Do you do anything else?" Alex teased.

"It's not my fault that I get busy between school, school hockey and this team," I fake pouted.

I felt more relaxed around the team as I got to know them better. I didn't mind the teasing about the last name because it made me feel like part of the team. I felt my shoulders relax as meal continued because I began to fit in.

People started to leave to head home to their families. I didn't bother moving because I had to get a few people to be able to get out so I just hung around. Some of the players were a little bit tipsy and it made it more amusing.

I went to the restroom before I left and when I came out Jamie was the only one left.

"Do you want a ride home?" he asked.

I was about to say no but I realised that it was later than I thought and getting cold outside so I nodded. His car was parked outside and I took a seat in the passenger seat. Jamie started the car and country music started. Jamie blushed slightly and switched the radio off.

"Sorry," he muttered.

"I don't mind," I said softly.

We didn't talk much throughout the drive except for me telling him my address. I was slightly distracted by my own thoughts that I didn't realise where we were. Suddenly I snapped out of my thoughts and realised that we were parked outside my apartment block.

"Thanks for the lift," I said.

"You are a teammate now, so it's fine. How are you finding the team so far?" he asked.

"You guys are all really nice. Thank you for letting me in," I added.

"You are a good hockey player and a good kid."

I ducked slightly at the use of the word kid. It wasn't exactly wrong since I was a bit younger than the rest of the team. I thanked him again for the ride and climbed out of the car. I stood on the sidewalk as I watched him drive away.

I was really lucky for them letting me in so easily. I pushed my hockey bag onto my shoulder and headed inside. I had just opened the door when I saw that the elevator was broken, again. I groaned slightly and headed up the stairs.

I pushed the apartment door open and saw that Mom still wasn't home. I dumped my bag on and ground and wandered into the kitchen. I didn't feel like going to bed yet so I poured a glass of milk and curled up in front of the TV.

There was a replay of a Penguins' game on so I watched that. I thought about waiting up for Mom but I was tired and it was late so I washed the glass and headed to bed. I really liked this hockey team because they accepted me without caring about my age.

I curled up and drifted off to sleep easily with dreams about playing hockey.


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