Chapter 7

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Luke's POV

Brynn and I started talking more during our periods together. I think that she was still internally judging me a bit but as long as she didn't say it to me I wasn't going to complain. We worked well together during classes as well.

I began to learn a little bit more about her and in turn I told her a bit about myself. She learnt about all the places that I have moved and what it is like. I didn't mind talking about it because I had got used to it. I had got used to packing up and moving and leaving new friends behind.

I got used to making new friends and getting to know them but then having to leave and start again. Playing hockey helped because I would join a team and get to know the team.

"Do you keep in contact with friends from other places?" she asked.

"I try but it becomes too hard because we aren't in the same place experiencing the same thing and I never knew any of them for that long anyway," I explained.

She nodded and we stopped talking for a couple of minutes as we worked on our math work. It didn't take me long to finish in and so I rested my head on the desk.

"How come you are always so tired?" Brynn asked.

I just shrugged and she didn't say anything else and turned away. The last time that I told someone about my job they would tease me about it and then come in when I was working and being assholes. After that I never told anymore. I would rather deal with Brynn thinking I spend my nights with my girlfriend then have to deal with that again.

I almost drifted off to sleep but the bell rang and it woke me back up again. Brynn said goodbye and left before I had could return it. I tucked my stuff away and headed out as well. Trying to blink sleep out of my eyes, I headed out of the class.

I saw Brynn a couple more times throughout the day and she smiled at me as we passed. Maybe we were becoming friendlier then before. The rest of my day was also pretty boring and I was excited for training after school.

A lot of the team was already in there so I quickly changed and headed out onto the ice. We started to warm up before running drills. I thought that I could keep up with Mark and the first line but Coach wouldn't let me near that line.

I tried to push it out of my mind as we worked. I knew that Coach preferred Mark over me but I wasn't going to give him an excuse to push me down or off the team.

Towards the end of practice we started a game. Mark and I were on different teams and on the ice at the same time. At first I didn't notice it but it became obvious later on. He was purposely checking me as hard as he could.

I wasn't able to do anything about it so I just kept playing. I didn't say anything to anyone after because I wanted to keep working on the ice. I dumped my stick and just focused on skating for a while. I didn't even notice that Justin was standing on the edge of the rink because I was so focused.

My muscles were starting to burn so I headed over to the bench and grabbed my stick. It was the first time that I noticed that Justin was still in the rink.

"How come you are still here?" I asked.

"I could say that same thing to you. Let's go out and get food," he said.

I groaned because I wanted to keep working but Justin was giving a no nonsense look.

"I don't know if I was the only one that noticed but you look exhausted. I don't care why but you can't keep hurting yourself," he said.

I nodded and pulled my skates off before heading into the locker room to change. Justin was waiting for me outside and led me out to his car.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"There is a place nearby that a lot of us often go to," he said and wouldn't tell me anymore.

It was a small place but Justin told me that they had really good burgers. We got a table in the corner and neither of us talked until after the waitress had taken our orders.

"I feel like I don't know anything about you," he started.

I didn't say anything because there wasn't really a good answer to that.

"So, tell me about yourself," he finished.

"I'm an only child and I live with my Mom. I've been to seven different high schools now, all in completely different places in the country. What do you want to know?" I asked.

"I don't know. What do you like to do?"

"I play hockey," I deadpanned.

I looked at me and I could tell that he wasn't particularly amused by that.

"Other than that."

"I don't know what else there is to say. Literally all I do is go to school and play hockey."

Justin rolled his eyes at me and I didn't say anything else. Justin continued to looked at me and I had to looked down to avoid his stare.

"There has to be something else that you do," he said.

"Not really, Mom is always working and it leaves me to do things like shopping and cooking and stuff like that," I said softly.

He didn't get chance to say anything else because the food arrived and we both started eating. The food was really good and I could tell that Justin was still thinking.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked him once I was finished.

"You remind me of someone that used to play hockey. You wouldn't know them," he said softly.

I kind of wanted to ask more but I wasn't going to push him because he clearly didn't want to talk about it.

"Thanks for dinner," I said since he had paid.

"It's alright. You are my friend. I'll see you tomorrow," he replied.

I nodded and we headed off in different directions, him to his car and me home. I was thinking about what he had said. I really didn't have anything else to talk about because I had so much responsibility with my job and just stuff at home that I didn't have time.

I was also wondering who I reminded him of because it was someone that he must have known well. I wasn't going to push him but it did make me curious.


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