Chapter 32

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Luke's POV

It was nice to be able to spend time with Brynn. She had her own friends to spend lunch with and I had started to spend my lunch with Dylan in the library and we only shared a couple of classes. She wouldn't tell me where we were going but she told me she would pick me up.

I was wearing in nicer pair of jeans and grey shirt as I waited for her. Alex was in the kitchen so I joined him as I waited. We talked about our next rec team game and he was telling me that the next team that we were playing was a good team.

It seemed like forever before the doorbell rang and I opened to see Brynn. She was wearing jeans as well and a blue shirt.

"You look amazing," I said.

She blushed slightly and pressed a kiss to my lips.

"I'll see you later," I called to Alex.

He said something affirmative and I headed out with Brynn. She still wouldn't tell me where we were going and I didn't really mind that much. We talked mostly about school as she drove and it was relaxing. I found spending time with Brynn easier and conversation came easily.

We were driving around an area of Pittsburgh that I had been to. I still haven't really explored Pittsburgh yet. I always say that I will but I still haven't. We pulled up in parking lot and we both climbed out. Brynn had a basket of food in the back and we headed down some path.

We were walking close together and she grabbed my hand and I felt even more relaxed. The scenery was beautiful and I made sure to take the time to see it all. We came to a small park and we took a seat on the ground.

"I thought that since we haven't had much time together that we just do something simple," she explained.

"It's amazing. You are right," I said.

She handed me a container and I opened it to find lasagne. I smiled because I love lasagne and quickly dug in. We sat and ate in silence for a few minutes. It was nice and quiet out here and the food was good.

"This lasagne is amazing," I said between mouthfuls.

"I know, it's my Mom's recipe. She makes good food," she said.

"It's good," I repeated.

I quickly polished off the container and tucked it back into the basket. I wrapped my arm around Brynn as she finished off her own portion. She rested her head on my shoulder and we continued to talk.

"How is school hockey going?" she asked.

"I'm still annoyed with Mark and Coach because he shouldn't be on the top line but I like playing and my line mates are good so it isn't bad," I said.

"You just like to play," she continued.

"Pretty much, what is new in your life?" I asked.

I listened to her talk about her friends and I liked to listen to her talk. I still hadn't actually met her friends but I had begun to get to know them. Her best friend was called Tori and they were close.

"I'm sorry from rambling on," she said after a few minutes.

"It's fine, I like hearing you talk about your friends," I said simply.

She smiled and reached into the basket again. She pulled out another container and this one had chocolate brownie in it. I grabbed a piece and it was just as good as the lasagne. I smiled as I ate it and Brynn moved even closer to me.

It was already dark but the park was lit and the temperature was still pleasant so I knew that we could spend a lot more time out here. We continued to talk about hockey, school and our friends as well as other topics until we both realised that we should be going.

"What is it like staying with Jamie?" she asked as we walked out.

"It's kind of strange. I've been so used to pretty much living alone and now he is there and Alex lives there as well. It's kind of nice though," I said.

"Have you talked to your Mom?"

"No, I like spending time with Jamie and Alex. I will talk to her at some point but I just want to leave it for a while," I said.

"You know that you are still welcome to stay with me if you want," she reminded me.

"I know but I don't want to impose."

"You wouldn't. My parents like you and I like having you around."

"Are you sure that your Mother likes me after what I told her?"

"I told her that you feel passionate about hockey. I think that she understands it.

I nodded and the drive was mostly silent but it was comfortable and I liked it. I knew that I could stay with Brynn but I felt weird. I don't know why but I felt more comfortable staying with Jamie and Alex.

She dropped me off outside Jamie's house. I kissed her as I climbed out and told her that I would see her tomorrow. I pushed the door open and found Jamie and Alex curled up together on the couch. They looked so happy and comfortable together and I didn't want to interrupt them.

I greeted them and headed upstairs to work on homework. They assured me that I could come and join them but I didn't want to interrupt.

I enjoyed the silence upstairs instead and it meant that I could focus on my work. It was late but I had a couple of things that I had to finish before I went to bed. I got so pulled into the work that I didn't notice the time going by until Jamie knocked on my door.

"It's already eleven so we are going to bed. See you in the morning," he said.

I looked at him in shock and didn't believe that it had got that late.

"I'm going to bed in a couple of minutes," I said.

He nodded and headed out. I quickly finished and climbed into bed. I had fun with Brynn and it was nice to relax with her.


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