Chapter 2

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Luke's POV

George Washington High School is pretty much the same as every other high school I've been to. I even managed to find the office without asking for help. The woman sitting at the desk knew exactly who was but that was probably because it is a weird time to move schools.

There was a girl waiting for me outside the office. She introduced herself as Brynn Washington and I had to try not to laugh at her last name but I didn't. I knew what it was like to have an annoying last name so I didn't.

She was also a Junior as well. Her dark black hair was pulled into bun and she had piercing blue eyes. She also seemed to be glaring at my hockey bag for some reason and I didn't ask her about it. Something about her just seemed to give off the vibe that she didn't like me.

She didn't say anything else to me as she showed me my locker and then our Maths class. The teacher was already at the front of the class. Brynn took her seat as I headed up to talk to the teacher.

"You must be Mr Crosby. I'm Mr King. You might struggle to keep up to begin with but if you do a bit of work it shouldn't be too hard," he assured me.

I nodded and continued to stand there as more students came in. I was going to have to make a lot of introductions today. The bell rang and Mr King told me introduce myself.

"I'm Luke Crosby and I've just moved here from Minnesota," I said plainly.

Someone asked me about my last name and I quickly shut it down. I wasn't related to Sidney Crosby. Never was and never will be and it's getting really annoying. It doesn't matter where I am there always seems to be one person who asks.

Finally I was able to sit down but the only seat available was next to Brynn. She didn't go as far as glaring at me but she didn't look happy with me sitting next to her. I dumped my bag on the ground and grabbed a notebook out and started taking notes on what Mr King was saying.

He started talking and I was surprised because I understood what he was talking about. My old school had already started learning about this so I didn't mind the lesson too hard.

I had to make introductions in all of morning classes but that wasn't surprising. I did make my displeasure clear whenever anyone asked me about my last name. I was a little worried about what I was going to do at lunch but I got talking to Justin who is a defensive man on the hockey team and he invited me to sit with them.

I followed him into the cafeteria and he led me to one of the tables that already had at least ten people sitting at it.

"Guys, this is Luke, he's going to be trialling today for the team," Justin said as he said down.

I got introduced to a whole bunch of guys that were already sitting there and I listened to them start to talk about hockey. I felt a little out of the conversation because I didn't know who they were talking but some of them made sure to include me.

I made my way through my afternoon classes before heading to hockey trials. I recognised a lot of guys from lunch already there and a lot of people I didn't. I changed quickly because I wanted to get out there and talk to the Coach first.

He was already out on the ice so skated towards him. I saw him looking at me for a second, probably wondering who I was.

"I'm Luke Crosby, I'm new to the school," I said.

He nodded and we didn't get to talk much more because more players started to come out. Coach called everyone together to start. He introduced himself and we didn't muck around before starting. We divided into groups of five and started to skate.

Once I was warm I started to push myself more. To skate faster and cleaner. Coach started pulling people off the ice once we started running drills. I wasn't sure what Coach was thinking about my skating but I felt like I was skating well.

I felt at ease on the ice and we started a game once more people had been eliminated. Coach divided us up into two teams and we started to skate. I made sure to play my hardest because I really wanted to make this team.

Trials ended and Coach told us that he would write up the team list tomorrow. I didn't want to leave the ice yet and I didn't have anywhere to be and Mom wasn't going to be home so I stayed on the ice.

Everyone else filed off the ice and Coach disappeared somewhere so I was left alone. I skated around the rink a couple of times before I grabbed my stick again and a couple of pucks. I started to work on my slap shot.

I didn't hang around for longer than an hour but the locker room was still empty. My bag was sitting where I left it and I took a seat on the bench. I slowly stripped off my pads and showered before heading out.

The rink was silent and pushed my bag up onto my shoulder. I was glad that we lived close to the rink and school and that I could walk home.

I was right in assuming that Mom wasn't home. She always seemed to work late and it meant that I was home alone a lot. I headed into the kitchen and found that we didn't have any food at all to make dinner. Instead I found Mom's list on the fridge.

I groaned because the last thing that I wanted to do was go grocery shopping but we have no food at all. After sitting there for five minutes I realised just how hungry I was so I grabbed the list and headed out.

The list was also much longer than I would have liked and it took me much longer to complete it than I wanted. Mom still wasn't home when I got back and I had been gone almost an hour and a half and it was almost nine at night.

It was nine thirty by the time I was finished dinner and Mom still wasn't home. I sat in the kitchen for a couple more minutes and decided that it wasn't worth waiting up for. I had no idea when she was going to be home.

Mom was always working and she never seemed to be home. It made my life a bit lonely. I had friends in every place that we moved to but I never really had a chance to get to know them because we had to move again.

I curled up in bed and drifted off to sleep thinking about the new school. I don't know about the hockey team so far but Justin seemed nice. I don't know why Brynn didn't seem to like me though. I didn't really care that much though.


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