Chapter 70

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Luke's POV

Not surprisingly I woke before Michelle since I always got up early. I went for my usual run and the apartment was still quiet. I was midway through making a smoothie when I heard footsteps behind me and turned around to see Michelle stumbled in.

"How did you sleep?" I asked.

"Really well, thank you for letting me stay," she smiled.

"You look really tired and needed to sleep. Do you want any smoothie?" I asked.

She nodded and took a seat on the bench. I poured it into two glasses and handed one of them to Michelle. She took a sip and a smile broke out onto her face.

"This is really nice," she smiled.

"Yeah, I have it a lot of smoothie so I make sure that I have recipe that I like and now I know it by heart," I laughed.

We both drank in silence for a few minutes as I made toast as well.

"Do you want to come to the game tonight?" I asked.

"Would I be able to?" she asked.

"Of course," I assured her.

"I would like to come then."

I nodded and headed into my bedroom to grab my bag to prepare to leave.

"So, I'm going to leave. Do you want stay?" I asked.

"No, I've got work to do and if I'm going to go to the game tonight I should get some of it done," she muttered.

I nodded and locked the door behind both of us. We headed off in separate directions as she headed to her apartment and I headed to the rink. The time before the game slipped by and I got a ticket for Michelle so that she could get in.

I watched a lot of the team prepare for the game and watched their own superstitions. I'm not superstitious at all but I made sure not to get in anyone's way.

"You ready," Calvin asked, clapping his hand on my shoulder.

I nodded. I was still nervous but I was more excited now and was just ready to get out onto the ice.

"Not long left," he smiled.

I nodded once more and he headed off to talk to other players. I sat there and remember everything that we had been doing and thinking about the plays that we had. At last we were back on the ice and we ready to start.

It was a couple of minutes of waiting before I was called onto the ice. It was really cool and I still couldn't believe that I was here. The game passed quickly and we won the game and I had my first goal in the game.

Sam had already taped the puck that I score with and had to ready to give back to me. I tucked it with the rest of my stuff and slowly changed. A lot of the guys were planning on going out but I begged out since I wanted to spend the time with Michelle.

She was waiting for me just outside the rink and wrapped me in a tight hug.

"Congrats on the goal," she smiled.

"I've got the puck."

We broke apart but still kept out fingers entwined. A bunch of the team was already out in the parking garage so we stopped to talk to them.

"So, is this your girlfriend?" Sean asked.

I glanced at her for a second and smiled.

"Yeah, guys this is Michelle," I introduced.

She smiled and I was slightly surprised how easy she found talking to the rest of the guys. Everyone was so wrapped in our discussions that we didn't notice Brynn coming up to join us.

"Who's this?" she asked.

"Oh, Brynn, I didn't see you. This is Luke's girlfriend Michelle," Sean said.

Brynn turned to face me and she looked angry.

"What?" she asked.

"I'm Michelle," she said and stretched her hand out.

"I'm Brynn and I help with the physio stuff here. How do you know Luke?" Brynn said.

I could see this conversation ending badly but there wasn't anything that I could do.

"I met him at the grocery store," Michelle laughed.

"And did he tell you that I'm his ex-girlfriend?" Brynn sneered.

"I don't see how that matters. Clearly you aren't dating anymore so I don't really care," Michelle smiled.

I squeezed her hand because I appreciated it but then I noticed that Brynn had opened her mouth and I stepped in before she could continue.

"Shut up Brynn, we broke up and you don't have any claim over me and honestly after what you did to me I would never ever date you again," I snapped.

"What do you mean?"

"I moved to Flint and I thought that we would stay in contact. But you didn't answer my calls when I needed someone to talk to. I needed someone to talk to about my family and the fact I was somewhere new but you could find the fucking time of day to pick up the fucking phone."

"No, I didn't do that."

"Yes you fucking did so stop harassing my girlfriend and leave," I said plainly.

Brynn glared at me but she did leave. I said goodbye to the rest of the guys and headed out with Michelle.

"That was a bit rude," she smiled.

"Thank you for not making a big deal out of it," I smiled.

"It's not a big deal. You dated her two years so it shouldn't matter."

"Yeah. I didn't think that she would be that rude but I should have realised."

"Ready to move on?"

"Yeah, I'm ready to move on with you," I teased.

She blushed bright red and I pressed a kiss to her cheek.

"You are so much better than Brynn ever was," I added.


This is the end of Frozen on Ice so thank you so much for reading. My next book will hopefully be out in the next couple of days but it doesn't have a title yet.

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The Wise One

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