Chapter 60

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Luke's POV

I was surprised to hear my name being called at the airport. I grabbed my bags and headed towards Ryan and Noah. They basically sprinted towards me and wrapped me in a really tight hug.

"Look at you," Noah cooed.

I batted his hands away from me and shoved them both.

"How is the team going?" I asked.

"We don't need you anymore, we won both our games without you," Ryan teased.

I laughed and we headed out of the airport.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"The rink. Coach has told me to tell you that you can't train with us but the guys want to see you," Ryan said.

I nodded because I really didn't feel like training. I think that if I tried I would melt into the ice and fall apart. The drive wasn't too long and we didn't talk about my training camp which I was glad because I only wanted to talk about it once.

The rest of the team was in the locker room so I followed Ryan and Noah in. I immediately got hugged by about ten different players and it took my breath out of me.

"Crosby, its' good to see you again," Jackson smiled.

I nodded and headed out onto the ice where Coach was. I hadn't even bothered pulling my skates on because I knew Coach would have told me to take them off. I had got to know him well.

"How was training camp?" Coach asked.

"It was amazing. The guys are really good and I made the team to go to Sweden," I said quickly.

He smiled brightly at me and we started to talk about it as the guys came out and started to warm up. I spent the whole session sitting on the end of the boards and yelling slash chirping all the guys on the ice.

The guys headed into the locker room and I followed them. As much as I liked the United States team but these guys are my team. I was glad to be back in the locker room and as soon as the guys were ready we headed out for food.

We headed to our usual place and I got pushed towards the centre of the table since they were going to be asking be questions.

"So, what was it like?" Noah asked.

"It was amazing. I made the team too so that made it even better," I smiled.

I was happy to talk to them about it and it was nice to tell them all about it. I had had a lot of fun but I was glad to be back with these guys even if it for a couple of days.

"When do you go to Sweden?" Jackson asked.

"In a couple of days. We all meet in New York and then we fly there," I said.

After a couple more minutes I got them to stop talking about what I had done so that I could hear what they had done. I got caught up with what had happened at school when I was gone and everything else that had happened.

We were just thinking about leaving when my phone rang. I glanced at the screen and noticed that it was Mitch calling me and I slipped out of the booth because I was pretty sure that something was wrong since it was a strange time for him to call.

"Hey," I said simply.

"Your Mom called me," he said.

"What?" I asked because I can't have heard him right.

"Your Mom called me this morning," he repeated.

"She hasn't called me in a year and we haven't talked since I was in Pittsburgh over summer."

"Well, she called me."

"What did she want?"

"I don't really know. She was asking about you and what you were doing. I don't even know how she got my number."

"Neither do I. I'm sorry about that."

"It's fine, I thought that you might want to know. How was training camp?" he asked.

I had already told him that I had made the team but we hadn't had a chance to talk. I told him about what we had done and then he told me about how he was going. I liked talking to Mitch and I waved to guys as the came out and when I finished talking only Jackson and Adam were left inside.

"How was your camp?" I asked.

They had come back the day before me and had already had a camp before this one. I listened to them talk about what they had done and it was similar to what I had done.

"I guess that I will see you in Sweden then," I smiled.

"And as the best team we will win," Adam teased.

"As if," I scowled.

We headed out not long later and as I was heading home I suddenly had an idea so I grabbed my phone out. My text thread with Mitch was near the top and I quickly composed a message.

We are flying to NY before going to Sweden and I could come up the day before and see you before I go to Sweden

I hadn't even made it home when I got a reply and it was exactly liked I hope.

He was really excited to see me and agreed to the plan. I was already going up the day before because of flight times and now I had somewhere to stay and something to do that I was really excited for.


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