Chapter 23

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Luke's POV

I was back at the rink for our rec game and I felt more relaxed for this game than my school game and I didn't have anyone yelling at me before the game. The locker room was relaxed before the game and I was watching Alex and Matt toss balled up tape around the locker room.

Jamie stopped it once he got nailed in the head by Alex and we all thought that there was going to be murder in the locker room. Luckily Jamie was in a good mood and just threw it back. We headed out onto the ice a couple of minutes later and the game started not long after that.

I felt comfortable on the ice during the game and I worked well with Jamie and Connor. The whole game was a little bit ridiculous because we were a much better team and towards the end of the game it was already 8-0.

The puck was bouncing around in front of their net and someone came up from behind me and I got shoved into the top of the net. The bar was resting against my stomach and I had to frantically grab it with my hands to stop myself somersaulting over it.

I couldn't get up because there were too many players behind me and I was guessing that there was some sort of fight going on. My arms were starting to hurt from having to hold myself up and then I shoved into the bar and my legs got lifted up and I couldn't stop myself from going over the net.

I landed on the ice and sat up slowly. I didn't bother engaging in the pushing going on in front of the net. I picked myself up off the ice and gingerly skated over the bench. I hurt more from landing on the ice and I was lucky that my head didn't hit the ice.

I didn't play anymore of the game since it was about to end and I didn't want to injury myself more. I headed back into and locker room and slowly stripped my gear off.

Everyone was in a good mood as they came in and Jamie came to sit down beside me.

"Are you alright?" he asked.

"Just a little bit sore but I should be fine," I assured him.

He nodded and headed to talk to someone else and I listened to the plans being made to go out for food. Alex made sure that everyone could come and that included me. I was hungry and liked hanging out with the team so it was an easy decision on my part.

I changed and found my ribs were really sore and it hurt when I pulled my jacket on and quickly sat down as I waited for everyone else to be ready.

I headed out with Jamie, Alex and Connor to the same restaurant that we had to been to before. I listened to their conversation about the game during the drive and leant against the window. It wasn't a very long drive.

Jamie fell into step with me as we headed inside.

"Are you sure that you are fine?" he asked again.

"I'm sure, I'll be better after a sleep but I'll be fine," I assured him.

He nodded and we both took seats at the table. After we ordered dinner we started talking. Different conversations started around the table and I got pulled into one with Matt and Alex about the NHL.

The whole conversation was easy and I felt comfortable the whole time. I didn't feel like I had to be someone that I wasn't like when I was with the school team. Matt and Alex were giving me shit for not being a Penguins' fan yet.

"We should go to a game sometime," Matt suggested.

"Yeah, then Luke can see that the Penguins are the best team," Alex teased.

I laughed slightly and I knew that this was going to happen at some point. I didn't mind because I knew that they were a good team to watch.

"I'll come but I can't promise that the Penguins' will become my favourite team," I told them.

"So you don't have a favourite team?" Matt asked.

"If I had to pick I'd say that I'm an Avs fan because I'm originally from Denver but I just appreciate good hockey," I said.

"Ew, you are an Avs fan," Alex teased

I balled up my napkin and threw it at him across the table. He couldn't duck in time so it nailed him in the face. He fake glared at me and it made me laugh. He didn't get a chance to retaliate because the food arrived and everyone started eating.

A couple of the conversations continued but most of us just ate. It was getting late and I had to head home not long after we were all finished and Jamie offered me a lift home and that meant Alex had to leave as well because Jamie was his lift.

"I can just walk home," I tried to protest.

"It's fine, I want to leave anyway," Jamie told me.

I wasn't convinced that this was true but I didn't say anything else as we headed out together. My gear was still in the back of his car so that made it easier as well. I took the backseat as Alex grabbed shotgun and listened to the two of them talk as Jamie drove.

I was tired and didn't bother joining in the conversation. Jamie pulled up in front of my apartment block and I grabbed my bag and was about the push the door open.

"I'll text you about the game," Alex said.

"What game?" Jamie asked.

"Matt and I were informing Crosby here of the superiority of the Penguins and we decided that we should go to a game some time," he said.

"That's a good idea," Jamie nodded.

I yawned and realised that I should go to bed.

"Text me about it, I'm exhausted and going to bed," I said.

"See you later, don't forget to ice your injuries," Jamie reminded me.

I nodded as I pushed the door open and watched Jamie and Alex drive away. I had to think about how much time the two of them spent together. No one ever commented on the fact that they are constantly with each other. I guess that they are just really good friends and I've never had anyone that would spend that much time with me.

I headed up and iced myself like I promised Jamie that I would and I drifted off to sleep with the ice pack still held to my ribs thinking about hockey, school hockey and Mom still not being here.


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The Wise One

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