Chapter 55

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Luke's POV

The time seemed to fly by and soon I had a couple of hours before I was heading back to Flint. Justin, Dylan and I were using the rink for one last time. It was where we had spent most of our time together at it was a lot of fun to work together.

They were both more than happy to work with me and go through my training routine. Once we finished though most of the time we would muck around on the ice for a bit longer. Today none of us really wanted to leave the ice yet.

We had finished training at least forty minutes ago but we were still on the ice. Currently we were taking lazy shots at the net. We had worked hard today and none of us could really be that bothered doing much.

"We should probably leave at some point," Justin said softly.

"Yeah, I'm hungry," Dylan added.

I nodded and we packed up all the pucks and headed off the ice. We talked as we changed and headed out to find food. None of us wanted to go that far so we headed to our usual place where they all knew us.

We ordered and it was strange to know that this is going to be the last time that we were doing this this summer. And next summer, who knows what we are all doing. We will all be moving on from high school doing who know what.

"One last time together," I said.

They both nodded and we toasted to a good summer.

"Ready for school to start up again?" Justin asked.

I shrugged. I didn't really mind school that much but I was more excited for hockey to start again. I knew that a lot of the guys were already back in Flint. We had lost a few players but the person I was most going to miss was Mitch who would be at training camp with the Islanders.

We finished eating and that was when we had to say goodbye. I hugged both of them and we promised to keep in contact throughout the year.

"We might even be able to come to a couple of your games when you go to Erie," Dylan added.

"You don't have to," I protested.

"We want to see you play live. It will be cool to see you as well," Dylan said.

I smiled and hugged them once more before heading out. I was going to be sad to leave Pittsburgh and the guys here but I was excited to start playing hockey again.

Neither Jamie or Alex were home because they were both working. It gave me time to finally finish packing because I had been putting it off for a while. I slowly packed all my hockey stuff into my bag and then everything else into my other bag.

I sat down on the bed and started to text Ryan. He was back in Flint now and I knew how much I missed the team. I heard the door open so I put my phone down and found Jamie and Alex walking in.

Richard was coming just after lunch so that we wouldn't get back to Flint too late, around dinner, so Jamie and Alex decided to come back so we could have lunch together. I was already hungry because we had been at the rink early and I was always hungry anyway.

Jamie made lunch as we talked. They had both been so good to me while I was here and I promised to come back when I could.

"Just call whenever you need," Jamie told me.

I nodded and I knew that they wouldn't let me not call them even if I tried.

"I never asked, did you talk to Brynn?" Alex asked.

"No, we sort of just fell apart and I couldn't be bothered trying again for the same thing to probably happen again," I said.

I had spent a couple of nights seriously considering going and talking to her but I realised what I had just told Jamie and Alex. It wasn't worth trying again when I already knew what was going to happen.

I hugged them before I left and they made sure to pull me close.

"Seriously, call whenever you want to talk," Jamie repeated.

I nodded and smiled at them.

"Thank you so much for having me," I said as I hugged Alex.

"We love having you here. Just stay here forever," Alex smiled.

I laughed and that was when Richard arrived. I grabbed both my bags and they waved goodbye to me. Richard smiled at me as I joined him in the car.

"How was your summer?" I asked.

I listened to him talk to what he and Belinda got up to. We then talked about what I had been doing and my training.

"How were your friends?" he asked.

"It was really good to see them again. Alex and Jamie are so good to me and it was good to see Dylan and Justin as well."

"Did you see your Mom?"

I had told Belinda and Richard about my Mom because I wanted them to understand and they were really good to talk to as well. It was just another couple of people that were there to talk to.

"I did but it wasn't worth. She still doesn't see what I'm saying so I just gave up. I have you guys and my friends here and the team," I said simply.

"I can't believe that she doesn't see what she has done. You are an amazing kid," Richard said.

"Thanks," I said softly.

We didn't talk about my Mom anymore and the drive was easy.

"Excited for hockey?" he asked.

"Yeah, I missed it so much. I think that a few of us are going to the rink tomorrow to start working together again."

He nodded as we pulled up in front of the house that I now consider home. I really felt that this was home and Belinda came out and wrapped me in a really tight hug.

"It's so good to have you back," she smiled.

"It's good to be home."


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