Chapter 42

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Luke's POV

I hadn't seen or talked to Mom and I wasn't complaining. I still wasn't sure to think about the whole situation. Right now I was distracted by our upcoming hockey game. We were pretty much halfway through the season now and all the games were getting important.

I was sitting in my stall at the rink before the game started. The locker room was loud and everyone was talking but I preferred to sit and think. I had spent a bit of time watching game tapes and I was running through my thoughts about their play again.

Coach called for silence and had a couple last things to tell us before we headed out onto the ice for the game to start. Brynn wasn't able to come this week since she had a family dinner so I didn't bother looking up into the stands.

They were a good team and once again Mark didn't start well and their line struggled to control the play. Finally I got to get into the ice with my line and I could see the things happening in the game that I had noticed on the game tape.

Once our shift was over I could see more when I was sitting on the bench. The next time that I was on the ice I made the most of these thoughts and found a gap in the net and a goal. Kris and James skated over to me and we celebrated the goal.

I skated over to the bench and took a seat. I watched the game in front of me and cursed with the rest of the team as they scored. Neither team scored for the rest of the period so it was still tied. The game ended up with us on top 5-1 and I had a hat-trick.

I was just heading off the ice when I heard someone calling my name. I turned around to see the same guy from the rink the other night coming towards me.

"You are Luke Crosby?" he asked.

I nodded at him and he smiled.

"I'm Cameron Wilson and I am one of the assistant coaches for the Flint Firebirds of the OHL," he said.

I looked at him in shock. I couldn't believe that someone was here to watch my hockey.

"We are looking for an extra player and someone told me to come to watch you. After seeing you work the other night and this game and your game tape. We want you on the team," he said.

Now I was absolutely gaping at him.

"But the season has started," I said.

"I know but there is some rule and something about new players. I don't know. All I know is you can play for us. I know it is a lot but talk to your family and call me in a couple of days," he said and handed me his number before disappearing.

I stood there still in shock for a couple more seconds before heading into the locker room. People were already planning where we were going out for food and Justin noticed the look on my face.

"You look like you have seen a ghost," he said.

"I'll tell you later," I assured him.

Coach had a couple of things to say before he let us all go. Mark stood up and announced where we were going for food and that he expected everyone to be there. I made sure that the card with the phone number on it was safe in my pocket once I was shower and changed.

The place we were going for food was just around the corner and it was a place that we had been to a few times after games. I didn't really mind going out after a win because everyone is in a good mood and Mark mostly ignores me.

I sat at one end of table with Justin and a couple other of the players that I don't mind too much. I didn't hang around that long after we finished eating and I headed out with Justin. He offered to drive me home and I wanted to talk to him about the OHL so I accepted.

"What ghost did you see earlier?" he asked as soon as we got away from the group.

I told him about Cameron Wilson and the OHL and he stared at me as well.

"Are you being serious?" he asked.

"Of course. I don't know what to do though," I admitted.

"How come?"

"It would mean staying with a billet family and moving away from here and you guys and Brynn and the rec team."

"But it's one step closer to the NHL. Isn't that what you want?"

"Yeah," I said softly.

"But it is new and scary. I get it. Talk to Dylan, Brynn, Jamie and Alex. Then your Mom if you want and make a decision," he told me as we pulled up in front of my apartment.

I nodded as I climbed out. Justin was right and I had a lot of people supporting me and to talk to. I would get some good advice from all of them and then I would be able to call Cameron and tell him whatever my decision is.

We had rec game tomorrow so I would talk to Alex and Jamie then and maybe the rest of the team if I want to. I would then talk to Brynn and Dylan on Sunday and get their advice as well. I unlocked the apartment and dumped my stuff on the floor.

I had too much energy and was too focused on the OHL to sleep. At first I just paced around the apartment until I got bored and slightly sore. Instead I settled down at the table and managed to complete all my homework and still not feel tired.

The apartment isn't that big and I could find anything to occupy me for more than a couple of minutes. I ended up cooking in the kitchen food that I could still in the freezer to eat later.

Finally well after midnight I could feel my eyes starting to close. I cleaned the kitchen and collapsed on my bed and I could feel myself drifting to sleep.

I would have a big decision to make over the next couple of days and sleep would make that easier.


I know that that is not probably going to happen in the OHL but this is a work of fiction and it is how I want the story to go.

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The Wise One

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