Chapter 15

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Luke's POV

The Peewees had another practice on the next day so I headed down to the rink before my shift at the restaurant. I laced my skated up on the bench before joining the kids on the ice so I could help them warm up.

I led them in a couple of skating drills to warm up. I liked being out on the ice with them and it helped me relax after the week or so that I have just had. After the failed dinner with the team yesterday I was more annoyed with them today.

They continued to call me the Next One and went on all lunch and practice about how I was boring and rude and terrible and I was getting sick of it quickly.

I joined David on the edge of the rink and watched the kids run drills. Occasionally we would yell advice at them but they mostly knew what they were doing.

"Alright, Coach Luke and I are going to split you into two teams and we are going to play a game," David said.

That idea was met with cheers. We quickly divided them into two even teams and started to game. I sent my first players on to the ice. It was a pretty good game and we made sure to rotate the kids so that they all had an even amount of time on the ice.

For the last couple of minutes all the kids were on the ice and it was funny seeing so many people out there. They all looked like they were having fun and had bright smiles on their faces when we finished practice.

One of the parents wanted to talk to me so I joined them. It was a Mother worried about her son, Max. She seemed to mostly be worried about the brutality of the game and I had resist the urge to roll my eyes.

"It's just what happens, Mrs McLeod. No one really gets hit too hard at this level," I told her calmly.

"I just don't want Max to get hurt," she said.

He had probably been playing hockey for a few years now. I don't know why it was becoming an issue now.

"MOM, I'm fine playing hockey," Max complained.

"Listen to him. He's an 11 year old boy and you should let him do what he wants," I told her.

"So how old are you?" she asked


"Have you even been seriously hurt?"

"No, a couple of bruises and that is about it. In my opinion you are going to have more problems if you stop him playing," I told her.

She talked to me for a couple more minutes before leaving and I was glad. I was hopefully that between me and Max she would be convinced to let him continue playing. I believed that you should let your kid continue to do what they love because otherwise they are going to struggle to find something else.

Most of the kids had already left with their parents but I wasn't surprised to see that Thomas was still on the ice. I swear that his parents could never pick him up on time.

"Do you want to keep skating with me?" I asked him.

He nodded and I could see the slightly sadness on his face. When you are 11 you are hopeful that next time will be different. That next time your parents will remember to pick you up on time and it hurt me to see him disappointed.

I always made an effort to keep him entertained because it kept his mind off it. I knew what it was like and everyone always tell me how cynical I am and I'd hate for Thomas to have that.

We were taking shots at the net when we both heard Thomas' name be called. In that moment I decided that it was time for me to say something because I couldn't keep watching this.

"Thomas, it's time to go," the woman said.

"You must be Thomas' Mother. I'm Luke, one of the Coaches here, do you know what time practice finishes?" I asked.

"Of course I do," she snapped.

"I was just wondering because you never seem to be on time," I said.

"I don't see how it is your business."

I glanced and made sure that Thomas wasn't close enough to here. He had disappeared to go and grab something and I was glad because he didn't need to hear this.

"Because every time that you are late he is disappointed because he wants someone to see him play and be here on time for him."

She looked a little shocked and didn't say anything else until Thomas was back and they were about to leave.

"It really isn't any of your business so stay out of it."

I groaned, sat down and rested my head in my hands. I still think that I did the right thing because Thomas wanted to have someone watch him doing what he loves. I know because it is exactly the same thing that I wanted at that age and still wants. I know that Mom had to work but I just wanted her to come and watch.

I sat there for a couple of minutes so that I could control my thoughts and my anger. I pushed my skates into my bag and headed out. I briefly went home to dump my bag and change before headed to the restaurant.

Max and Lisa were already there and I quickly pulled my apron on so that I could start working. I started by clearing a couple of tables. Over the next couple of hours I got lost in the routine of serving and cleaning tables.

Max and Lisa were really good to work with and we had good gossip sessions behind the counter when we weren't needed to work. They were both really good and had a lot of funny stories to share with me and I spent a lot of my shift laughing.

I didn't notice him until it was too late. I was already moving across the restaurant to serve their table when I looked up and saw who was sitting at the table. Justin was sitting at the end of the table and there was no way I could get out of this now. I didn't want someone from the team to find out and now they have.


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The Wise One

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