Chapter 52

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Luke's POV

The season ended with us in a playoff position and we were the fourth seed in the Western Conference. We managed to win our first series in five games but then we came up again the top seed. We managed to win two games but ultimately they won in six games.

The locker room was still a little muted for locker room clean out but most people were a goodish mood. I moved to sit next to Mitch because I had noticed that he had been quiet the whole time that we were here.

"What are you thinking?" I asked him softly.

"You know that I could have played my last game here?" he asked.

"Yeah but imagine what amazing opportunities you are moving onto," I said.

He nodded but I could tell that he was still thinking about it.

"I know but I'm going to miss this."

"Mitch, you are going to playing in the NHL. I think that this is better than this and we will still be here for you when you want us."

He nodded and we sat there in silence for a few minutes. Mitch and I had become really close because we were roommates so we spent a lot of time together.

"What are you doing over summer?" he asked.

"I'm going back to Pittsburgh but I'm staying with Alex and Jamie. I might try and talk to Mom but I don't know. Catch up with a few people I know and that sort of thing," I said.

He nodded and we got pulled into a conversation with a couple of the other players. The mood slowly improved and we all talked about what we were going to do over summer. We all decided to go out for lunch before everyone headed out of Flint.

We headed to out to our usual place for food. The mood was definitely light once the food came and I really felt myself relax. I liked hanging with these guys but it was going to be strange to think that some of them wouldn't be back.

I made to say goodbye to everyone as they left leaving the seven of us that were the closest. We stayed for quite a bit longer to talk. I got to know what everyone was doing and I didn't want to leave yet.

Unfortunately Richard was driving me back to Pittsburgh in a couple of hours and I still needed to make sure that I had packed everything I was I did need to leave. I stood up and made sure to say goodbye to everyone.

"Everyone's got to respond to the group texts. I don't want you guys to miss out on the awesome things that I'm doing," Jackson chirped.

We all laughed at him but we all agreed with him. Mitch decided to leave with me as we headed out together and started to walk in the direction of our billet's.

"You've got to tell me all about the draft," I told him.

"You know that you will be there next year," he added.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Of course, look at your point production and how you played. You are going to be in my place next year."

I wasn't completely sure what to say to that because I wasn't completely convinced about my own abilities.

"You are a good player. I know you are going to do well next year. Anyway I'll see you at some point," he said as we approached my house.

I nodded and hugged him one last time before heading into the house. Neither of my parents were home so I headed straight up into my room. I knew that I was going to coming back here next year so it wasn't completely fatal if I left something here but I still didn't want to do it.

I had most of my stuff already packed and I sat down on the bed and looked around the room. I had kept it pretty bare but now it was completely empty. I carried my bags downstairs and waited for my parents to get home so we could leave.

They came home not long later and Belinda wrapped me in a tight hug.

"Make sure that you call over the summer," Belinda said as she hugged me.

I nodded once she released me from my hug. I really liked living with these two and they had been good for me. Richard helped me carry my stuff out to the car and we left Flint not long later. Richard and I talked about hockey for pretty much the whole trip and I didn't really notice that we had started to drive into Pittsburgh.

I directed him to Jamie's house and we pulled up in front of the house.

"Just call me when you want to come back to Flint," he told me.

I nodded and hugged him before stepping out of the car. He waved to me one last time before driving off. I didn't even have to knock on the door because it swung open and I was wrapped in a tight hug by Alex.

"Look at you, you look so much fitter," he cooed.

I blushed slightly and we were joined moments later by Jamie.

"It's good to see you," he smiled and hugged me as well.

I dumped my bags in the room that I used before the joined them in the lounge. It was nice to be able to catch up with them without having to do it through a phone. They made me tell them everything even if I was sure that I had told them before but it was nice to relax.

"What are you going to do over the summer?" Jamie asked.

"I don't exactly know. Continue working, I guess. Coach gave me a few things to work on as well," I said.

"Are you going to talk to your Mom?" Alex asked.

"I have thought about it. I don't really know because I haven't talked to her since she was in Flint."

"Is there anyone that you do want to see?"

"I'm still in close contact with Justin and Dylan so I want to see them but other than that there is no one else."

"What about Brynn?"

"I haven't talk to her in months. She pretty much ghosted me so I gave up," I said honestly.

They both looked a little shocked because we didn't talk about Brynn in our conversations. We didn't talk about it anymore and I headed to bed not long later. I was just glad to be back in Pittsburgh for a while.


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The Wise One

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