Chapter 40

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Luke's POV

I had a late shift at the restaurant with Lisa and Jessie and it seemed like a while since I had worked but hockey had just got quite hectic with training and I had been trying to not overwork myself so much.

Both Lisa and Jessie were really easy to talk to and everyone that I worked with had become quite interested in my hockey career and I made sure to tell them about it every time that I came in and worked.

It wasn't that busy all night and it meant that we had a lot of time to talk. I learnt about everything that Jessie and Lisa had been doing as well and it was nice and relaxing. Justin and Dylan came in as well and we started talking about hockey.

Dylan had told Justin that he had joined the rec team that I played on and I could see that Justin was so pleased. I didn't know Dylan before he quit the team but he and Justin were close and Justin would have seen how quitting hockey affected him. I think that Justin was glad that he started in some league.

"How are you finding Mark and Coach this time around?" Dylan asked.

"Still just as annoying. I think Mark is annoyed at Coach let me back on time and that we are winning. Coach still won't let me be the first line centre but there is no point asking," I explained.

"Do you think that you think that Coach will ever change his mind?" Dylan asked.

"Fuck no, he loves Mark like his own son. He is never would pick me over Mark," I explained.

"I think that it has got even worse since you left the team," Justin added.

Dylan looked like he was about to bang his head on the bench.

"Really? I thought that he was bad before," he moaned.

I didn't get to hear what Justin said because I had to actually do work as a group walked in. I got them seated and I started reciting the specials for the day. I had been waiting for so long that I didn't have to focus much. Once I was done I returned to my conversation with Dylan and Justin.

They had moved away from talking about hockey and were now arguing about something petty. I came in and out of the conversation as I worked and they left about an hour after they came in and the rest of the shift was pretty normal.

I helped clean up the kitchen and the tables and headed out as Lilly locked up. I headed home and I reached my apartment and saw that there was someone sitting down in the hallway. As I got closer I realised that it was outside my apartment too.

"Excuse me, what are you doing here?" I asked.

He looked up and I saw that it was a man.

"Do you live here?" he asked.

"Yeah," I said unassured what else to say.

"Are you related to Jane Crosby?" he asked.

'Yeah, but I don't think she is here," I said as I pushed the door open.

"Oh, I was just looking for her. I wanted to talk to her."

"She doesn't really live here. We had an argument and she is staying with her boyfriend. I an text her and she might be here around 5 or 6 tomorrow."

"OK, I'll see you then."

"What's your name?" I asked as an afterthought as he was about to leave.

"Matthew, what about you?"


I flicked the lights on in the apartment and shut the door behind me. I texted Mom that I would like to see her tomorrow. I didn't want to mention Matthew in case she didn't show them. I knew that it was a little weird but I hoped that I could find out who he was.

I didn't think any more of it and I forgot about it the next day. I only had school hockey training afterschool and I headed straight back to the apartment. I had just changed when I heard the door knock and I remember about my conversation with Matthew.

I pulled the door open and found his standing here and since it wasn't dark I could get a view of him. He had a couple of inches on me but had a similar coloured hair. His eyes were hazel but it was hard to tell.

"Come in, Mom is going to be here in about ten minutes I think," I told him.

He nodded and I led him into the lounge.

"Do you want anything to drink?" I asked.

He was fine with water and I got him a glance before settling opposite him.

"So you don't recognise me?" he asked.

"No, sorry, should I?" I asked.

He looked a little shocked and didn't say anything. The conversation moved towards me and what I liked to do. That started a fifteen conversation about hockey and how I liked him. I told him about my recent games. It was only stopped when we heard the door open and Mom came in.

She looked straight at me and Matthew and I could see the panic on her face.

"What are you doing here?" she asked.

I was about to answer when I realised that she wasn't talking to me.

"What do you think, Jane?" he asked.

"I don't want you to be here," Mom snapped.

I was so confused and I voiced it. Both adults in the room turned to face and Mom looked even more panicked then before.

"I'm here because I have been trying to see for years. I'm your Father.


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The Wise One

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