Chapter 44

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Luke's POV

Brynn and I arranged to meet at my place since no one was going to home until later when Mom came around for our conversation after dinner. I had been up for a couple of hours already and been for a run just to burn the time.

I heard someone knock on the door and I wasn't surprised to open it and see Brynn. She had a slight smile on her face and I let her in. We settled at the table and she didn't bother waiting around.

"How come you wanted to talk?" she asked.

I told her about Cameron and the Firebirds and that I was going to go and play for them.

"Where are they based?" she asked.

"Michigan," I admitted.

"How far away would you be?" she asked.

"About five hours."

She leant back, closed her eyes and sighed.

"I can't tell you not do it because that is just selfish. You have to go Luke. I'm not going to stop you."

"Thank you. What are we going to do then?"

"I don't know. Do you want to stay together?" she asked.

"We could try it for a few months and see what happens. I don't want to just let it go."

She nodded and we were both silent for a few minutes.

"What do you have to do before you go?" she asked

"I need to call Cameron and talk to him. I need to quit my job, say goodbye to the rec team, say goodbye to the Peewee team and probably some stuff about changing school. And then pack, say goodbye to everyone else and leave," I said.

"When do you think that you are going to leave?"

"Pretty soon, Cameron seemed to want me there as soon as I could."

We didn't talk about it anymore and she left not long after that. I didn't really know what to say to her because this was my dream, not her dream. I really liked her so I didn't want to let go and break up yet.

I didn't have much for the rest of the day until Mom got home. I don't know why she couldn't come home until late but I didn't question it. Instead I had time to kill and had to find something to do for a few hours.

I started clean up the apartment but that didn't take long because the apartment spent a lot of time empty. In the end I decided that the best of my time was to start packing up my stuff. I didn't have that much stuff from moving a lot but I knew that it would still take time.

I got slightly distracted throughout the day and probably could have got a bit further but it least I started. I had just given up when I heard the door to the apartment open. I glanced at the clock sitting on my bedside table and I hadn't realised that it had got that late.

I headed out of my room and found Mom standing, slightly awkwardly, in the kitchen.

"I wasn't sure if you were home," she said.

I didn't say anything and moved around her so that I could heat up leftovers. We didn't talk much as I heated up dinner except when she told me that she had already had dinner.

"How come you wanted to talk?" I asked her since she was the one that originally texted me.

"I just didn't think that we left our conversation at a good point and I wanted to talk to you about it," she explained.

"There was something that I want to talk to you about too," I added.

"What it is?"

"There was a coach at one of my games and he wants me to play for the team."

"Who? Is it a different school team?"

"No, it's the Flint Firebirds. They are an OHL team in Michigan."

"What have you said to him?"

"I told him that I would think about it and I have. I'm going to say yes. I don't know what he is going to say but they will want me there soon."

"Luke Crosby, you are going to say yes to someone before you talk to your own Mother," she snapped.

"You haven't been here for me. I talked to the people in my life that have been there for me and they all told me to go for it."

"So you are just going to leave me?" she asked.

"Like you have left me? This is a step closer to making it to the NHL. It is my dream," I said.

"I'm not going to let you go. This is going to affect your studying and you might not even make the team and then you don't have anything left."

"You don't get to fucking say that to me. I am going to do this to me whether you like it or not," I snapped.

I was standing now and Mom stood up as well as but I still towered over her.

"I'm not going to change my mind. I'm going to call him now," I said and stepped out of the apartment.

I slowly walked down the stairs to calm myself before I called Cameron. He answered after a couple of rings and he must have realised who was calling him.

"Luke, it's good to hear from you. So what are you thinking?" he asked.

"I want to join the team," I said honestly.

"I was hoping that you would tell me that. I'm guessing you want to sort out a few details," he said.

"Yeah, there are a few different things that I need to sort out," I laughed.

He laughed as well and I settled down on the steps as we started to talk. Cameron was really good to talk to and he knew the questions that I needed answers to and we managed to pretty much sort everything out.

Now that it was really a reality and I was starting to get excited. I had actually written a list as we talked of things that I had to do and people I had to talk to so I didn't forget anything. Cameron promised to call in a couple of days to talk again.

I pocketed the list and continued to sit there for a second and I was really excited to head to Michigan.


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