Chapter 57

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Luke's POV

I was looking forward to our mid-season game in Erie because as promised Dylan and Justin were coming because luckily it was a Friday night game. Unfortunately Jamie and Alex couldn't come because they had work but I was still happy to see Justin and Dylan.

I had changed already and I was lacing up my skates again. It was mostly to try and calm my nerves and so that I was doing something. Erie were a good team this year and it would be good to have another win.

The game finally started and I made sure to look around to see my two friends in the crowd. I didn't bother to wave at them because it would be hard for them to see but it was nice to know that they were there.

We started well but couldn't seem to get a puck in the back of the net. Coach had a couple of things to tell us after the first period but it was mostly to keep doing the same thing. I sat in my stall and listened to everyone else talk.

We headed back onto the ice with more determination to score. At last I managed to get one past the net minder off a feed from Dan. That was the beginning because before the period ended we were up 4-0.

The game ended with us wining 6-0 and it was a really good game. The team was fine for Justin and Dylan to join us when we went out for food so they were going to meet us in a few minutes. The locker was loud and everyone was pleased with the win.

Coach had left when Justin and Dylan came in. They were both slightly shy since they didn't know the guys but Dan invited them in. I still wasn't completely changed and I pulled a shirt on before going over and greeting them.

"It's so good to see you," I said.

"You too, it was a good game as well," Dylan said.

I introduced them to the rest of the team as everyone got organised to get food. After playing a game we were all staving and needed food. Once it was known that we were going to get food everyone moved faster at the idea of food.

I made sure to walk with Dylan and Justin and talked to them about what they had been doing. I listened to Dylan talk about the rec team and Justin the school team as well as what they had been doing at school.

We had to move a few tables around to be able to get us to all fit but the waiters didn't seem to mind helping us. I took a seat towards one end and both my friends made sure to sit around me. We started a conversation with Noah and Ryan about hockey.

Both my friends seemed to be comfortable and the team was really good at including them so I could relax as well. I could listen to everyone tease everyone else until Dylan nudged me slightly.

"Your team seems really nice," he said softly.

"They are. I love them," I confirmed.

"You must spend a lot of time together," he added.

"I spend more time with these guys than anyone else. I'm not complaining though."

"Have you talked to Mitch much?"

Both Justin and Dylan knew that Mitch was my best friend on the team last year. He had made the Islanders' roster and he was playing well for them. We try and Skype at least once a week but that doesn't always happen but we text a lot.

"Quite a bit. He's going well in New York and they seem to like him there as well," I told him.

"Imagine, that could be you next year."

I looked at him and he smiled.

"You know that there is a real chance that that could be you," he repeated.

"You don't really think that?" I asked.

"Of course I do. Do you know that number of people that are talking about you and saying how many awards you could have won last year if you played the whole season?"

"I can't believe how much my life has changed."

He nodded and our conversation stopped because I heard someone calling my name across the table. I looked up to see that Adam was talking to me.

"I was just telling Justin here about our games of Poker that you always seem to win," he said.

I smiled as the rest of my teammates groaned. It was true. I always seemed to win and some of them were convinced that I was cheating in some way, which I wasn't.

"And I was thinking that they could come back to hotel and play with us," he continued.

We all thought that that was a good idea and we had finished eating so we headed out together. Our hotel wasn't that far away and we headed into the room that Ryan and Noah share. We found the cards and chips and started to play.

Once again I was wining when everyone decided to throw in the towel. The cards and chips were cleaned up but no one left yet. Justin and Dylan were staying in the same hotel but a couple of floors down. I had stretched out on the floor and was listening to everyone else.

Justin was resting against me as he had an argument with Adam and Jackson. I could feel myself drifting off to sleep until Dan started shaking me.

"I don't think that we want you falling asleep on the floor," he teased.

I groaned but I did stand up and found that a few of the guys had already left. We were playing on Sunday so we were travelling tomorrow and it wasn't a good idea to fall asleep on the floor.

"Hopefully we'll get to see you again soon," Justin said.

I nodded and hugged both of them.

"You should come to more of our games. You two are fun," Dan added.

They nodded and headed out because we were going to be leaving before them and probably wouldn't see them.

"It was so good to see you," Justin said as we headed the elevators.

I nodded and we agreed to talk as often as we could. They disappeared into the elevator and I headed into my own room. Jackson was my roommate and he hadn't come in so I had time to use the bathroom before him.

I had already curled up in bed when Jackson came in and sat down on his bed.

"Your friends are really nice," he said.

"Yeah, I love them," I said as I drifted off to sleep.


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The Wise One

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