Chapter 28

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Luke's POV

I followed Alex and Jamie inside Jamie's house. Alex headed straight into the kitchen and opened the fridge to look for something to eat.

"Does he always do this?" I stage whispered.

"He does, I try and tell him that he should start paying me for food," Jamie teased.

Alex poked his face out from behind the fridge door and flipped his middle finger at Jamie which only made Jamie laugh.

"What do I even have in there?" Jamie asked.

"Shit, absolute shit," Alex muttered.

Jamie moved around to look in the fridge as well and he looked disappointed with what was in the fridge as well.

"I think that I have macaroni cheese that we can make," Jamie said.

Alex nodded and they started to move around the kitchen. I stood on the other side and watched them and how comfortable they were around each other. We easily started a conversation about hockey as they made macaroni.

We ate it and it wasn't bad but it was packet macaroni cheese. We moved into the lounge and Jamie turned on a Penguins game where they were playing the Devils. I crossed my legs underneath me as I sat and watched the game.

Both of the people sitting with me were aggressively into the game and Alex was extremely loud but I didn't really mind that much. It kept me distracted because it was hard to think when the person beside you keeps yelling at the TV.

The game ended with the Penguins' winning 4-2. I felt my eyes closing and found them harder to keep them open.

"I have a spare room so you can sleep there," Jamie said.

I nodded and he directed me to it. I could hear Alex and Jamie still talking but all I wanted to do was crawl into bed and to forget about the last couple of days. I didn't even change because I was only wearing a tournament shirt and sweatpants so I lay on the bed and fell asleep in seconds.

I woke to the sound of my alarm and didn't hear anyone moving around yet. I had a spare pair of sweatpants and a different shirt in my hockey bag so I headed into the bathroom to shower. I didn't take a long shower, just long enough to wake me up more before I headed into the kitchen.

Alex was in there and he looked half awake and was sleepily making coffee. That was when I knew that there had to be something going on between him and Jamie because I slept in the only guest room last night and it didn't look like he slept on the couch.

"Morning," I said softly.

He jumped slightly before turning around and smiling at me.

"Morning," he echoed.

"What does Jamie have for breakfast?" I asked.

He started pointing at different things and I ended up grabbing a box of cereal. Alex and I both sat down and started talking about hockey. I was halfway through my bowl when Jamie stumbled in. He didn't look like he wanted to be awake yet and Alex handed him a cup of coffee without being asked.

"Morning," we all said and laughed at that.

"Where did you sleep last night?" I teased Alex.

Both he and Jamie blushed bright red and it made me laugh.

"I don't really care that much. You guys are good for each other," I smiled.

Jamie relaxed and moved so that he was standing closer to Alex. They started quietly talking and I was occupied by my phone so I wasn't really listening. Once I was finished and I had to move around the couple in the kitchen.

Alex had to leave before Jamie and I did and it felt the two of us in the kitchen together.

"You can stay here whenever you want," Jamie assured.

"Are you sure? I won't be annoying you and Alex?" I asked.

"We like you Luke and as long as you are fine with me and Alex," he said.

I nodded and helped Jamie finish cleaning up.

"I'll probably stay here for a couple of days. I don't really know," I said quietly.

"It doesn't matter that much. I'll see you around. You know where the spare key is," Jamie said.

I nodded and he wrapped me in a hug before he headed upstairs. I had to head out to school so I grabbed my stuff and headed to school. I was glad that I had my stuff for school and didn't have to head home in case Mom was there. I only had work after school so I would go by the apartment and get some stuff.

Brynn was waiting for me outside school and was talking to Justin. They both smiled when I approached and Brynn pulled me in a hug.

"Brynn told me about what happened. I'm so sorry," Justin started.

"I hope you don't mind," Brynn added.

"Of course not, I had forgotten that I hadn't told you," I said simply.

"Where did you stay last night?" Brynn asked as we headed inside.

"With Jamie and Alex. They are two of my rec teammates."

We didn't talk about it anymore and I was glad for that. School provided a good distraction because it meant that I was focused on doing something and I joined Brynn in the library at lunch again. She was working on homework and I knew that I should as well.

Instead I sat close to Brynn and rested my head on the table. She slowly ran her fingers through my hair as I drifted off to sleep. I didn't wake again until Brynn woke me at the end of lunch.

"Are you alright?" she asked.

"I will be."


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The Wise One

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