Chapter 49

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Luke's POV

My first OHL game was on Friday. I was starting to get nervous about the game and Mitch was sitting beside me to try and calm me down.

"You are a good player, you are going to be fine," he told me.

I nodded but I could still feel myself panicking a bit. It was in Flint so we didn't have to travel anywhere and I think that helped a bit. I sat in the locker room already for the game and everyone was sitting and talking a little bit before Coach said his last thing.

Coach finally said his final things and we all cheered before heading out in a line onto the ice. Mitch smiled at me as we skated onto the ice. I wasn't starting yet so I took my seat on the bench. I watched the game start in front of me. I found myself being able to follow the game in front of me.

I was still nervous when Coach sent me over the boards and onto the ice. I found my nerves disappear as I found that I could keep up with the game. Not only that I managed to get my first goal mid-way through the 2nd period.

I knew that I had a really bright smile on my face when the horned sounded and I got swamped by the guys on the ice. I found myself fitting into the team and the 5-2 win helped. The locker room was loud afterwards and I found myself getting congratulated by everyone.

Coach came in and congratulated everyone and told us to continue building on this since we have another game tomorrow. I slowly showered and changed and saw that I had a couple of messages.

Mom hadn't called or texted since our conversation on Monday and I was pleased because I really didn't want to hear from her for a while. Jamie, Dylan and Justin all assured me that they had watched the game and thought that I had done really well.

Alex had sent me a whole bunch of random emoji's but I think that it meant that he had watched the game as well. I still hadn't heard from Brynn and I was starting to really doubt that she wanted to continue our relationship.

I had left a voicemail yesterday but she was yet to text or call and I was starting to think that I was really going to have to do something dramatic. I pushed it out of my mind because that could be tomorrow's problem instead.

"Crosby, we are going out for food. Do you want to come?" Dan yelled from across the room.

I looked up and nodded so we left not long later. I was just about to pocket my phone when another message came in. It took me a moment to remember that it was from my Dad. I had completely forgotten that I had given him my number.

I heard that you are in the OHL now. Congrats on the game and I hope that you do well.

It was simple but it was all that I needed. I sent a quick response back because he didn't ask me why I didn't tell him or that I was making a mistake like Mom had. I didn't know much about him yet but I was fine with where we are at the moment.

I was so stuck in my own thought that I didn't notice that Mitch had come up behind me and I jumped when he grabbed my shoulder.

"We are going now. Are you alright? You look out of it," he asked.

"Just got a lot on my mind. I'm alright though," I said.

He looked at me and I nodded again. He seemed to accept this and we headed out together. I hadn't even known Mitch a week but I knew just how good he was as a captain. He really knew how to talk to all the guys and he was really good at it.

Everyone was hungry so we headed out for food to some place that was nearby. We were walking as a big group and everyone was talking about the game. The restaurant clearly recognised us and they already had a bunch of tables together for us.

"Good game tonight," one of the waiters said and we all smiled.

I took a seat at one end and found myself squashed by Noah and Ryan sitting opposite me.

"How are you finding the team?" Ryan asked.

"You guys have all been so good to me. You are a really good team," I said.

They both smiled at that. They were the two that I was closest to. There was a group of seven of us and they were the only other Juniors so we had a lot of classes together so we become close. I liked both of them and they were good friends.

They had begun to know more about my life from Pittsburgh and even a bit before that. There were some things that I didn't want to share but I seemed to trust them. It was clear that they were already really close and I felt pleased that they had welcomed me.

We all turned towards the middle of the table where Adam and Jackson had started arguing about something. I could see that it was playful though and I liked that about the team. Everyone seemed to gel well.

I could quickly feel myself tire. The game had been tough and it was getting late. We had finished eating ages ago but the owner of the restaurant didn't really care that we hadn't left yet. People started leaving to go home and the group got smaller and smaller.

I rested my head on the table and realised that I should head home. I liked where Richard and Belinda lived because it was pretty much close enough for me to walk everywhere. I decided that it was my time to leave and I said goodbye to everyone.

I slowly walked home because it gave me time to think. Because of the way that I had grown up I often preferred the silence which you never get with a hockey team. I liked to have time to think to myself and being mostly reliant on myself.

Once I got home I headed into the kitchen and joined Richard and Belinda. Belinda was moving around the kitchen, making biscuits by the look of it, as they both talked.

"You had a good game. We were there," Richard said.

"Were you?" I asked, slightly surprised.

"Of course, we wouldn't miss it," Belinda smiled.

I smiled brightly because I was very surprised. I didn't really know what to say to that because I did appreciate them being there so I told them so.

"We like you Luke, of course we were going to be there," Richard said.

We talked for a bit before I decided that I really needed to go to bed. I said goodnight to both adults and headed into my room. I shut the door and pulled my phone out. I sat, cross-legged, on the bed and sat with my finger hovering over Brynn's contact.

I typed out four messages before I finally had something that I was happy with.

I miss you and I really want to talk to you. Call me when you can


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